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Posts posted by map1map

  1. There is no way they will be able to provide you with a new passport, in your new name, while you are here in US, on short notice, even if you would have the marriage certificate with the apostile. It usually takes 2-6 months for the passport only. I read plenty of others' experiences, where one of them changed their name after marriage, traveled to different parts of the world, and were able to return to US with the passport, the marriage certificate and the GC. No need to worry.

  2. Trebuie sa-mi inregistrez casatoria de aici in regsitrele romanesti.

    O sa imputernicesc pe mama mea sa faca asta pt mine.

    Imi puteti spune ce este acela un extras dupa certificatul de casatorie?Ca se accepta si acela apostilat,in loc sa trimit certificatul original apostilat.

    multumesc mult!

    Louisiana e in jurisdictia ambasadei din Washington DC, vezi ce informatii au pe site referitoare la inregistrarea casatoriei voastre, la Sectia consulara, vezi ca au un ghid explicativ, vad ca fac si traduceri autorizate, tot la ei o sa faci si scrisoarea de imputernicire pentru parintii tai, si cred ca pot sa faci si apostilarea tot prin ei:


  3. Hei si eu in louisiana...slidell..close to new orleans.Tocmai mi-am luat greed cardul

    De cat timp esti pe aici?Ai idee de vreo firma.web site...care angajeaza translatori...nativi Romanian...n-am certificare..dar ma gandesc ca nu-s prea multi romani pe aici oricum...

    ai idee despre asa ceva?

    E o nisa de piata foarte limitata, nu e bine sa te orientezi doar pe ea (asta cu traducerile).

    Fa-ti conturi pe monster, pe careerbuilder, pe efinancialcareers, si trimite zilnic CVuri. Chestia asta cu cautatul job-ului trebuie privita ca un job in sine. Trimite cel putin zece CVuri pe zi, la pozitii entry level, o sa se iveasca ceva. Si eu caut, trimit zilnic, am si un MBA facut aici, la o scoala foarte modesta, si fac si un program de certificare in analiza financiara. Trimit CVuri in fiecare zi, cel putin 5, si pana acum n-am primit decat reply-uri de la firme de asigurari, sa ma fac agent de asigurari si sa-mi dezvolt propria afacere, sau refuzuri. Nu ma intereseaza sectorul asta, asa ca insist pe ce vreau eu. Din zecile, sutele de joburi, doar unul e pentru mine, o gasesc eu si slujba asta.

    Gandeste pozitiv si persevereaza, o sa reusesti. Econmia da semne ca se redreseaza, fii inaintea curbei, trimite CVuri toata ziua!

  4. Does any know if one needs to belong to a State or have State ID before the Naturalization Interview? I applied Under 319(B) from overseas, I have never lived in the US.

    Hubby had state ID and driving license issued by a state other than the one in which he resided at the time he applied for citizenship. Has been required to obtain a state ID and/or DL in the state he is residing, before approval of its naturalization application (that was what the interviewing officer requested from him, at the naturalization interview).

    But if you accompany your spouse, and reside outside US, I guess you don't need.

  5. Anyway, you can request a replacement of the card given change of biographical data, with form I751. It says:

    If your biographic data has been legally changed:

    Submit a copy of the original court order or a certified copy of your marriage certificate reflecting the new name with your application. To replace a card because of a change of any other biographical data, you must submit copies of documentation to prove that the new data is correct.

    Check http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/men...00048f3d6a1RCRD

    It will cost you, but I think it will not affect your current status at all, other than postponing the date you could have become a citizen (given the dates you provided, you would have been eligible to apply for citizenship last summer, you would have been a citizen by now).

    Stop right there - you are giving the wrong info.

    The OP clearly stated that she has 10-year green card as she lifted conditions with her then husband in 2007. Why on earth would she be filing the I-751 (called Petition to Remove Conditions)???

    The OP needs to file for I-90 if she wants her name changed on the GC.

    My mistake, the link and the form I was referring to is I90, not I751.

  6. Anyway, you can request a replacement of the card given change of biographical data, with form I751. It says:

    If your biographic data has been legally changed:

    Submit a copy of the original court order or a certified copy of your marriage certificate reflecting the new name with your application. To replace a card because of a change of any other biographical data, you must submit copies of documentation to prove that the new data is correct.

    Check http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/men...00048f3d6a1RCRD

    It will cost you, but I think it will not affect your current status at all, other than postponing the date you could have become a citizen (given the dates you provided, you would have been eligible to apply for citizenship last summer, you would have been a citizen by now).

  7. Change of address can be accomplished online using Form AR-11, no need to go to the office. That is all you need to do. They do not need to know about your divorce, et al.... Citizenship eligible after 5 years .....

    If there was a name change requested through the divorce papers, then a new permanent card would have to be issued, under the new legal name, the one that the OP chose. That is why the SSA requires the OP to go to the local office and solve this, so that they would then issue the SS card/number under the new name, on the basis of a document issued by the government.

    How about changing some other type of ID document, with the new/after divorce name, a document that could serve as well at SSA? Like a state ID or driving license? I don't know if possible without a SS# in the new name...

  8. i am ashmaed to admit that i stalked the mailman today lol...he usually delivers our mail at around noon...i had to wait till 2pm today ...needless to say he did have my green card with him so it's allgood:) :thumbs: my letter came from Lee's Summit,MO tho...not from Corbin...hm. anyways...won't have to deal with USCIS anymore until Nov of this year when we move....I hope the address change will not be a big deal.

    Told you! :star:

  9. Probably everyone that got a second card production email will get their card about a week later. I really hope so, cause waiting is not fun at all.

    did you get a second card production email last week?

    Yes, I did. On June 12th card production ordered and on 16th, I485 approval notice, just like you, cause I too have had the I485 approval notice since May 6th:) I guess Monday or so you'll get the card (Monday cause USPS is not working on Sundays:))

  10. We did not send pictures with the AOS application, and the officer had his mind set up on our file before we went in. Had about 300 lined up for interview, silly or serious, or formal or casual, and the officer (a statistic geek - he told us so) skipped a laugh at silly pictures of us petting the bronze dog of President Roosevelt at the memorial in DC, or standing in line at the soup kitchen at the same memorial, or perspective showing how tall the Washington memorial is. Hubby thought initially that we somehow were demeaning the significance of the monuments, but the officer found it to be funny.

    So, "silly" pictures in a roller coaster must be really funny, I would send those (though not required at AOS stage, as other said before me). They should just make a note on the back of photos showing when/where were the pictures taken and who are those appearing in the photos, if others than the applicant and her hubby.

  11. I just returned from local USCIS office after getting I-551 stamp on passport. The temporary evidence is valid for one year. I guess we are set for an year now... with or without card.

    did you take your spouse with you or did you go alone?

    You don;t have to go in with the USC spouse. It has nothing to do with him/her. Have your I485 approval letter/welcoming letter and your passport, maybe another type of US government ID (if you have a state ID or driving license, or you got an EAD).

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