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Posts posted by Mehmet.Turkey

  1. I received my card in mail today :thumbs: . My wife sent me a text saying i have something in mail from immigration. I was somewhat shock because i change my address on 04/21. And i received confirmation in the mail in regarding about my address change. As some of you know my case from the beginning, she want me to meet her with her sister to give me the mail i did not know what kind of mail was it. I said ok i ll meet you at near police station parking lot. Because i found out that she filed a complaint against me at a police station saying i was harnessing her. I never called her or bother her in fact she is the one who keep calling about divorce and wants to know if i filed yet. But i never answer or replied her text. So i knew she was up to something. She is trying to get me in some kind of trouble. So she said she cant meet me at police staion's parking lot. And i asked ok leave it in apartments outgoing mail i ll come pick it up after work. She said no. And ok then put in the mail for me where i live now. She said no. Then i said what heck do you want. She says i want you say please. I said after what you have done i m gonna say please. I said i m coming with police to get my mail. She says police is not gonna waste their for this. I said we ll see about that when they knock on your door. So i went to police station and explained how she is not giving my mail and keeping them. So one of the officer came with me because i told them she is trying to get me in legal trouble by lies. After 15 min she sends me text " your mail is in the box" while we were driving to apartment. What a nightmare today. Then i open the mail there it was my green card.

  2. yeahhhh i finally received the approval email today, Currently i hired a lawyer working on my divorce case.


    Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

    On July 11, 2011, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

  3. You would be suprised at the number of people that don't qualify that enter , pay the visa fee and get told they don't get a visa. While at the conulate in Lagos Nigeria you see 3-4 a day.

    I rally didnt know that many people would not get qualified for the visa, I mean why they would not. Are they lying on the application, about education, criminal background?

  4. The DV issues 50000 visas a year. So numbers over 50000 are being consumed by those numbers where the lower winner fails to revieve a visa. They draw 100000 numbers ( twice the number ) to help make sure that they have enough people in line. When they hit 50000 visas issued they shut the doors and everyone else is closed ( hence all numbers to 100000 are suddenly done. ) So a number of 89000 or more will only get a visa if 39000 people before them don't qualify for a visa.

    Wooow 39000 is alot of people :( maybe she will get it in september

  5. hi mehmet, thanks for the reply. i just read your Feb Filers posting. im so sorry about what happened. have you been able to reconcile with your wife in this last month??

    here is my question for you. did you tell USCIS about the problem with your marriage when you submitted the papers? or did your spouse call them to report it? because id like to know if you having to go in for an interview had anything to do with that? or do you think you got called in for an interview because they randomly select people?


    we were randomly selected for the interview, and we were living together until the 4 days before the interview date. and my wife did not call USCIS to report anything neither I. my wife was physiologically crazy after she saw the interview letter, and i left the house because she start waking up in a middle of nite and starting fighting with me. yes she has been seen therapist about her craziness for the last year up to today.

    I dont know your circumstances, i hope you will get your card

  6. this is just a scenario....

    does anyone know, what happens if, i submit my i-751, received my NOA1, completed Bio.... and then during the waiting time of getting approved, my USC spouse leaves me? do i need to tell USCIS about this right away? or dont say anything and wait for the GC to be approved. or if i get called for an interview, i tell them what happened.

    has anyone been through this??

    just wondering....

    i think you need to read my post on April i am in the same situation you just describe. go to February filers and read my post

  7. Her chances of getting an interview are quite good. I say that because her number would have had an interview in 12 of the past 15 years. If she does get an interview, because her number is so high, it will probably be in September 2011, which means she should get an interview notification around August 2011.

    Thanks alot for the positive insight, Well we hope she gets the interview soon. She told me today that some people close to her case number start getting their interview already, her hope is high hopefully she will get it.

  8. I have a friend who is Algeria, she was selected for DV 2011. I think she has high number from africa region which is 895xx

    so which is 89 thousand. She send her documents to Kentucky back in july but havent heard anything yet. She is waiting for the second letter. What is the likely hood that she will get an interview in this situtation. Thanks for all replies

  9. ok thanks for your responses guys. I think i m gonna wait 5 years. we are not living together, so i cannot file under 3years marriage.

    As has been said, if you are still married and happily living together you are allowed to apply for US citizenship 90 days before the third anniversary of receiving your green card as long as you have also been married 3 years at the time you apply. You need to be still married and living together when you have the interview and when you have the oath ceremony. The process can take about 4 to 6 months.

    If you are separated and not living together, then you are not eligible to apply based on a 3 year marriage to a US citizen. You would need to wait until 90 days before the 5th anniversary of receiving your green card and you would apply on the basis of being a permanent resident for 5 years, and not based on your marriage.

    So, you have 3 years down and 2 to go. Your green card will be good for 10 years so you will at least get some good use out of it when it arrives. :)

  10. I have few questions, I had my I-751 interview on 4/19/11 and when we went together with my wife we told USCIS that we are going to divorce but not divorce yet since we were trying to work it out. Since interview. I still did not get my 10 year card, as USCIS interview said that they will get back to me in mail about their decision.( I think i am getting approved even USCIS saw that we were a legit couple at the interview) Now we are separated but did not file for divorce. I have no idea how can this effect me, if i want to apply for Citizenship which i can apply in December 1 2011(90 days before). Are they going to interview again both of us? Because we told USCIS that we are getting divorce does anyone know that they might give me problem.

  11. We're pulling for you!

    Just remember -- tell the full truth. Your wife put you in a really tough position. She was abusive and they can't really do anything to her if you don't press charges, so don't be afraid to share that tidbit. It is important. You would have stayed even after she was bad to you so this just shows how "good faith" you've been.


    Thanks for your all support, Well I received a letter from USCIS today and was so afraid to open since it didnt feel like there was plastic cart inside. I almost had a heart attack, but it was just a address change confirmation letter from them. Since I change my adress and moved

  12. I completed my biometrics today, and I talked to my attorney and told him our story what happened at the interview. According to him, it is very good that my wife came to interview with me. Also, he said I have a big chance of getting approved without have to refile I-751 again, because we were still married and the officer could tell by our story that we were really married but it is not working anymore. He said wait for 30 days what they are going to send you in the mail and call me after that.

  13. I completed my biometrics today, and I talked to my attorney and told him our story what happened at the interview. According to him, it is very good that my wife came to interview with me. Also, he said I have a big chance of getting approved without have to refile I-751 again, because we were still married and the officer could tell by our story that we were really married but it is not working anymore. He said wait for 30 days what they are going to send you in the mail and call me after that.

  14. Again, this is an uneducated guess but I don't think that the IO would have asked this question in that way if she had any doubt that your marriage was entered into in good faith. From a green card point of view, I suspect you'll be ok in the end...

    When you went downstairs for the passport stamp, what expiry date did they put on it? Until the date on your extension letter or something different?

    No I did not get a stamp or anything she was just telling me that i am not in trouble i can still travel by getting a stamp downstairs, she was just giving me general info since i asked am i being deported? what i can and cannot do?

  15. My interview yesterday, in Chicago

    My wife and I discussed what we are going to say about our situation. and decided to tell them the truth that its not working etc..

    So we arrive separated at the USCIS, we did not talk much in the waiting area, and waited about 20 mins to be called, finally African American lady called us, and showed her office. Before we sat down, we swear on oath, she started asking the questions for, what is your social. What is your date of birth? What is home phone number, (I said we do not have a home phone only cell phone and gave her my number). She asked where is my current address and I gave her our apartments address, I still had hopes even at the interview maybe my wife would change her mind and say we have problems but we love each other so we trying to get back together. She asked me what I do for a living. Did I finish my school? she started asking if I was ever arrested, deported, or any charges was filed against me I said no( these are the questions they asked at the interview as we all know)She turned and start asking the questions to her, what she doing for a living,( she is a teacher so they talked about kids and Chicago Public Schools). She asked her social, her birthday her phone number. Finally, she asked are you people still married, she said “Yes.” Are you still residing with your husband? She said “NO. We have been separated for the last three weeks trying to work things out but as of this weekend, we decided to get a divorce.” , interview officer's face changed a little bit in a shocked way, my wife started talking about why is not working such as, she said. “We have financial issues,” (I was laid of 4 months she end up paying the bills). She said, “We have cultural differences we don’t understand each other.” And, she said, “We have been fighting and arguing a lot recently that he always surprises me by not telling what is he doing.” Now I said in respond to this to the officer. “She is talking about our internet and plane tickets that I bought from our joint account without telling her. One day I came home and internet was cut off because of unpaid balance so I paid that night and they have to give me new account number old one was under her name she yelled and screamed at that I was trying to do things behind her back. ” Now the interviewer officer asked my wife, “Have you guys seen a counselor to work this marriage?” My wife said, “YES, we only went to marriage counselor once last year.”(Yes we went last year because she is been depression for a long time thinking it is me depressing her, rather than the real issue is that her mind.) I said in respond to this, “Yes we went only once and after that she did not want me to go with her.” Officer asked, “Why did not you go with your husband.” wife said, “It is an individual counselor not couples counselor, he can go himself.” At this moment, I became so emotional and start crying, I said to wife “Honey this is the moment there is no turning back after this.” Wife said, “No I don’t want it I want to get a divorce.” Officer asked my wife, “Don’t you think you can work this out because I can tell he loves you.” Wife said “NO” . And there was more sad and upset, and I start talking about the fighting how she has been hitting me like mad woman, and throwing chairs at me, even punching me out of the bed because she was mad at me. And I said I can’t handle anymore fighting, and beating.( Trust me guys I am not gay if I want to hit her back, I could many more things, I am just not violent person to a woman especially the one I love). Moreover, I told her we had two complaint letters from the apartment board about fighting noises at night. Right after I finish telling the officer these stories she turned back to wife and asked her in angry tone of voice, “ Mam are you abusing him?” before she answered the question I jumped and said “No she was not abusive we just had fights and she was very mad at me she was not abusive.” (I did not want to get her in trouble or be more pissed at me.) She answered “No I was not abusive we were just fighting a lot.” And I started asking the officer what kind of a trouble I am in and what is the process now. I asked “do I need to re-file I-751 again?” .Am I going to be deported or lose my job now? And I said I have biometrics appointment on April 22nd do I still need to go for” at this moment she looked at her computer and typed some stuff and said “Yes you still need to go for biometrics. She said” I thought you were done for fingerprints” She said, “No you are not in trouble, the process will take about a year before you can appear in the front of immigration judge, where he/she will look at your documents while living together and will decide if you guys were entered into marriage truly. You can still travel while this is pending all you need is go downstairs and get a stamp on your passport. And I will talk to my supervisor about this case and we will look at your documents to see if you guys were entered in bona-fide marriage, and I will get back to you in the mail.” And she asked my wife “where do you live now? At your apartment?” wife said “Yes” the officer said I need to contact your landlord to confirm you live there.and she said “ I saw in your evidences documents your landlord sent you an email in regarding about the lease that you too were in month-to-month lease and wanted have new lease” I answered “ Yes mam, we did not want to get into new agreement because we were in process of buying a house and there is also copy of our realtors name and address it is web based account that she give us a password to search houses. Account information showing both names as searching for houses for us” .I was still sad and crying turned my face back to her and said “ Mam “what is the point for all of these in the end we are getting divorce she says she hates me what is the point of me staying here anymore.” She said “if I wanted to give up my condition I can do so by filling out some forms”

    By what my wife and see and determined based on what she said after we left the building and talked for an hour, I think the officer will approve me or send me letter saying that I have court date or re-file I-751.

    So this is what happened, at the interview, now what might happen in this case any comments?

  16. My interview yesterday, in Chicago

    My wife and I discussed what we are going to say about our situation. and decided to tell them the truth that its not working etc..

    So we arrive separated at the USCIS, we did not talk much in the waiting area, and waited about 20 mins to be called, finally African American lady called us, and showed her office. Before we sat down, we swear on oath, she started asking the questions for, what is your social. What is your date of birth? What is home phone number, (I said we do not have a home phone only cell phone and gave her my number). She asked where is my current address and I gave her our apartments address, I still had hopes even at the interview maybe my wife would change her mind and say we have problems but we love each other so we trying to get back together. She asked me what I do for a living. Did I finish my school? she started asking if I was ever arrested, deported, or any charges was filed against me I said no( these are the questions they asked at the interview as we all know)She turned and start asking the questions to her, what she doing for a living,( she is a teacher so they talked about kids and Chicago Public Schools). She asked her social, her birthday her phone number. Finally, she asked are you people still married, she said “Yes.” Are you still residing with your husband? She said “NO. We have been separated for the last three weeks trying to work things out but as of this weekend, we decided to get a divorce.” , interview officer's face changed a little bit in a shocked way, my wife started talking about why is not working such as, she said. “We have financial issues,” (I was laid of 4 months she end up paying the bills). She said, “We have cultural differences we don’t understand each other.” And, she said, “We have been fighting and arguing a lot recently that he always surprises me by not telling what is he doing.” Now I said in respond to this to the officer. “She is talking about our internet and plane tickets that I bought from our joint account without telling her. One day I came home and internet was cut off because of unpaid balance so I paid that night and they have to give me new account number old one was under her name she yelled and screamed at that I was trying to do things behind her back. ” Now the interviewer officer asked my wife, “Have you guys seen a counselor to work this marriage?” My wife said, “YES, we only went to marriage counselor once last year.”(Yes we went last year because she is been depression for a long time thinking it is me depressing her, rather than the real issue is that her mind.) I said in respond to this, “Yes we went only once and after that she did not want me to go with her.” Officer asked, “Why did not you go with your husband.” wife said, “It is an individual counselor not couples counselor, he can go himself.” At this moment, I became so emotional and start crying, I said to wife “Honey this is the moment there is no turning back after this.” Wife said, “No I don’t want it I want to get a divorce.” Officer asked my wife, “Don’t you think you can work this out because I can tell he loves you.” Wife said “NO” . And there was more sad and upset, and I start talking about the fighting how she has been hitting me like mad woman, and throwing chairs at me, even punching me out of the bed because she was mad at me. And I said I can’t handle anymore fighting, and beating.( Trust me guys I am not gay if I want to hit her back, I could many more things, I am just not violent person to a woman especially the one I love). Moreover, I told her we had two complaint letters from the apartment board about fighting noises at night. Right after I finish telling the officer these stories she turned back to wife and asked her in angry tone of voice, “ Mam are you abusing him?” before she answered the question I jumped and said “No she was not abusive we just had fights and she was very mad at me she was not abusive.” (I did not want to get her in trouble or be more pissed at me.) She answered “No I was not abusive we were just fighting a lot.” And I started asking the officer what kind of a trouble I am in and what is the process now. I asked “do I need to re-file I-751 again?” .Am I going to be deported or lose my job now? And I said I have biometrics appointment on April 22nd do I still need to go for” at this moment she looked at her computer and typed some stuff and said “Yes you still need to go for biometrics. She said” I thought you were done for fingerprints” She said, “No you are not in trouble, the process will take about a year before you can appear in the front of immigration judge, where he/she will look at your documents while living together and will decide if you guys were entered into marriage truly. You can still travel while this is pending all you need is go downstairs and get a stamp on your passport. And I will talk to my supervisor about this case and we will look at your documents to see if you guys were entered in bona-fide marriage, and I will get back to you in the mail.” And she asked my wife “where do you live now? At your apartment?” wife said “Yes” the officer said I need to contact your landlord to confirm you live there.and she said “ I saw in your evidences documents your landlord sent you an email in regarding about the lease that you too were in month-to-month lease and wanted have new lease” I answered “ Yes mam, we did not want to get into new agreement because we were in process of buying a house and there is also copy of our realtors name and address it is web based account that she give us a password to search houses. Account information showing both names as searching for houses for us” .I was still sad and crying turned my face back to her and said “ Mam “what is the point for all of these in the end we are getting divorce she says she hates me what is the point of me staying here anymore.” She said “if I wanted to give up my condition I can do so by filling out some forms”

    By what my wife and see and determined based on what she said after we left the building and talked for an hour, I think the officer will approve me or send me letter saying that I have court date or re-file I-751.

    So this is what happened, at the interview, now what might happen in this case any comments?

  17. My interview yesterday, in Chicago

    My wife and I discussed what we are going to say about our situation. and decided to tell them the truth that its not working etc..

    So we arrive separated at the USCIS, we did not talk much in the waiting area, and waited about 20 mins to be called, finally African American lady called us, and showed her office. Before we sat down, we swear on oath, she started asking the questions for, what is your social. What is your date of birth? What is home phone number, (I said we do not have a home phone only cell phone and gave her my number). She asked where is my current address and I gave her our apartments address, I still had hopes even at the interview maybe my wife would change her mind and say we have problems but we love each other so we trying to get back together. She asked me what I do for a living. Did I finish my school? she started asking if I was ever arrested, deported, or any charges was filed against me I said no( these are the questions they asked at the interview as we all know)She turned and start asking the questions to her, what she doing for a living,( she is a teacher so they talked about kids and Chicago Public Schools). She asked her social, her birthday her phone number. Finally, she asked are you people still married, she said “Yes.” Are you still residing with your husband? She said “NO. We have been separated for the last three weeks trying to work things out but as of this weekend, we decided to get a divorce.” , interview officer's face changed a little bit in a shocked way, my wife started talking about why is not working such as, she said. “We have financial issues,” (I was laid of 4 months she end up paying the bills). She said, “We have cultural differences we don’t understand each other.” And, she said, “We have been fighting and arguing a lot recently that he always surprises me by not telling what is he doing.” Now I said in respond to this to the officer. “She is talking about our internet and plane tickets that I bought from our joint account without telling her. One day I came home and internet was cut off because of unpaid balance so I paid that night and they have to give me new account number old one was under her name she yelled and screamed at that I was trying to do things behind her back. ” Now the interviewer officer asked my wife, “Have you guys seen a counselor to work this marriage?” My wife said, “YES, we only went to marriage counselor once last year.”(Yes we went last year because she is been depression for a long time thinking it is me depressing her, rather than the real issue is that her mind.) I said in respond to this, “Yes we went only once and after that she did not want me to go with her.” Officer asked, “Why did not you go with your husband.” wife said, “It is an individual counselor not couples counselor, he can go himself.” At this moment, I became so emotional and start crying, I said to wife “Honey this is the moment there is no turning back after this.” Wife said, “No I don’t want it I want to get a divorce.” Officer asked my wife, “Don’t you think you can work this out because I can tell he loves you.” Wife said “NO” . And there was more sad and upset, and I start talking about the fighting how she has been hitting me like mad woman, and throwing chairs at me, even punching me out of the bed because she was mad at me. And I said I can’t handle anymore fighting, and beating.( Trust me guys I am not gay if I want to hit her back, I could many more things, I am just not violent person to a woman especially the one I love). Moreover, I told her we had two complaint letters from the apartment board about fighting noises at night. Right after I finish telling the officer these stories she turned back to wife and asked her in angry tone of voice, “ Mam are you abusing him?” before she answered the question I jumped and said “No she was not abusive we just had fights and she was very mad at me she was not abusive.” (I did not want to get her in trouble or be more pissed at me.) She answered “No I was not abusive we were just fighting a lot.” And I started asking the officer what kind of a trouble I am in and what is the process now. I asked “do I need to re-file I-751 again?” .Am I going to be deported or lose my job now? And I said I have biometrics appointment on April 22nd do I still need to go for” at this moment she looked at her computer and typed some stuff and said “Yes you still need to go for biometrics. She said” I thought you were done for fingerprints” She said, “No you are not in trouble, the process will take about a year before you can appear in the front of immigration judge, where he/she will look at your documents while living together and will decide if you guys were entered into marriage truly. You can still travel while this is pending all you need is go downstairs and get a stamp on your passport. And I will talk to my supervisor about this case and we will look at your documents to see if you guys were entered in bona-fide marriage, and I will get back to you in the mail.” And I was still sad and crying turned my face back to her and said “ Mam “what is the point for all of these in the end we are getting divorce she says she hates me what is the point of me staying here anymore.” She said “if I wanted to give up my condition I can do so by filling out some forms”

    By what my wife and see and determined based on what she said after we left the building and talked for an hour, I think the officer will approve me or send me letter saying that I have court date or re-file I-751.

    So this is what happened, at the interview, now what might happen in this case any comments?

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