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Posts posted by PnA

  1. No problem buddy, I don't want you to make a mistake neither!. Don't forget to send the check!. A loooooot of people do!.

    The check as in ? ...

    The checklist ? or the visa application fee... which we pay here in Egypt the day of the interview ..

    use this will help you, work for me and I did everything online, payments, choice of address, I never got anything in the mail until now, even last night I check the package NVC send to Madrid, Spain and was delivered. April 13 at 11:57 am :dance:


    Sorry disregard this I just see you filed in the consulate right? I believed is different the steps to follow

    Yes, Im filing straight from the Embassy, so the fee for the application is to be paid on the day of the interview :)

  2. nothing else you have to put, my mother in-law never did income tax- so I wrote a letter for her and I just put she never work, is a house wife and her husband and kids support her, but you have to have someone who can do the affidavits of support for you husband, you know that right? because I did it for my brother in law because my mother in law was the petitioner but never did income tax. Inshallah this help you

    good luck

    Thanks, and yes, I have a joint sponsor ...

  3. I never watched Dr. Phil also, until I moved to Egypt, nor Oprah for that matter... but MBC 4 is about the only Americanized channel I have on my cable system... and I thank god for it, cuz pretty much everything else is arabic. we do have some movie channels with American movies... maybe 5 total

  4. yes you are and u should use the US ADRESS and dont be sorry we all were confused at this time

    Thanks, I have so many papers in front of my face, I actually have a headache... I can't believe the paperwork that has to be copied... Im just trying to get finished up so I can send my packet back.... but in the same time, I'm so excited, I just don't want to make a mistake... :)

    Cuchita.. thanks, I got kind of confused there for a moment lol

  5. Jillai, I don't know how you do it. Do you guys plan on living in the US? If so, would he be cool with staying home all while you work and not go out without you because you may be jealous? If not, then I don't think you should have to be sequestered because he's "jealous". It's really unfair, IMO.

    Im not sure what the problem with me going outside is exactly, I think it might also be the way he was raised ... his brothers r the same with their wives also, and their wives are Egyptian.

    We r not allowed to go outside, unless we call them and ask if its ok.... its a little different for me though, I have to have a very good reason for going outside.

    I cant just get up and go venture outside, no way... also, I dont live in the greatest area, I think that might play a factor in it as well.

    We have had the talk about American culture and how American women are very independent. and do not have to answer to their husbands on every little thing they do... according to him, he understands that. and always tells me, You live my way here Jill in Egypt, and I will live your way in America... so ... Im waiting for that day to come.... I would say we should be in America no longer than 6 months.... so we will see .... ;)

    I'm sorry to drag yesterday into today but I couldn't sit this one out. Jill. I'm sorry to say that you are setting yourself up for big trouble when you all come here. Many (not all) of these men come here and have the same "perspective" as yours does and we didn't live with them in their countries to teach them otherwise before they came here.

    You are "training" (for lack of a better word) him to believe that you will be completely submissive to all of his control and this is not a "live my way here and live your way there" kind of thing. Once you get here, he won't understand why you have decided to "go against his wishes" by being American and going to the store alone or going out with friends without him.

    This isn't just going to be a small issue but rather a very huge battle between you both UNLESS you are willing to be kept captive in your own home for the duration of your marriage together in the USA.

    You need to start getting him used to the fact that you are a strong and independent woman and you, as a human being, have the RIGHT to do as you please and he can not hold you behind walls for his enjoyment only forever. The only One that can hinder your life is God and sure, you can respect your husband but he has to respect you as well. You HAVE to teach him this and work on his insecurities THERE ....BEFORE you come here because he won't change overnight.

    I may be totally wrong in this and I pray that I am. Good luck and if you ever ever need to talk...I'm here for you.

    (F) amal (F)

    As much as I love this man... I will leave him if he continues in this pattern, and I have told him so many times, we have had many discussions about American women independence, and they way of life there, granted, he doesn't know yet, because he hasn't experienced it.. but the first time he tells me I can't go outside for ANY reason. my relationship with this man is over! I have given up myself for 3 years now.... for this guy... Once I hit my country again, I will go back to living the same exact way as I did before I left, if this is something that he can't accept, he will be back on the first plane to Egypt as far as im concerned. I am an adult woman, not a child, and Im certainly not going to let a man ( that is younger than me , mind you) run my life ANYMORE!

    he does it here... and gives me reason why... ok, i'll accept that.. even though I dont like it. but I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT IN AMERICA!

    and sure, I will keep u guys posted .. how things are going once we get back there, guess we will just have to wait and see.

    Thank you for your concern and kind words. :x

  6. It must be nice to watch American tv lol.... we have some movie channels here... that play mostly older american made films.... and we do occasionally get new stuff , on show cinema... but not often.

    Also, we have a channel called mbc 4, it has American news, Oprah, American Idol, Ghost whisperer, Charmed, Dr. Phil, Doctors, Beauty and the Geek... so I watch that channel most of the time.

  7. You know I had an american friend stay with me for two months in egypt; she wouldn't go anywhere without me! She knows some arabic but never dared to be out alone. Yes you can easily get harassed and not to mention ripped off in every store you can ever go to!

    Now I'm here in the US -my situation is different but I feel the same way you do- ....no friends no family no job! My husband doesn't mind me going out alone nor getting a job but I can't find a job and I don't know the streets to go anywhere on my own.....so I'm kinda trapped too.

    aww, ask your husband to take you out on the weekends , or after he gets home from work to get used to the area your in, learn the streets, and the places you want to go, also, ask him to teach you how to drive, so eventually you can go places on your own. try to find some local islamic centers, or arabic stores in your area, and meet some friends.

    Do you miss living in Egypt? I'm sure you must, this is your home... Is USA what you thought it would be?

  8. I can relate, because, yes, thats how we live here in Egypt..it's not acceptable for other men to see other men's wives. but my husband and I have had this conversation many times.... he understands that Im an American, and once we are back in the US... life will not be the same as it is here. nor will I accept that!.... kind of like you said, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.. exactly. that is what my husband has asked of me... to respect his wishes here in Egypt.. and live his way, and once we are in US.. he will live my way... and I do believe him...

    If for some reason, he continues to treat me as he treats me here, as far as going outside.... I will divorce hiim, and he knows it already up front!

    I have a wonderful marriage, with a man im very in love with, I just have a horrible lifestyle... I don't like staying in an apartment day after day, with nothing to do, being non productive, not making money.. etc.... and I WILL NOT under ANY circumstance accept that in USA.

  9. Jill, I apologize if my posts offended you at all.
    you didn't offend me at all. no worries, and thank you for your opinion :)
    If you're satisfied with the status quo then that's all that counts. Yeah you probably should watch your wording on the forum. It's hard to fully get a point across online since there's no tone of voice heard or facial expressions seen. When you come on here talking about such out there things (according to US standards) you have to expect some sort of reaction. My ex is from a very closed society where most women are niqabis and don't go out without an escort and they do the whole hiding from male visitors thing...I understand all that stuff. I don't think I could hang with it but I get it. From your words and the tone of your posts it seemed like you were unhappy with the situation. I guess I was wrong.

    Oh girl I could teach you so many bad naughty words, lol.

    khara is poo poo.

    :huh: khara? Is that a male part we can say on VJ?

    Thx! Waleed doesn't want me to learn bad words or say them so he doesn't teach them to me and tells his friends not to either. I don't want to say something that I don't know what it is. :P

  10. I hope that day comes soon Jillai! You know my Mom's name is Jill. :blush:

    She wants me to name one of our daughters Jill. Is Jillai the Arabic for Jill?

    aww... how sweet... Jill is not really a very common name actually... I like it.. and no sweetie, Jill and then my last name is Abou Ismail... so I just used Jillai hehe

  11. :dance: That will be in a month! And we are planning a trip to Alexandria but it's going to be like a second honeymoon by the sea. :wub: When we are there for sure you and your Husband have to meet me and my Husband while there! :D

    Absolutely! ... I have a few American friends here as well, we'll throw them up in the mix LOL You will love the beach here , especially at night, its so pretty, and breezy, its really peaceful . I will take you to a place called Mamoura... its beautiful there.

    I bet your so excited about coming, I know I was.. I remember my heart beating so fast when I got off the plane... I was so nervous to meet the love of my life.

    Im sure you will have a great time here Olivia , and the best thing is being with the man you love... granted... this is not America, and you won't live an American lifestyle, just as none of us do here...but its only temporary... I keep telling myself that everyday.. one day I know I will be out of here.. and back in my country... where me and my husband can start a new life..

  12. I asked my husband about this last night. He said that his family is not like this but he has heard of it and seen it. He said if it's for her safety then so be it but if she informs her husband where she is then in his family they have no issues or problems with the women going out. He said some people especially from a certain area and I don't remember where he stated that they are more strict. That the women do not even come in the room where there are male guests or have to ask permission to pass by in the living room. He said it is very common for women to group together at each other's home to visit in his hometown. He said they have to go out to the store and run errands and if they are taking care of what needs to be taken care of in their home and the couple keeps each other informed of their whereabouts everything is ok.

    As far as Jill, she's a smart gal. If this is the family norm and she has been there for 3 years she has to make her own decisions. We are all different and until we walk in a person's shoes we sometimes speculate on how we would react but may actually react very differently. A lot of us gals from America would think this is not the way we want to be treated and would show him our independence but she is dealing with it in her own way. Jill, I wish you the best of luck and I do hope that you can get out and enjoy EG a little more while you are there!

    Im sorry, I called you Amy in the previous post... but I see now it says Aym.... sorry about that ;) and thank u so much for the sweet wishes :x... oh and I have been all over Alex and Cairo, I have had a great time in the 3 years I have been here.... Im hoping to meet Olivia when she comes also....

  13. I asked my husband about this last night. He said that his family is not like this but he has heard of it and seen it. He said if it's for her safety then so be it but if she informs her husband where she is then in his family they have no issues or problems with the women going out. He said some people especially from a certain area and I don't remember where he stated that they are more strict. That the women do not even come in the room where there are male guests or have to ask permission to pass by in the living room. He said it is very common for women to group together at each other's home to visit in his hometown. He said they have to go out to the store and run errands and if they are taking care of what needs to be taken care of in their home and the couple keeps each other informed of their whereabouts everything is ok.

    As far as Jill, she's a smart gal. If this is the family norm and she has been there for 3 years she has to make her own decisions. We are all different and until we walk in a person's shoes we sometimes speculate on how we would react but may actually react very differently. A lot of us gals from America would think this is not the way we want to be treated and would show him our independence but she is dealing with it in her own way. Jill, I wish you the best of luck and I do hope that you can get out and enjoy EG a little more while you are there!

    Your husband is 100% correct! My husband would have to answer to his brother's if he just let me run wild .. so to speak.. The brother's treat their wives the exact way I am treated... Im assuming its a family thing. and Yes Amy.. when men come over to my apartment, I have to stay in the other room, just as all the other women in my family do as well... I can't even see my husband's sister's husband... I am asked to please stay in the other room while he is at my apartment.

    My husband comes from the country... not Alexandria... so his family is a bit more strict with freedoms for women.

    Do I like it ? no.. but I love and respect my husband. and I would rather be here in Egypt ... unhappy about my lifestyle.. with him...

    then Be in America, where I would be very happy with my lifestyle... without him. I have made that choice!

    Ok what's a zifty? :unsure:

    LOL, zay zift.... means like Im having a bad day... Im not good today....

    zift means khara LOL

  14. Look at what she says exactly. Look at the words she's using. She's "not allowed to go out"...come on. Not allowed and you're grown? If she said, I'm afraid to go out because of the language barrier or possible harrasment or I might get lost then fine. But she didn't say that. She said she's not "allowed" to go out unless she gets "permission". She also used the word "punished". It doesn't sound like she has much of a choice in the matter. He's making her decisions for her. That is abusive if you ask me. Preventative maybe if that means she'll prevent him from flipping out if she decides to go out without "permission".

    ETA...I mean go out alone.


    Jill herself says she's frightened, because of the language barrier, to go outside by herself because she worries she won't be able to help herself if there's a problem.

    That's her decision. Nobody else's. When we make our own decisions, we are neither "subservient" or "abused." It's quite the opposite, actually.

    It's pretty smart, if you ask me. It's preventative.

    LOL.. you gotta love VJ ;) huh

    didn't mean to get u all ruffled up sweetie.... it's all GOOD here in Egypt Land ! ;)

    My point was... through out all this thread was: I just wish that I had a little more freedom here.... how in the world did it get twisted up into ABUSE.. but hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion of course. I think I need to watch my EXACT words in future posting.

    but Thanks for all ur input!

    S and S .... thats pretty much my situation ... I shouldnt of posted I wasnt ALLOWED to go outside, ( wrong wording on my part) My husband would prefer me not to go outside without someone that speaks fluent arabic. Also, I don't live in a very good area, the people here are very poor, and it literally is like seeing a movie star when they see someone of another nationality.. and it attracts attention. I have had men come up to me , wanting my phone number, or asking me to marry them. My husband doesnt want me in that situation at all.

    It's different when someone is just visiting here, and staying for 2 or 3 weeks, or even 2 or 3 months, I live here on a day to day basis... you don't think people talk that my husband is married to an american? and shes out running the streets.. what would they think of my husband if he just let me run around like I would in America? There are many other factors that play into all of this... but hey... we won't get into all of that.... anyway... thanks for understanding my situation :x

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