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Posts posted by kanedarwin

  1. kanedarwin - we're in the same situation, except that my fiance is still on his second year. i had my interview today and as expected, both prescreener and consul did not accept my co-sponsors documents. i insisted but they firmly said they will not consider it.

    maybe some other prescreeners will accept it hoping that the consul will consider the documents during the interview, but in my case, they did not. i was worried so i told the consul about my situation but here's what she told me. it is true that they don't consider co-sponsors for K1 because someone should not petition another person if he/she does not have the money to support the beneficiary. she said that some may accept but they dont use it as a basis, and she also told me that it is also her responsibility to assess that the beneficiary will not become a public charge.. and that in my case, she did not think that i will be a burden to their country. the entire interview was focused on me and my work background which really made the consul assured that i will do fine.

    make sure to find a way to shift all questions on you and your credentials. that worked for me. i guess others said they were approved even with the co-sponsors, but in truth, it was not because of their co-sponsor, it was because they were found to be potentially productive people once they arrive in the U.S. > at least this is what the consul told me :)

    lastly.. it will be helpful for beneficiaries to have a job during the interview... its one of the biggest thing that they consider if the sponsor does not make enough. in addition, i dont believe that they're strict with the poverty line, they actually just want to make sure that the sponsor has a 'stable' job, regardless if that job started a long time ago or just a few weeks before your interview.

    This is the best explanation and report I've ever seen from Manila. Many often forget the CO is concerned with the public charge issue itself and must make a judgment call. The I-134 itself is not a "required" document. It's just the most common way to present evidence for the public charge evaluation part of the interview process.

    Consular officers are free to evaluate the likelyhood one will become a public charge on any criteria they think is reasonable including the probability of the fiance of a college senior compared to that of a minimum wage part time worker with few prospects. (for example)

    All that said, I would not discourage anybody from securing an I-134 and supporting documents when they don't technically qualify. It could help. Additionally, they would be wise to build a case with "public charge" concerns in mind and make sure the beneficiary is prepared to present it both verbally and in writing.

    HI thank you very much for that information, you gave me a lot of information, from the embassy, consular officer, applicants potential, petitioners and the co-sponsor, this is helpful ant a lot of information to work on. thank you again and good luck :)

  2. oh sorry - seen the words co-sponser and was thinking support affid! :bonk:

    Hi Everyone, im asking some advice, suggestion, and any comments for my case. Ill be applying for a K1 visa soon after my fiancee in the US will file a petition to the USCIS or when it was approved. My fiancee is a full time student for the past 4 years to be graduated this month (December 2008). In this case we will be needing a co -Sponsor and her friend agreed to co-sponsor me. I have read some infromation that a co-sponsor is allowed and applicable in any embassies and consular office except here in Manila, philippines. I also read one experience from my fellow filipino citizen that her k1 application in manila was hold and might have a chance to be denied. Me and my fiancee will start the k1 application at the end of december or start of January 2009 and ill be applying to manila office. A co-spponsor is available to me since my fiancee is not qualified to show an evidence of financial soppurt. However, when a co sponsor is not applicable in manila office i will encounter the same problem. What are the other options, solutions and actions for my case.

    Any information is helpful and appreciated :). Thank you thank you thank you

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