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Posts posted by Naz&Omi

  1. Naz & Omi - Congrats on getting the visa - All the best 2 U

    Please keep me in ur prayers. Thanks

    Omark - have u reach home bro?

    Thanks so much Feisal!! He's here now :) Said POE went very smoothly, and we'll be getting married on Monday! :D So excited, and it's just like a dream, every moment :) Wishing you and Hopeful ALL the best!!!! (and everyone else new to this forum!)

    Omark! Lemme know what's up bro! Hope all is well and POE wasn't too bad for you!

  2. Feisal and Hopeful786 you guys are next IA.I pray for everyone in this forum and insha allah all you guys will come thru this process soon.Keep calling DOS & ISL for updates.

    Naz&Omi : Whats the update? got the passport yet? Wheres marm she is gone as gadahy kay sur say seengh lol ..kidding.

    HE GOT IT ON SUNDAY!!!! :D :D :D Sorry, been away from a computer (traveling again), but YES!!! He got it from the Kabul Embassy on Sunday, and he'll be flying on December 1st! WOW! :D Wedding set for December 12th now! :D OH my gosh, I'm so excited!

    Anyone else heard anything?!

  3. I have a question, i received an instruction sheet with the visa packet and it says i will have to bring x-rays with me to the POE.Thats sux cuz it wont fit in my laptop bag and you cant carry it in check-in luggage....i read somewhere on VJ its not required to take your x-rays to poe for k visas any idea?

    I don't think it's a requirement.. just advised, 'cause you might want to give them to your physician in the states. I looked up a couple of threads, and looks like no one has been asked SHOW their x-rays and the people that tried, no one was interested in taking them. It's just a convenience thing. And they are x-rays.. haha.. you can always get them taken again by ANY doctor in the US.. how big ARE they? you could just mail them to your fiance in Cali, but that's probably expensive.. x-rays are usually given by doctors as a convenience, 'cause it's not a diagnosis or anything, and doesn't hold any conclusive medical information by itself.. :) you'll be fine if you don't keep them.

    threads I read:

    1. http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=232769

    2. http://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?t=5254

    3. http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=640643

    Good luck! when are you flying?

    Naz & Omi - Did u get your visa - I have been out of touch lately

    not yet, probably middle of next week :) it takes about 10 days for mail to get from Islamabad to Kabul.. bleh.. must just put the package on a camel and point it in the right direction, hope it gets there... ;) what about you, any news?

  4. Good Morning ......rise and shine :) thanx feisal update my info as well please. AP was till Oct 30th so 109 days. It took 2 weeks to get my passport back after getting the call ( finding out from DOS rather).

    Yep, DOS finally came through one time for me also :) Called them today and they said the embassy mailed the passport to my fiance today! :) He should get it back next week, then he'll stay for Eid and be here by December 1st!!! AHH!! Congrats again, Omi ;) lol.. and don't forget the little guys! it's amazing to see a whole new crowd of APers movin' in to take our places. Hang in their guys!!

  5. I have been to southern cali LA and Santa Monica but somehow i never really liked it there i am a east coast(NY) guy :) yes i will be in Santa Barbara for atleast a year since my fiancee is attending UCSB and working there.I will be commuting from SB to LA everyday since i have this gig lined up in LA i know its gonna be a pain but hey what a man gotta do what a man gotta do ( i said that in indian accent) lol ... as i am cooool and HIP...kidding :).Wheres Feisal he is missing all the action.

    haha.. oh, I'm dumb... for some reason, I was thinking San Francisco (that's why I said about 10 hour drive) but yea.. SanTA BARBARA **cough** is only about 2 1/2 hours from San Diego :-P and woah, that IS gonna be a pain!! but i guess if you're COOL and HIP then it's just a part of life, eh? and yea, I'm from East Coast also :D but down South, I didn't care for New York when I went (SO busy for a small town girl!) but yea, where IS Feisal?? hahaha

    alright, goodnight ALL for real this time!

  6. Mumtaz : PIA will be best for you since its a shorter route.Also check out emirates they good too ticket to LAX(online) is $1095.I will get my ticket on monday and will let you know.Wat visas are you talking about? You dont need any visas for connecting flights since you just be inside the airport.

    Naz&Omi : Yes Insha Allah omar will get his passport by friday.So did you find any flights yet? How far is san diego from santa barbara? ... is it too hot during summer up there? bursh fire and all?

    i'm too excited to look at flights :-P haha.. if that makes sense? but yea :) I actually JUST moved from San Diego to Colorado (2 states away), but San Diego was about 10 or so hours (driving) from Santa Barbara. My sister used to live in Santa Barbara, and it's BEAUtiful! Is that where you're going to be? I actually just got out of the US Navy (military) yesterday! haha.. and so I prove 20 hours to Colorado yesterday too! **sigh** so tired! time to go to bed, but wow, you got 1 more day!

  7. Update : I called ISL today on Friday the 13th :) . They have already sent my passport and the visa packet today,I will pick it up as soon as AMEX calls either tomorrow (Sat) or Monday IA.

    WOOHOOOOOOOO!!! YEA!! SO exciting!!! I hope you get it back tomorrow :) When will you fly now? I had just read your update that you hadn't heard anything, and now this :) Awesome! See! Everything always happens right when you think it won't ever happen! :D **concentrating on never getting our passport back in the mail** haha Mubarakkkk and no more yo-yo wedding dates, huh? :D When's it gonna be?

    and yea, Russell Peters rocks! (Hey baybeeeeeeeeeee! Look at us, aren't we Coool? Aren't we just sooooo ... HIP?) lol

    Hopeful! it IS a good friday! and Happy Almost Birthday! :D:) you're almost there!!!

    I am already flying my body is in pakiland but up here (knocking on my head) i am already gone lol.And you are right things happen when u r least expecting em.Well now plan is back on :) i gotta get a flight by next wkend.....lol@Coo&HIP ...oh and call from the AMEX just blasted my mind lol.Hope everyone else get the same good news asap....

    lol @ mind BLASTing! hahaha, GREAT news!! we're hoping to have my Omar pick his up a the Kabul Embassy by Friday! (wowowowow! soooooo excited!)

  8. Update : I called ISL today on Friday the 13th :) . They have already sent my passport and the visa packet today,I will pick it up as soon as AMEX calls either tomorrow (Sat) or Monday IA.

    WOOHOOOOOOOO!!! YEA!! SO exciting!!! I hope you get it back tomorrow :) When will you fly now? I had just read your update that you hadn't heard anything, and now this :) Awesome! See! Everything always happens right when you think it won't ever happen! :D **concentrating on never getting our passport back in the mail** haha Mubarakkkk and no more yo-yo wedding dates, huh? :D When's it gonna be?

    and yea, Russell Peters rocks! (Hey baybeeeeeeeeeee! Look at us, aren't we Coool? Aren't we just sooooo ... HIP?) lol

    Hopeful! it IS a good friday! and Happy Almost Birthday! :D:) you're almost there!!!

  9. Omark, any updates? We got an email on Monday (the 9th) that my fiance will receive his passport within 2 weeks from the Kabul Embassy! :) It's gotta get mailed back to the US Embassy in Kabul from ISL, so I figured YOU should be getting yours this week! Let me know! And yea, wedding date twins, aren't we?? :D Did you end up finding a ticket? Man.. I can't wait until the fat lady sings after we get through POE!

    Hopeful any updates? InshAllah everyone hears SOMEthing soon! I've given up calling DOS completely! haha... I'll let you know what we find out next week!

  10. Yes thats what i will do .....I also checked out emirates and its 1000 bux 18 hrs flight duration.....but cathay sounds ok as well i have never flown thru that route........ i hate long flights but i m so used to now to wait after the AP, if i can wait 109 days 25 hrs are nothing :) ... thanx again.

    Omark, when I was looking for flights to LAX for my Omar, I wanted him to fly west coast so I could meet him in POE (I live in San Diego, CA). I went to expedia.com and found multiple tickets from Dubai to LAX through Air China" for only $600. I don't know how much it would cost you to get to Dubai (I'm sure around $200-$300), but just so you know, it's not impossible to get a good deal that way! :) BEST of luck!! We're right behind you and Feisal's right behind us!

  11. Marm : Its best if you call them along with e-mailing them here is the info. I dont think it should be an issue in transfering, as a matter of fact embassy in London should automatically transfer it to where ever the applicant resides.


    051-208-2700 ( 12:30 pm - 3:30pm pst )

    Tara : Green letter i received from the CO says to contact them for any updates.But i still called DOS at first instead of calling ISL and they told me to contact the embassy they both always had the same info about my case.In my opinion calling the embassy is better since it is also instructed by CO.

    Omark, I have gotten to the point where I would NEVER recommend calling DOS. Always contact the embassy!! They answer quickly and truthfully! The day that my Omar got the call asking him to submit his passport for the visa, I called DOS and they said "still pending". On the day that we got an email from the embassy saying they'd recieved my fiance's passport in the mail and he was now under final reivew, I called DOS and "still pending". I would not call them again if my life depended on it. :-P I hope this final review doesn't take very long now, have you heard any word yet? I wish my fiance was in Pakistan so he could just pick up the visa instead of having to wait for them to send it back to him!! **AHH!!** :D

    God bless everyone here who's still waiting, and praise God for those in this Forum who know what they are talking about and can help people with their worrying! :)

    Feisal, have you heard anything yet?

  12. Omar... my next step will be to research the DOS lol... I'm going to call DOS today since I'm coming homee earlyy from school yeahhhhhhhh!

    That will be great hope if u could find some answers.I just called dos and the lady said " Have lil bit more patience case is still pending at the embassy not at dos" its like if i have a choice ...neways i m just gonna wait and call isl next week.

    Naz&Omi : Keep us posted and congratulations again ...... are we invited to the wedding? :)

    Ughh, I could punch ALL of those ladies at DOS!!! haha.. well, except Jess and Sarah :-P but of COURSE you're all invited to the wedding! :D it's set for November 28th in South Carolina (where I'm originally from).. man, Omar is going to get a shock in the South!

    But yea, I fulled expected you and STILL expect you to hear something soon Omark! We are calling today to find out if ISL Embassy has gotten my fiance's passport yet, and are expecting him to get his passport with visa back by the time I get out of the military (two weeks from now!!) Ahhh!! I'm sort of flipping out a little bit, happy and nervous at the same time, I already bought our tickets to fly home to South Carolina on the weekend before Thanksgiving (22nd), sooooo.. :) Now it's just down to the waiting again...

    **sigh** keep me updated and you also Hopeful!

  13. Hopeful786 : Those are uscis timeline for the name check, i wonder if DOS also has something similar since AP is done by them.I assume they send requests (name check) to FBI as well if they do then it probably takes approximately 90 Business days to get the results,no wonder thats how long it takes for ap but again some ppl get out of AP in less time ........i am so lost :unsure:

    I couldnt get thru DOS yesterday all the visa specialists were busy.I guess everybody calls on wed afternoon EST.Whens the day light saving time switchover in states?

    Bankermai : Hope you dont fall in APs black hole .....good luck for the interview.

    I hope everyone gets thru this never ending process soon ........ before 2012 :blink:

    hi everyone! i've been traveling all over the US trying to plan a wedding with NO definite date! (fun.....) :D I'm really excited, but also, it's been one week since my fiance sent the passport through the Kabul Embassy to the ISL Embassy (he's Afghan, so that's how they do it), and we emailed the embassy on monday and they said to call back in a week, so we'll be checking back on this coming monday and hopefully it will be printed by then and on it's way back to Kabul! (uffffffffffff... mail is SO slow)

    Omark, Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 1 at 2 a.m., and I am sure you will hear something soon!! And I will let everyone know what happens next week when we call! I'm finally back home in San Diego and trying to be patient for the end of this horrible process! hope everyone is staying positive still and hang in there! it WILL end! (at least that's what I keep telling myself) :)

    goodnight! (and goodmorning) :)

  14. DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D My Omar got his call this morning from the embassy telling us to submit his visa!!!! AHHH!!! I'm flipping out!!! Does anybody know if he should submit anything with his passport??? THANKS!!!! AHHH!!!

    Omark, you already submitted your passport at the interview, so I bet it'll be done and ready to pick up next week! I am SO excited for you!!! :D :D

    We needed to hear this good news :yes:

    Congratulations, Mubarak!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

    InshaAllah this is the beginning of lots of good news to come from this thread now!


    **And yes! I am shouting! :D :D :D Yay!!!**

    Oh wow naz&omi thats a wonderful news Congratulaions Tabrik migoyam!!!!!!

    I think i should call DOS and see what they up 2.

    OH man.. Omarak, I would advise you to hang up if you don't get Sarah or Jessica on the phone (i think there' one more nice lady, but don't remember her name), 'cause I called EVERY day, and I got this WRETCHED lady EVERY time, and she told me STILL PENDING every time and was always rude! I don't trust DOS to be able to tell me ANYthing! I bet if I called back tomorrow that woman would say "still pending", and I would like to call her out on it! DOS is a joke! Hang in there! It'll all be over soon! :) InshAllah!

  15. DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D My Omar got his call this morning from the embassy telling us to submit his visa!!!! AHHH!!! I'm flipping out!!! Does anybody know if he should submit anything with his passport??? THANKS!!!! AHHH!!!

    Omark, you already submitted your passport at the interview, so I bet it'll be done and ready to pick up next week! I am SO excited for you!!! :D :D

    We needed to hear this good news :yes:

    Congratulations, Mubarak!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

    InshaAllah this is the beginning of lots of good news to come from this thread now!


    **And yes! I am shouting! :D :D :D Yay!!!**

  16. Congratulations Riz! Mubarak ......So we got one good news we need more :)

    DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D My Omar got his call this morning from the embassy telling us to submit his visa!!!! AHHH!!! I'm flipping out!!! Does anybody know if he should submit anything with his passport??? THANKS!!!! AHHH!!!

    Omark, you already submitted your passport at the interview, so I bet it'll be done and ready to pick up next week! I am SO excited for you!!! :D :D

  17. I just checked your timeline its very organized and detailed which is helpful for other members.Reason i asked about the phone call is maybe my fiancee would get a call as well cuz i cant think of any other reason for this delay.Maybe they wanna call and interview her? i cant think of anything which can cause the delay(3 months) .......its a k-1 for god sake :) we have a long way to go.

    Exactly, we K-1 people have a long way to go. If I had known of a chance that my fiance would be put on AR to do investigation on the eligibility of his K-1 visa, we would have gotten married and filed the CR-1. It would not have eliminated the routine AP process for Pakistani citizens, but at least we wouldn't have been stuck in AR for so long while they were investigating his case. At the time of your interview, did the CO clearly tell you that you were approved but being put in AP? InshaAllah your wait will be over very soon, we are praying for everyone here as well as ourselves :yes:

    Yes marm CO said congratulations u r approved he never used the word AP.He said we need to do some office work and you will get ur passport soon, he wrote 1-3 months on the green letter and said dont worry it wont take that long.(yea rite) ..... anyhow what can one do but to wait.

    yea, that's exactly what they told my fiancé.. Congrats, approved, AP 1-3 months, don't worry won't take that long.. And here we are, Monday will be our 3 months of AP mark.. Bleh.. I really hope it IS any day now!! Didn't Ali get his call after 3 1/2 months exactly?? That name's even more common than Omar.. :| we should both be really close, but I'm counting on you getting the call this week :) :)

  18. Well,, My parents got the visa in hand today, they are leaving tomorow morning InshaAllah for chicago. Everyything came in kind of on a short notice, but i was expecting it like that and telling my parents to be ready. I havnt seen them in almost 5 years, so its been a long time now. They are finally coming to their kids where they belong. Any how, i will InshaAllah pick them up tomorow, and update on how things went.

    Feisal, Omar, Marm, Naz&Omi, Hopeful786 and everybody else, i am praying for you all, InshaAllah it will be over soon, But realy once more, if you guys get a chance read Surat Muzzammil, like i had said in my previous post, it works. it has worked for me on 2 different occasions, like a miracle. :)

    Congratulations Zee!!! Wow.. I can't even imagine how good you must feel :) Thank you for the prayers, and I'm sure everyone is SUPER happy for you!!

    Omar, we're next, I'm sure of it! haha.. I'm hangin' on your every post! It feels like it's getting so close, doesn't it?? Every day I'm expecting to hear something :) But UFFFFF, it's the weekend again, everybody!!! Bleh!

    Hope everyone has a good one, I'll be praying like nonstop until this craziness is over!

  19. i just got a phone call from the ISL embassy asking to submit the passport at AMEX cuz my husband's visa is ready....Alhamdollilah!!!!!!! i still can't believe that its done n over with!! luckily it took us about a month and 15 days!!!!!!!

    Fesial - wats the status on urs?

    Congratulations Mzj! I called DOS again and this time i got sarah on the fone.She told me my passport is at non-immigrant visa unit and thats where they issue K-1s.She said i will get a call very soon she was very polite and helpful.....hope she is right.

    We were told the same thing a week or so ago, that my fiance's case is in the non-immigrant unit now where they issue the K-1s. InshaAllah you and my fiance will receive their K-1 visas this week!

    Awww, we were right after Omar, so I hope we hear something good soon!!!! You know... the first time I called DOS more than a month ago, Jessica told me that my case had been moved to the K-1 unit the DAY after my fiance's interview..... she said that when the embassy did that, it usually meant it was final review, but since then, no word but "still pending AP".. so I don't know.. InshAllah we are next too!!! Good luck everyone! The closer it gets, the harder it gets!! **AHH** :)

  20. Thanks Feisal, I had Applied for my parents Immigration, I believe it is the same category as CR1

    Interview date -Aug 21st 2009 (Father was put on AP)

    Call from Embassy to submit passport- Sept 18th

    Submit passport Sep 19th

    Still waiting to get the passort back.

    We were so hasty and already booked the tickets for them for October 4th, and we still havnt recieved the passports :(

    Aww... Good luck! you should call the AMEX and see if it's just there waiting (that's been the case EVERY time the embassy was supposed to send us something). If so, just go pick it up and have a safe flight :) I really hope that's the case!!

    Their number is on the US Embassy Islamabad website!


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