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Posts posted by Amoon

  1. Thanks everyone ... Beth I facebooked you.... I miss you all so much ladies and germs ... I really wish I had more time like before to sit and talk to you all in depth. I have never been so confused in all my life. Sad and happy at the same time its crazy ...


    Courtney...I was going through the same feelings right before Raad's interview...it's ok! Don't stress too much and make yourself sick over it! Hang in there...it will be over soon and everything will be just fine! Call me if you need me!

  2. Morning Jeanne! I love the picture...that is how I feel every morning when I get to work :whistle:

    Morning MENA! TGIF!!

    I am working through lunch today and leaving at 3:00 to go take middle school basketball team photos and then having dinner with my honey and my little girl. Who knows, maybe we will take in a movie as well...as for the rest of the weekend, no big plans.

  3. And guys on watchlists can get here with plastic explosives in their underwear and some of the husbands with no problems wait 13 months in AP

    Some things just seem very silly..

    Oh well... Maybe it makes sense on some planet...just not on this one

    You are so completely right!!!! I totally agree...makes not sense at all!!!!

  4. Hello MENA, I hope everyone has a great day.

    This is a good book to start. It will help you with the alphabet and connecting the letters. It will also help you with pronunciation of the letters. I studied Arabic in school and this was the very first book that we used.

    This series is standard Arabic and then it goes into the Egyptian dialect, but this first book can really help you. Sometimes, I see this book in Barnes and Noble or in Borders, so you can look through it.

    Learning the standard Arabic isn't such a bad idea. It helps you with understanding the news, reading...and other things.

    As you go along, your husband can teach you the Jordanian dialect and the words that he uses instead of the 'book words.'

    Good luck learning the language.

    Alif Baa with DVDs: Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds, Vol. 2

    by Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-Batal, Abbas Al-Tonsi


    Textbook Information

    ISBN-13: 9781589011021

    Edition Description: Second Edition

    Edition Number: 2

    Pub. Date: August 2004

    Publisher: Hopkins Fulfillment Services

    Reader Rating: (1 ratings)

    Awesome, thanks! I will try to find it. I really need to get to learning more!

  5. Good Morning Mena!

    If you want to learn classical I would recommend Rosetta Stone. I loved it when I purchased it to learn French. It basically tricks you into learning the language.

    If you want to learn a dialect I am a visual learner so I start with letters and pronunciation and then put words together even if I don't know what they're saying. Then I just like to learn a few words a day.. starting with verbs and how to conjugate them!

    Cool...Thanks for the tip! I speak Spanish and learned most of the basics in school and then learned the slang and better conversation skills by speaking with natives. A friend of mine gave me the Rosetta Stone and I have tried the Arabic, but sitting with my husband and going through it, he will say "oh no we say it like this" and then I don't want to learn it the non-common way. Oh well...I think I might try to find some flashcards or something. I have the alphabet & numbers posted up in my cube at work so I can at least glance at them a couple of times througout the day and I have an Arabic radio station on most of the work day so I can get used to the accent and hearing how they pronounce the words. I just really want to be able to have a conversation with my in-laws beyond hi, how are you, I'm fine, what are you doing...etc. :)

    My sister-in-law called me the other day and she was saying e-mail, computer hassa hassa (which means now)...she wanted me to be online to chat! She was so cute, she was trying so hard.

  6. Good Morning MENA!

    I hope everyone has a very good Friday Eve. :whistle:

    I have a photo session tomorrow afternoon for a middle school basketball team...first time I have done team photos so I am excited to do something new. I'm also excited that I get to use my new portable studio equipment that we got for Christmas! Only thing is...they are calling for possible snow tomorrow...I hope we don't get snowed out!

    Take care everyone and have a great day.


  7. Hi ya MENA!

    Amanda~ he should have ticket in hand tommorrow and then I will have a better idea when my husband will come back to America. Yea I am over the moon excited and can think of nothing else. In fact, holding my breath til he calls with a date.

    I'm expecting 5- 8 inches of snow tomorrow! Be careful out there Kelz :) (GO Blackhawks! )

    Jackie (F)

    OMG Jackie that is awesome news!!! That is seriously exciting!!! I am so happy for you & it's about time!!! I pray for his safe trip here and a smooth POE! Let us know! :thumbs::dance:

  8. Good Morning everyone! I swear I couldn't find another thread for today, so I hope I am not making one if one has already been started!

    I hope everyone has a great day.

    Tamara, you still have me laughing about Tamer being your 2nd husband...hahaha.

    Tasha are you feeling any better?

    Sandrila it was good to see you posting yesterday. :)

    Jax...any word on when Ibrahim will be headed this way?

    Charles, Maureen, Jeanne, me 4 musa, Courtney, Lisa, Terrie, Staashi and all the rest of the gang...how are you?

  9. Hey Aya! Hope all is well!

    Tasha, glad your feeling alittle better. Sorry to hear you had strep (F)

    Amanda good afternoon to you! Havent seen you around much lately.

    Adam is taking me to OliveGarden for dinner. Yay!

    Hey Tamara...good afternoon to youtoo! I've kind of been on stealth/vacation mode...keeping on the low for a bit. :) I hope you have fun at Olive Garden...I love that place!

  10. Can't believe it... had to check the forum about 50 times... but I'm starting the thread!

    Good Morning Mena!

    Morning MENA! I was actually going to start this thread at like 7:00 this morning, but it seems like everytime I start a daily thread someone else has already started it and I missed it! :)

    I hope everyone has a good day.


  11. Thank you again ... everyone..... I updated my timeline this morning.... :)

    Shukran, I will tell him to email or call if he has any questions he is so busy tring to finish this semester of school work I dont think he has had much time.

    I AM GOING TO THE INTERVIEW .... heck yes.... I have already requested the time off from work I wont be staying for a week this time but at least 3 days .... I am determined to make it to egypt this trip to meet the other half of the family...

    alright ttyl peeps :thumbs:

    Dang! I wish I could afford to fly over for just 3 days!!! Raad and I want to go back to Jordan maybe in November and take my daughter with me...for the three of us it is looking like it will be close to $4000 to fly us all there. :( I want to take a side trip to Egypt next time we go too since it is so close. Good luck and let me know if you need anything!

  12. Awesome raina!

    Happy New Year to everyone and I hope its wonderful and safe. If you are still awaiting your loved one, go enjoy it with friends and family and imagine how nice it will be when you can be together next year. :) Either way enjoy!!


    This day last year we finally got our NOA2!! Its our VSC anniversary :lol:

    Happy VSC anniversary Lisa!! :) Let's see...this time last year we were still awaiting NOA2 and I was so sad and bummed not to spend the new year with my hubby. But this year will be much happier! I hope everyone has a wonderful new year and that it brings many approvals & reunions!

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