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Posts posted by Island1902

  1. You cannot switch from a spousal visa process to adjustment of status, also immigrant intent has been established so you cannot simply abandon the I-130 and file to adjust status either.

    You WILL need to return to home country and interview for the spousal visa, NVC WILL NOT Send the case to USCIS in the USA for an interview.


    thank you for your response. So how long do you think this should take if i go back to my country I already did my police certificate and my medical checkup.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I am so lost and confuse here. I was in Bermuda and was in the process of NVC. Then I lost my job in Bermuda so I came to the states on my tourist visa.

    Here is the thing our original plan was to have all the interview and medical process in Bermuda and I will come to the states from bermuda once the greencard is ready.

    Our I130 has been approved last December. So now we are at the NVC stage. I am filing spouse visa. We got married in 2007.

    Now my question is I spoke to my lawyer and she said its best that you just stay here and continue all the paperwork in the states instead of asking me go back to my country in Malaysia. Its easier to control and me and my husband can be together. She suggested that we do Adjustment of Status. I raised my concern to her that on the fact that I enter to the states via tourist visa isnt that going to affect my paperwork and considered as illegal. Technically on my tourist I can stay in the states as tourist until 6 months from my entry date. which will be in end of Oct. She said she was worried if its going to take long if I am in Malaysia. I dont want to be stuck too long in Malaysia as I dont want to be apart from my husband any much longer since we didnt get to spend too much time since we married as I was in bermuda :(

    I got a free tix going home from my co as part of the redundancy package and I already book the flight, but I am not worry too much as I can always change the date for my future travel.

    Now my question is does anyone of you ever be in the same situation? I dont want to be stuck back home for too long I have heard it can be 1 year :( at the same time I dont want to ruin our paperwork process.

    My lawyer said my they should be able to see how my plan has changed from Bermuda as I do not stay there anymore.

    I was thinking alternatively I can stay here and just proceed with original plan and go visit Bermuda for the interview process in US embassy there. Can I still do that even if I am not a resident there anymore? I have many friends that I can always stay over there.

    So can someone please guide me on this?

  3. Hi all,

    I just spoke to my lawyer and she said that she already filed that my interview should be in Bermuda but I alreday leave the island as my compnay had a massive lay off last February. She is now waiting for my police report.

    Do you know if I change the address to my hometown Malaysia as for the doing te interview etc I have not receive any notice on this how much delay is it going to be? We are almost completed. I have not done my medical check up. I just have to wait for my police report.

    Now that I am no longer working I am finalizing my account etc here and I am leaving the island and going back to Malaysia.

  4. Hi all,

    I just spoke to my lawyer and she said that she already filed that my interview should be in Bermuda but I alreday leave the island as my compnay had a massive lay off last February. She is now waiting for my police report.

    Do you know if I change the address to my hometown Malaysia as for the doing te interview etc I have not receive any notice on this how much delay is it going to be? We are almost completed. I have not done my medical check up. I just have to wait for my police report.

    Now that I am no longer working I am finalizing my account etc here and I am leaving the island and going back to Malaysia.

    Do you know if the lawyer change the address to Malysia how long does it going to delay us? I cannot stay in this island.

    thank you so much for your help.. I really hope that there will be no more than 2 months delay :(

  5. regarding the first one, yes i think that you might be denied entry on a tourist visa if your I-130 has been already processed. it really depends on the embassy and even more POE officer...

    but i have visited there few times since the past 3 years .. my last entry was last early April .. if I provide the ticket going back to my hometown I hope it should be fine.

    And yes I am looking forward to spend time with my family before I stay US for goods.

    Looking at my multiple entries in states maybe 12 or more since past few years I hope they know I have no intention on staying there illegally.

  6. Hi All,

    I was in Bermuda has recently been laid off. My I130 has been approved and now just waiting for NVC process.

    my question is;

    1. I am going to states for a month to visit my husband then fly to my hometown using the free ticket the company give. Will I ever find any difficulty at POE as I dont have any current job? I have been visiting many times before for the past few years with no difficulty as they always ask me what I am doin in this island but now since I am unemployed I am just afraid that they think I might stay there for good? I will have the flight confirmation etc with me to proof for this ticket. i just dont want to get denied but at the same time I want to spend time with my husband before I go back to my hometown and do the process in my hometown. Also I can save money using the free ticket going home that the co give.

    2. I am a lilttel bit confuse on the NVC process, do my husband/ my lawyer suppose to receive the package or they will send directly to the US Embassy. the reason is now that I am no longer in Bermuda I will do in my hometown I am just worried they send it to bermuda US consulate. My understanding is that my hubby/lawyer receive the package and we will send to teh US embassy. Please let me know..

    Thank you so much!!!

  7. 1- is it possible once I completed my interview and have my visa I move there once I get a job, trying to find from Bermuda, reason is I dont want to leave my job and move there with no job. I know we have 6 months after the visa has been approved for me to move there within that time.

    2- Looking at my time line how long do you think that my case will be completed?

    3- How much the co sponsor income need to be in order to be qualified? 54,000 p/a?

    4- Let say if we decided to delay our paperwork and have him coming over here instead since I dont feel secure on moving to states , and later down the road maybe next year we want to proceed again, is it going to look bad on our paperowork in the future?

    5- During the interview do I need to bring all my old passport?

    6- Lastly once my visa has been approved and I didnt move to states yet since I have 6 months period but decided to visit him occasionally like I am doing now is that possible? Is there going to be any problem at the POE?

    Thank you in advance for all your response. Any idea or recommendations for my situation is welcome.

    1) you can try but finding work LD is not simple

    2) You could possibly "drag your feet" for about a year

    3) Depends on the Sponsor's size of household +1

    4) No

    5) Current valid passport

    6) No, they will want to process the visa but you can travel right away

    Thanks for the reply,

    wow, I didnt know that it will take 1 year for the immigrant visa since my I-130 has been approved in Dec 2008. So since my sponsor is single how much is the minimum income requirement?

  8. Hi all,

    I would like to ask a question regarding work authorization. My I -130 has been approved last December, now we are in the process of my immigrant visa.

    My husband ( USC) has been laid off last September, looking at the bad economic situation right now in the states I am very worried to move to the states unless if I have a job. I am currently have a job in Bermuda and can support for both me and my husband with my income. We will have his brother as our co sponsor. Below please find my time line

    March 2008- File 1130 at VSC

    April 2008- NOA receipt

    November 13 2008- case transferred from VSC to CSC

    Dec 16 2008- 1130 approved

    here is my question

    1- is it possible once I completed my interview and have my visa I move there once I get a job, trying to find from Bermuda, reason is I dont want to leave my job and move there with no job. I know we have 6 months after the visa has been approved for me to move there within that time.

    2- Looking at my time line how long do you think that my case will be completed?

    3- How much the co sponsor income need to be in order to be qualified? 54,000 p/a?

    4- Let say if we decided to delay our paperwork and have him coming over here instead since I dont feel secure on moving to states , and later down the road maybe next year we want to proceed again, is it going to look bad on our paperowork in the future?

    5- During the interview do I need to bring all my old passport?

    6- Lastly once my visa has been approved and I didnt move to states yet since I have 6 months period but decided to visit him occasionally like I am doing now is that possible? Is there going to be any problem at the POE?

    Thank you in advance for all your response. Any idea or recommendations for my situation is welcome.

  9. Hi,

    I have question regarding my SS number , I know in my imiggrant visa after my I130 been approved I need to fill in some question regarding my SSN. I was a student in states before and I did have my SS number, howeverthat was 12 years ago and I left states since 2000 till today and I lost my SS number and forget what is the number.

    Currently I am not staying in states waiting for my immigrant visa.

    My question is will they e able to track if I have my SS number visa in their data file record?

    I will have to apply new SSN number once I move to states after my paperwork is completed.

    Time line

    March 14 2008- Husband USC sent I130 to Vermont

    April15 - NOA receipt

    Nov 13- Case transferred to CSC

    Dec 11- Case Approved

    Waiting to receive package from NVC

  10. First of all thanks for all the reply. I truly appreciate all the response. I understand about his need of being together and yes I agree that in marriage we have to sacrifice and for better and worst.

    So let me ask let say I have job offer for 50K just my self and he is not earning any would it be enough? It will be tough on me too actually because currently I am making above 75K with only 4.5% tax here its just hard to let that go and go for the uncertainty situation :(

    He keep saying that I will be fine and there will be jobs for me and give me positive outlook I truly appreciate that however looking at the news everyday on liid off on financial services co really is a fact for me to digest on this decision amking process.

    I believe in savings for every paycheck that i have. If i work and I dont save I will feel depress and insecure.

    I am thinking for the best of us.

    Maybe I will just start finding a job hoping for the best..

    Again thanks for all the support!!

  11. Is it possible for him to move to Bermuda for a bit?

    Thanks for the reply, I am trying to think if we decided to stay in BDA and abandon our I130 paperwork then what will effect on us. I can only stay here max 6 years next April will be my third year. In 3 years I will have to move back to states. I am only afriad if abandoning the paperwork for now will give negative impact on our future paperwork.

    Again, I truly appreciate any advise.

    One question if I am making 60K permoth is it enough to cover for both of us? We will be staying in MA the rent will be 1500. not including car, car ins and food and utilities? How much will be usually the tax?

    Sorry for asking too much question.

    Again Ireally apprecaite if anyone can gve some guidance on this.


  12. Hi,

    I am new to this group, I am actually in dilemma whether this is the right time for me to move to the states looking at the economy condition. We have just got approved last week for I130 as per our time line here.

    Now my worry is my husband who is USC has been laid off last June and has been working part time at the management office at the apartment complex that he is staying. Right now I have been helping him every month on supporting him giving about 2K a month. My husband does not has a degree but has been in security industry for a while and the highest payment e got was 19 per hour which was not included overtime.

    I am currently making good money here in Bermuda, with less tax . I am working in financial services. Right now I am living very frugal on helping to supporting both of us.

    My husband is trying to get into x ray tech school in Community College but the waiting list is very long.

    I have 3 years working international and I think if the economy is good I should have any problem getting job but right now infact early this year I was offere for a job by co in states but they said that once I have the paperwork I can proceed however I think its the best to stay with my current company at least if I get laid off I can still get the compensation package.

    One good thing alternatively I can try to ask for transfer to NY my office branch but we both really don’t like staying there, but I have some connection that can help me to contact the HR there.

    We do not have any saving much and luckily we do not have any debt as we try to pay our bill as much as we can.

    Now my question is,

    Should I move to states as I am afraid if I will not get a job.

    If we decided to proceed with NVC I know that we need co sponsor for us, he filed his Tax for 2007 and since we have not file 2008 tax we don’t have to worry about that.

    We both always fight, sometimes its hard because of the academic background that we have. Everytime we brought this issue we will end up fighting. All I am trying to do is to think and deal with this but he seems trying to think that I am moving here is still the best withought giving and support reason on why.

    I would appreciate for any comment as we always fight about this as he is always think all I think is about money but the truth is I am afraid if I cant handle being unemployed and I will be depress.

  13. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Tuesday that he does not expect any more major financial institutions to fail during the current credit crisis.


    Its hard to believe that as more and more fraud coming out that effect some of the major hedge fund industries.

    Well, Paulson works for Bush.

    We all remember how Bush's "mission accomplished" moment worked out.

    ha ha ha.. I guess now i understand where you are heading... hope there will be no shoes throwing to him

  14. The impact of abandoning your petition depends on why you abandoned it.

    If the reasons are related to problems in the relationship or something else that might bring your eligibility for the benefit into question, then u may have a problem.

    But that's not the case here.

    Let say if we decided to proceed with the paperwork but we still want to stay here in Bermuda, is that possible. I have heard re entry permit but I am not sure if this apply to someoen who never stayed in states after they have file for permanent resident.

    Thanks again AJ for your reply!

  15. thanks for the reply but what happen to oour paperwork? Can I delay this? Alternatively he can always study online course for the time being but I know he will be bored in this Island. I was looking forward to move to states last time but looking at the situation I am a but reluctant

    Petitions can be abandoned and refiled later (with a fee again of course). It's not a big deal. If it does come up, you can explain it. Your explanation makes sense to me.

    So if we delay the NVC I know i have 6 months I can delay to move to states from the day i got approved for my paperwork.

    So you are saying that if I decided to abandon this case we will not have any problem in the future when we decided to start the process again?

    Any suggestion that I can delay the process withought really affecting my potential of getting GC in the future?

  16. It sounds like he'd be better off with you in Bermuda.

    But that's my conclusion based on what you wrote. I'm not familiar of your individual personalities, nor do I know of any of your individual circumstances. The only people who do are you two.

    I wish you the best.

    thanks for the reply but what happen to oour paperwork? Can I delay this? Alternatively he can always study online course for the time being but I know he will be bored in this Island. I was looking forward to move to states last time but looking at the situation I am a but reluctant

  17. Hi,

    I am new to this group, I am actually in dilemma whether this is the right time for me to move to the states looking at the economy condition. We have just got approved last week for I130 as per our time line here.

    Now my worry is my husband who is USC has been laid off last June and has been working part time at the management office at the apartment complex that he is staying. Right now I have been helping him every month on supporting him giving about 2K a month. My husband does not has a degree but has been in security industry for a while and the highest payment e got was 19 per hour which was not included overtime.

    I am currently making good money here in Bermuda, with less tax . I am working in financial services. Right now I am living very frugal on helping to supporting both of us.

    My husband is trying to get into x ray tech school in Community College but the waiting list is very long.

    I have 3 years working international and I think if the economy is good I should have any problem getting job but right now infact early this year I was offere for a job by co in states but they said that once I have the paperwork I can proceed however I think its the best to stay with my current company at least if I get laid off I can still get the compensation package.

    One good thing alternatively I can try to ask for transfer to NY my office branch but we both really don’t like staying there, but I have some connection that can help me to contact the HR there.

    We do not have any saving much and luckily we do not have any debt as we try to pay our bill as much as we can.

    Now my question is,

    Should I move to states as I am afraid if I will not get a job.

    If we decided to proceed with NVC I know that we need co sponsor for us, he filed his Tax for 2007 and since we have not file 2008 tax we don’t have to worry about that.

    We both always fight, sometimes its hard because of the academic background that we have. Everytime we brought this issue we will end up fighting. All I am trying to do is to think and deal with this but he seems trying to think that I am moving here is still the best withought giving and support reason on why.

    I would appreciate for any comment as we always fight about this as he is always think all I think is about money but the truth is I am afraid if I cant handle being unemployed and I will be depress.

  18. Hi,

    I am new to this group, I am actually in dilemma whether this is the right time for me to move to the states looking at the economy condition. We have just got approved last week for I130 as per our time line here.

    Now my worry is my husband who is USC has been laid off last June and has been working part time at the management office at the apartment complex that he is staying. Right now I have been helping him every month on supporting him giving about 2K a month. My husband does not has a degree but has been in security industry for a while and the highest payment e got was 19 per hour which was not included overtime.

    I am currently making good money here in Bermuda, with less tax . I am working in financial services. Right now I am living very frugal on helping to supporting both of us.

    My husband is trying to get into x ray tech school in Community College but the waiting list is very long.

    I have 3 years working international and I think if the economy is good I should have any problem getting job but right now infact early this year I was offere for a job by co in states but they said that once I have the paperwork I can proceed however I think its the best to stay with my current company at least if I get laid off I can still get the compensation package.

    One good thing alternatively I can try to ask for transfer to NY my office branch but we both really don’t like staying there, but I have some connection that can help me to contact the HR there.

    We do not have any saving much and luckily we do not have any debt as we try to pay our bill as much as we can.

    Now my question is,

    Should I move to states as I am afraid if I will not get a job.

    If we decided to proceed with NVC I know that we need co sponsor for us, he filed his Tax for 2007 and since we have not file 2008 tax we don’t have to worry about that.

    We both always fight, sometimes its hard because of the academic background that we have. Everytime we brought this issue we will end up fighting. All I am trying to do is to think and deal with this but he seems trying to think that I am moving here is still the best withought giving and support reason on why.

    I would appreciate for any comment as we always fight about this as he is always think all I think is about money but the truth is I am afraid if I cant handle being unemployed and I will be depress.

    I forgot to put my time line

    Send I130-3/17/08

    Case transfer to CSC -11/13/08

    Case approve-12/11/08

    waiting for NVC package

  19. Hi,

    I am new to this group, I am actually in dilemma whether this is the right time for me to move to the states looking at the economy condition. We have just got approved last week for I130 as per our time line here.

    Now my worry is my husband who is USC has been laid off last June and has been working part time at the management office at the apartment complex that he is staying. Right now I have been helping him every month on supporting him giving about 2K a month. My husband does not has a degree but has been in security industry for a while and the highest payment e got was 19 per hour which was not included overtime.

    I am currently making good money here in Bermuda, with less tax . I am working in financial services. Right now I am living very frugal on helping to supporting both of us.

    My husband is trying to get into x ray tech school in Community College but the waiting list is very long.

    I have 3 years working international and I think if the economy is good I should have any problem getting job but right now infact early this year I was offere for a job by co in states but they said that once I have the paperwork I can proceed however I think its the best to stay with my current company at least if I get laid off I can still get the compensation package.

    One good thing alternatively I can try to ask for transfer to NY my office branch but we both really don’t like staying there, but I have some connection that can help me to contact the HR there.

    We do not have any saving much and luckily we do not have any debt as we try to pay our bill as much as we can.

    Now my question is,

    Should I move to states as I am afraid if I will not get a job.

    If we decided to proceed with NVC I know that we need co sponsor for us, he filed his Tax for 2007 and since we have not file 2008 tax we don’t have to worry about that.

    We both always fight, sometimes its hard because of the academic background that we have. Everytime we brought this issue we will end up fighting. All I am trying to do is to think and deal with this but he seems trying to think that I am moving here is still the best withought giving and support reason on why.

    I would appreciate for any comment as we always fight about this as he is always think all I think is about money but the truth is I am afraid if I cant handle being unemployed and I will be depress.

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