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Status Updates posted by Amy&Aldo

  1. Hi Claudia! Great to hear from you! I will keep my fingers crossed that everything will go smoothly for you guys this time. You are amazing to be so patient! I know it's SO hard. Everything is going well for us--just settled into normal life now, which is really nice. Keep me posted on what happens and good luck!!! :)

  2. Hey Chuck! I was just checking in and saw that Grace FINALLY received her visa and is here!! YAY!! You have waited SO long--I'm so happy for you both! :)

  3. Wow Chuck...I can't believe you and Grace are still waiting. :( Do things finally look promising for the interview? I think about you from time to time and have checked back to see if there's been any progress. Nothing but the best of luck to both of you! Keep me posted on the outcome.

  4. Hi Claudia--just thinking about you guys and wondering if you went back for the second interview. Any news??

  5. The wedding was so amazing!! We just got home from our honeymoon last night. I'm still pinching myself because it all seems so surreal! How are you guys doing??

  6. Hey Chuck! I was just thinking about you guys today, wondering if anything new has happened. I hope things are going well and moving more quickly. Take care :)

  7. Thanks Claudia! He passed the interview with flying colors! Good luck with your upcoming interview. Keep me posted when you guys go. :)

  8. He passed the interview! Woohoo! I posted the experience in the Juarez forum, but if you have any questions always feel free to ask. :)

  9. Thanks so much Sarah! The interview went so well--he got the visa!!! I can't wait to have him here. One more month! I hope you guys are doing wonderful!! :)

  10. I am SO happy for you!!!!! I can imagine it must be so surreal. The Juarez embassy does open appointments so March 4th is when Aldo will go for his. I'm so nervous! He won't come here until April 13th, but I will at least be able to breathe once the interview is over! Congrats again!!! I wish you guys all the best!

  11. Sarah, I'm dying to hear what happened with Yader's interview! I hope everything went well and you just don't have internet access down there. :)

  12. Oh my gosh, Sarah...are you going nuts??? I will be keeping my fingers, toes, arms, legs, etc. crossed on Friday!! It's so exciting :D

  13. Congrats!!!!! I will keep you guys in my prayers. Wishing you the VERY best of luck! :D

  14. Wow! That's awesome Sarah!! Good luck with everything. We haven't heard from the embassy yet. I called them last week to change Aldo's address and they said they haven't sent the invitation letter yet. They say within two weeks...we'll see if that holds true! Keep me posted on your progress! :)

  15. It's so funny that we get so used to just "waiting", that when it comes time for things to actually happen, we don't quite know how to handle it! :)

  16. Aww Chuck...you guys are TOO cute together!! I'm so glad you put a pic up :)

  17. I wish we had an interview! Mexico doesn't schedule interviews. They send out an open invitation letter and you can go anytime after you receive it. We are planning our wedding date for April 18 so I am just keeping my fingers crossed that Aldo will get his invitation letter by March. What about you? Have you heard anything yet? It's so exciting but so stressful too!

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