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over and done

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Posts posted by over and done

  1. why u r sayin huh?

    what is it u didnt get ??

    "i dont have interview appointment letter i figured out the interview time by luck believe it or not i just was checkin the website of usa embassy and found it there i was like ya allaaah hehehe and then i sent them e mail and they told me to print this e mail and show it at the gates"

    Hamdy, this is what I do not get. I have been through this process and it does'nt happen that way. So I would suggest that you wait until you get the actually letter from the embassy.

    I suspect that you have not filed yet and you are guessing or your visiting VJ to start some issues. If I am wrong please accept my appology. If I am right be careful we have amazing modorators here that will not accept problems. Good luck.

  2. :help: Hello MENA(Salam) ,

    We are planning a trip back to Egypt this upcoming New Year(Beginning of February)InshaAllah. Our family is 3(2 adults and 1 two yr.) now and I was hoping that you could suggest a resonably priced round trip ticket site. Maybe even tell who you used, so that we can shop around.

    The direct flight (NY to EG)would cost and arm and 2 legs! :rofl: Egyptair was $3,500.00 !!!

    I have looked on www.cheaptickets.com & www.expedia.com, it seems the average is $1,200.00 per person round trip with a couple of stops. I am way...down south(Louisiana) so I already know to expect many connection flights ! :bonk:

    Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated :luv:

    You find all the best secrets here :D

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I am a travel agent in Dallas Tx. I can help you find the best rates. You can send me a PM and I will contact ya! I always keep an eye out for flight to Egypt....

  3. The real test isn't the USCIS, it's the consulate. Good luck there, if I remember right you are going to need it.


    Do they contact the exwife who got you here at all? I always wondered about that. I mean God forbid my husband did something like this I would hope the USCIS would contact me to ask what really happened. If not they really need some revamping.

    I think I missed something.

    He came here from Egypt because he married a USC. He fell in love with a gril from Egypt while married (cough cough), divorced the USC as soon as he was able to petition legally for the Egyptian and now got approved. I would hope that this would have sent a huge red flag to the USCIS and that they would have contacted the ex to hear her side of the story but I guess that's just wishful thinking on my part. Sorry I'm b!tchy today and not politcally correct. This stuff just rubs me the wrong way.

    You and me both. :angry:

    This totally rubs me the wrong way as well. I know we do not have the full story but I think we have enough. Situations like this make and made it hard for us that is in a true bona fide relationship.

  4. Happy Thursday Mena crew! I just keep telling myself, "one more morning I have to wake up early then I an slept the whole weekend! Which is a bunch of bull roar cuz on the weekends I can not sleep past 8am lol Oh well the thought keeps me going......Have a good day :)

  5. Hey Tina did you see we got a new mena member also named Tina! What are the odds of meeting two Tina's ever?

    Do you mean me????

    I have been so flat out busy at work, I haven't had a chance to post or look at posts

    Hey Tina I am the new Tina that Olivia was talking about. I will just say you know what T N T means. ;)

    We should have great fun here!

  6. Those pictures of camels kill me. I love those big ole animals! They have a such a unique personalities! Thank goodness this "hump day" is over for me. Its been pure heck this week at work. I feel I will take up smoking and drinking again if I have another week like this!

  7. Ok about me as some of you have asked! I am a true born texas girl but with a interesting twist. My father was from Lebanon and my mom is 100% pure Choctaw Indian. I do not speak Arabic but I know a bit. I was not born Muslim as my father was Orthodox. I was raised Catholic

    I started this journey when I met my husband online in a chat program back on November of 2006. He is from Damanhour/Alex Egypt. Big red flags went off in my head and all I heard from my friends was that he must need you for a green card and people that look for mates online are a bunch of losers. I am not one to listen to others lol so I went to Egypt April 2007 for 1 month and met Kariem and his wonderful family. They welcomed me with open arms and the minute I saw them I knew I was at that very moment a member of the family. We had a engagement party with friends and family. Then my X popped back into the picture and being the self destructive girl I was at the time went back to him for a short time. Lots of tears and pain, Kariem and I found our way back together again. I went back to Egypt in September of 2007 for one month. I am horrible with keeping up with dates as some of you gals do but I filed for K1 in July 2007 and he came here May 2008 and we are in AOS.

    We have a great life together and I love him with everything I have inside of me. He is my special angel and I have never met anyone so kind and good in my whole life. Sometimes I pinch myself to make sure its real that this is my life now.

    For sure life is not all butter fly kisses but its dang near! Before he came here I broke it down that life here is not easy as you have been told. We all work extremely hard for what we want and get out of life blam blam blam. I think I painted it a bit dark, I actually scared him and he told me just last week, homara (his pet name for me) we live like we are rock stars. I was like huh? He said yes I thought I would be living in a so bad place and not have anything we have it all! You and Me! That just melted my heart. He has been extremely lucky. He got to work right from the start in his field. I have a friend from Palestine that gave him an apprenticeship at his company. Not only has this helped with him not getting bored but he has met so many different types people but he get to go to the mosque every Friday since his boss is Muslim!

    This is reader digest version about me and Kariem. I will start posting and joining in with you girls and Charles! I am really busy at work today so it may be tomorrow before I really join in the party!

  8. All is great here in the great state of Texas. I am at work and thinking about what I have to cook for dinner booo hiss! Amal I am in Texas but Dallas maybe we can get together one of these days and drink some tea and smoke some shesha! Great place called Al-Amirs here in my city. Jackie and Charles thanks for your kind words. I guess I never posted cuz I thought I was protecting my private life but now I do not give a rats behind who knows it!

  9. Hey Mena Girls and Charles!

    I have been around for almost 2 years but as a lurker. Please do not start throwing shoes at me for not participating. I have read and learned many things from you ladies of information. Really I am at complete awe of how you have opened your private life and put it here on such a public forum. I have watched as you have cried for each other, gave money when other Mena girls was in a time of need, I even saw you girls hold each other when you lost one of your beloved sister members. I have seen fighting and bickering just like one big family! With all of this said I am so happy that I have lurked and learned from a wonderful bunch of gals and one dude!

    My reason for not posting and joining sooner was due to a member that was very hurtful to me and my husband. We knew her on a personal level as she is married to one of my husbands best friends. If she had known any of our progress she would have tried to destroy what we worked so hard to build. She is not very active these days so I feel like expressing myself now!

    I feel as I know all of you. I guess I will just say it I am a true Mena groupie! Jackie you rock with all your cheers and good wishes. Bridget and Amal girllllllllllllllls you crack me up like none other! Some of your stories I can totally relate to and your take on life is so refreshing! Rajjaa you are a very beautiful women and I love how you admit that you need to be in control over every situation. I will tell you one thing its hard to control this journey your on! But you will make it and you will have your love beside you before you know it! Oliva I can not quite figure you out but that's the beauty of our world we live in We don't have to!

    The babies! Kelly lil Zaid has to be the most handsome guy in the world, with his cute lil fat arms, and his bath time video brought tears to my eyes, you can just tell he is loved so much!

    Nawl wow I take my hat off to you girlfriend wow twins you have my vote for strongest sister friend on the planet! Those twins are so precious. Aymsgirl we share so many things in common and your lil guy has the sweetest smile. Turnia your puppy baby is precious and I love the picture you have now on your siggy.

    I guess some of you will say this is a love feast post but its not. After reading all the negative things that was posted earlier today I thought I would post what amazing members are truly here in Mena and how they touch peoples life's without even knowing it.

    Your biggest Fan,

    Tina :)

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