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♥ Zain ♥ Fariha ♥

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Status Updates posted by ♥ Zain ♥ Fariha ♥

  1. Oh by the way we're pregnant! :-D

  2. Hey thank you for your message!

  3. Hi! Thank you for my congratz and many congratz to you too. She is not in Pakistan with me now. She has been in USA for some while now. I am coming home soon and hope we get to meet heard so much about you. When is your man coming?

  4. We got approved 01-12-09, hop on over to the January approvals section with us! Congrats!

  5. Hey! My wife-Fariha tells me you live in Albany? Can you instruct her on how we can move up there to start our business there? We had received a great offer from a friend up there. Thanks!

  6. You'll be approved soon! God bless you!

  7. Where r u? Are we still on for lunch?

  8. the guys and i are heading out for a few hours i will call u at 8am. miss u my fari.

  9. Great pics from UAE and Pakistan.

  10. I see the wife added ur pics atlast. great addition.

  11. Kool you all added your UAE and Rawalpindi wedding.

  12. Your story is magnificent! I truly found it inspiring! Good luck to you all! We could use your prayers!

    :-) Zain & Fariha

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