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Posts posted by Noh81

  1. I know there are certain types of vaccines needed during medical exams appropriate to your age, and these are also needed and must be complied with during AOS...my question is during the medical exam prior to visa interview, if the doctors require us to have vaccines, can we opt not to do it, instead choose to do it later in the states upon completion of the AOS as it is more convenient for you?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. I know my bride to be is a Filipina because:

    ~ She says "open" or "close" the lights. :lol: -----I don't say those....

    ~ She asks for Colgate instead of toothpaste. :yes: ----- I say toothpaste

    ~ She does "mano po" to older people in the house she's about to enter. :P ----no mano po at home...father says it's traditional Kastila style or way of discipline which he doesn't like so he doesn't impose

    ~ She refers to the refrigerator as "pridyider". :P ---- I rather say ref

    ~ She has a rosary on the rear front view mirror of her car. :D ----no rosary we're not catholics

    ~ She buys the karaoke system first before the TV. :) ----- tv only no karaoke, hehehe

    ~ She says "hoy" to get someone's attention. :lol: ----- Bingo! hehehe

    ~ She goes to a department store and try to bargain the price. :P ---- not at the department store! heheheh maybe in tiangge

    ~ She has a cartful of corned beef during a sale. :D ----- just a few, not fond of canned goods

    ~ She wears her fancy clothes and jewelry whenever she travels to and fro the Philippines. :yes: ---- no jewels, and more on shirts and jeans....hahaha

    ~ She eats rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. :lol: ---- Bingo again!...

    ~ She points with her lips. :P ----- sometimes!

    ~ She says "kutex" instead of nail polish. :D yeah sometimes...heheheheh

    ~ She puts her hands together and point to the direction she is walking to pass between other people. :lol:....i rather say " excuse me" but in front of people watching tv at home, bow a little while passing, and say excuse me...

    and I'm 100% pinay!

  3. I have a nephew who wants to petition his girlfriend from the Philippinnes to the US on a K1 visa. I did a search of the forums to see if this issue had ever been brought up and have found nothing.

    The following is the letter that was sent to me by my nephew

    Hey Uncle Frank,

    As you know I met this wonderful Filipina girl, Marla, 4 months ago. We’re pretty serious about our relationship and would like to get married. Mom said that you were in process to be married to a nice Mexican girl (BTW congrats) and said you were a member of website that was helping you in the process of bringing her to the US and if I had any questions to ask you.

    I have a question for you: Marla and I met when she was a bar girl in Cebu. She said that she was doing it to help out her family. She stopped working in the bar a week ago because she felt our relationship was more important. If I want to bring her back to the US and marry her on a K1 visa will her being a bar girl affect the process? My friends say that it shouldn’t be a problem for me because most of the K1 petitions are for former bar girls. What do you think?

    I have no experience with the Philippines but I do have experience with Americans trying to bring Mexican fiances to the US. The Mexican bar girls/ prostitutes have to register with the local police and they receive a health card that has to be signed off every month by the health authorities. The American consulate does a check with the local police authorities to see if the woman being petitioned has been or is registered as a prostitute.

    Will her being a bar girl/prostitute derail the K1 visa?

    Thanks in advance for the help :thumbs:

    your nephew's friend who told him that k1 visa is most for former bar girls??? he's absolutely wrong!...tell him to try to find someone who has a decent job!...working as bar girl and had quit is a another story! LOL

  4. I hope you will tell us if you were able to get out of Philippines without the CFO sticker.

    they can do the srickering in the airport but you must be able to show your certificate of attendance.

    Oh well, I got nothing to show at all. I couldn't leave the country then???

  5. Im confident that my husband wont get disconnected from me if I continue speaking to my friends in our language even if he is there because he is the one who encourages me. He knows Im happy when I talk to my friends in our dialect and he is happy Im happy. He understands. I don't talk to my friends everyday. I don't see them everyday so 90% I am talking English and if I spend 10% of my time talking in tagalog, I believe it is fair. He has not once complained to me about that and I respect him more. He knows, its fun talk and he trusts me that I dont talk behind his back. He knows that if I have a complain about him, I will tell him first.

    When USC husbands and fiances go to the Philippines to visit we don't tell them ,hey learn our language because you are in the Philippines and majority of the people around you speak tagalog and not English, instead our families and everybodyelse speak english, even broken english, for their sake.

    My husband is slowly learning my language not because he feels an outcast but because he wants to talk to me in my language . He likes the sound and I love listening to him pronounce it. It is cute. Marriage is meeting halfway and my husband doing this makes me love him more and more because he understands.

    We usually have gatherings with other VJ couples and it is always with the husbands.Usually the first phase would be the men talking to each other while the women update each other by talking in our language . When everyone is in one table or area we do speak english for our men to understand and of course to join in the conversation. We are not stupid to continue speaking in our language when everyone is there. It works for us. I have a circle of filipina friends whose husbands don't mind us talking in our dialect

    Anyway, I am tired of explaining myself why we can't help talking in our language. I will end here but thanks to this thread and the numerous "rants" because it made me realize how lucky I am to be married to someone who really understands my needs.

    Godbless and peace eveyone.

    I salute you for that, keep it up...you are truly Pinay...so lucky to have a very understanding hubby....good luck to both of you!

  6. I just attended my CFO seminar this morning (dec 15, 2008 St Mary's Katipunan). One of the attendees was scheduled to leave yesterday for las vegas. She was sharing to us that she was not able to leave the country coz she did not have the CFO sticker. She tried to ask if she could leave even without the CFO sticker, well.. the mere fact that i met her during the CFO training, her request was not granted.

    I got my plane ticket, had my visa and no more days left to get done with the CFO, does it mean the immigration bureau held me from leaving the country coz I do not have those CFO stickers and counselling certificates?...

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