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Posts posted by Svetlana

  1. I found by myself:

    Disability — If you have a physical or

    developmental disability or a mental

    impairment so severe that it prevents

    you from acquiring or demonstrating the

    required knowledge of English and civics,

    you may be eligible for an exception to

    these requirements. To request an exception,

    you must file a “Medical Certification for

    Disability Exceptions” (Form N-648). If

    you believe you qualify, contact a licensed

    medical or osteopathic doctor or licensed

    clinical psychologist who will need to

    complete and sign your Form N-648.

    Thank you All any way

  2. OK, some explanations:

    - Thank you so much to try to help me/him!!!!

    - Even some guys had fun with hormones" deal

    - I came to US Aug 14th, 2009 (his Green Card in the mail dating Aug 14, 2009)

    So his card will expired in a year

    - I divorce him in "15 minutes", not in 15 month.

    I found out he was on web site, looking for other women from September 2009

    - He doesnt want to go back to Russia

    - He still doesn't speak English, he can't get attorney or anything like that

    - I'd like to help him. I love to help everybody even they hurt me.

    I was thinking it's real marriage, may be I was stupid!

    - My mistake was to get married. I am too independent, too strong too ... everything :)

  3. USCIS will know the divorce is final when your ex husband files the I-751 and submits a copy of the final divorce decree. If you are looking to help his petition, you can do a number of things. Help him fill out the forms, gather the evidence, and provide a sworn affadavit attesting that the marriage was entered in good faith (I am assuming it was, if it was not the case, then don't do that.)

    May be good idea to wait when he start work, real work with withholding taxes?

  4. What form # he has to file? How you understand I have to do everything for him.

    Thank you

    USCIS will know the divorce is final when your ex husband files the I-751 and submits a copy of the final divorce decree. If you are looking to help his petition, you can do a number of things. Help him fill out the forms, gather the evidence, and provide a sworn affadavit attesting that the marriage was entered in good faith (I am assuming it was, if it was not the case, then don't do that.)

    What forms? When he has to file it?


  5. Did you divorce all ready and is it final?

    if so did he file for removal of conditions? (do you mean in your post his card will expire in one more year from now? or is it expired now?)

    He does not have to wait for the two years to be up, as soon as the divorce is final, he can ROC himself. He will need to prove that the marriage was entered in good faith.

    Not sure what he has to do.

    He came here in August 2009, In January I found out he was on romantic website looking for other woman, becouse he understand he is not good enough for me or so..., I divorce him in 15 mionutes, yes, I have final paper. Do you think INS able to know about this final? He would like to stay in US and I willing to help.

    Please let me know what exactly he has to do. He doesn't speak English, no legal work. I am in New Mexico, he is in Denver,CO with russian speaking people. My email address is svetlana.berh@gmail.com

    Thank you very much!!!

  6. Since you are both in agreement you might be able to file for an annulment under these circumstances.

    What agreement??? He has no idea I was thinking about divorce

    u complaining that he hasn't learned one word of English..have u learned his language at all? Learning a new language is not an easy thing..it's a human nature..some people are good at it,some are not....

    US has been going tru tough times for the last several years..even the native americans,citizens can't find a job..how could u blame him for not being able to find a job as a new immigrant....what did u tell to him in ur vow when u got married...did you not say that u would love him for poorer and for richer....

    how come he doesn't know about ur divorce ideas...did u try everything to save your marriage..did u go to marriage counsellor....

    it's not easy to leave ur country and start a life all over again in another country.....but he did it...u guys are married for such a short time.....i'm not judgeing or anything but my understanding is that you were married before..so marriege is not a brand new thing to you....you should've knowen better what the marriege is all about and what your expectation is.....

    last but not least..if you decide to divorce him ,do it in a "civil way",don't kick him out from the country....

    In my 39 I learned Latvian language and in my 42 I came here to US and learned English without any classes. I don't need to learn his language, we are both Russian.

    And yes I am working on marriage, that's what I am doing every single day. I am working fuul time, then have bussunes at home, go to bad midnight and supporting him and my 80 years old Mom. Both without income. TThis is not nice to blame me without knowing what's going on.

  7. Wow I am so sorry you feel this way. Does he feel the same? He still needs to be able to fly home. If it were me personally in this situation, I would work with him and maintain a civil relationship until I could afford his flight home. If he is in agreement witht he divorce then when he flies home he should file from his home country because it will be cheaper for both of you.

    Things are going better now, he change...will see how his English goes

    Our first priority for now find him a job, so he will feel like a person

  8. hey svetlana am not too sure how u feeling right now but I can se efrom all that you have written is that you want your life back ....well marriage is a commitment bet 2 people and you have been waiting for a yr to be together...am sure you guys must hv made plans in these 2 yrs....dont give up so easily...give him a chance and talk to him abt what is worrying you and what he needs to do to be with you and make this marriage work...am sure you very stressed out that is why you want a diovorce......take sometime and think and give your marriage another chance...you loved this man..love cant vanish suddenly just coz of oen mistake of his....

    all the best and take cr ...

    Svetlana, my 2 cents, you spent a 1 year in this immigration, nightmare, now your in this ngihtmare, give it more time as he just arrived a few weeks ago. It takes time to get things in order, and to feel natural, soon it will all work like clock work.

    Very best wishes, I hope you give it time for him, for you and happiness.


    Thank you, Elizabeth, for a nice words!

    It's nice you still remember me.

    I knew it will be hard from begining, but I didn't know...sooooo hard!

  9. Yes, I am married to an Italian, we celebrated our 6th anniversary this year.... He worked on a ship and just got his first land job here so we are just now needing the GC. And you are starting to think things how you need to. And you are right, unfortunatly our mothers will not be around forever and it is us that have to make our own choices and have to think of our own happiness. It is YOUR life, not your mothers.... He might not have been HER choice, but it is HER choice to live with you so either she accepts that or finds other accommodations. At some point you have to defend your husband as he is your teamate in life now...

    This economy is sooo tough now, for everyone... So now is the time to work together.... Buckle up and work through this and once things get better, you both will be stronger from it AND have some common expierences to draw from and keep you guys together...You never really know a person until you have faced difficult times together.... Everyone gets along when times are good!

    But dont let your mother ruin things for you as she will unfortunatly not be around to face the consequences, you will... I can honestly say that I feel much stronger that I have my husband to lean on and help me through things... and vice versa... Having someone who is always on your side is a great feeling, don't throw that chance away too quickly because of some bumps in the road.

    Thank you, Christeen!!! Have a nice day!

    I better work now, but it's so great to read all of this!

    Yes, I am married to an Italian, we celebrated our 6th anniversary this year.... He worked on a ship and just got his first land job here so we are just now needing the GC. And you are starting to think things how you need to. And you are right, unfortunatly our mothers will not be around forever and it is us that have to make our own choices and have to think of our own happiness. It is YOUR life, not your mothers.... He might not have been HER choice, but it is HER choice to live with you so either she accepts that or finds other accommodations. At some point you have to defend your husband as he is your teamate in life now...

    This economy is sooo tough now, for everyone... So now is the time to work together.... Buckle up and work through this and once things get better, you both will be stronger from it AND have some common expierences to draw from and keep you guys together...You never really know a person until you have faced difficult times together.... Everyone gets along when times are good!

    But dont let your mother ruin things for you as she will unfortunatly not be around to face the consequences, you will... I can honestly say that I feel much stronger that I have my husband to lean on and help me through things... and vice versa... Having someone who is always on your side is a great feeling, don't throw that chance away too quickly because of some bumps in the road.

    Thank you, Christeen!!! Have a nice day!

    I better work now, but it's so great to read all of this!

  10. Same thing happened for me with Italian. I went there and my husband had to leave early for work on the ship and left me there with just his parents (no english) and I had to communicate somehow. Up till that point I only had my 3 Italian classes I took and some books. I too learned more in that month by myself by being immersed in the language... So give him some time in this enviornment to get an ear for English....

    I am lost in your Italian...are you married now Italian? :)

    My sport instructor is coming every week for 2-3 hours to help him with English.

    And he is taking English classes twice a week at local community college.

    I know it takes time, but we still have to find a job for him (I lost my fancy job with this economy)./

    I came to US 12 years ago and pick up English from people,TV...never went to English classes.

    I know it's hard, specially at this age (we are both 54).

    Well, I am doing best what I can now, thank you for your communication with me.

    It's really help, aspecially when people wriote me all mothers are hard to live with.

    Last night she told me I'll have cancer becouse of stress with him.

    I was brave enough to answer "I'll have cancer from talking to her every day"

    So, I screw her life, but she is 80 and will be not forever with me and then I'll be along if I listen to her now.

    All so complecated!!!

  11. Svetlana, another thing to think about: If you have complained about him to your mother (telling her the BAD or NEGATIVE), but not also telling her about GOOD or POSITIVE things when they happen, she will naturally think that everything is hopeless. EVERYBODY goes through this, and it's very common. Make sure that she knows about the good things that happen, too.

    Regarding the English: My former girlfriend came to Canada from Czechoslovakia, as a refugee. She was placed into "English immersion" classes in school, where only English was spoken. She did not stop crying for two solid weeks, but after that, she began picking up the language, and her situation improved from then on. When I met her years later, when she was an adult, she did not even have an accent in her spoken English (except Canadian, eh).

    Please consider looking through the Russian subforum here on VJ, because surely others here have had to help their Russian spouses learn English. And, CERTAINLY others have had to help their spouses adjust to life in the U.S. You might post a message there and ask if someone's Russian spouse would like to be a friend to your husband, and talk to him by phone to tell him his/her experiences and that what your husband is going through is quite normal.

    Finally, tell your husband that Russian is a VERY complex, difficult, and intricate language, and that he will have a MUCH easier time learning English than 99.99% of Americans would have trying to learn Russian. Therefore, he's ahead of the game before he even starts! That should make him feel better, correct? :)

    Thank you!

    Things are going a little bit better. He is using my help with learning English.

    And... I told my Mother she is killing me with her every days conversations.

    I don't know for how long time she will be quiet, will see

    I found a yard work for 2 days for him, better than nothing, plus it's American nice lady,

    she will speak with him English ...

  12. I really do encourage you to try to work on things and give him some more time... It seems your personal situation (job and such) has recently changed dramatically as well as the addition of your husband coming over into the mix.. We are all sometimes thrown difficult situations to have to deal with and any major changes in life can cause stress... It seems to me that you are dealing with several life changes like job, income, new husband and living circumstances and new responsibilities which all might seem overwhelming especially with outside pressures of others pointing out what they believe to be mistakes you are making.

    As for your husband, he is dealing with a leaving his home, not knowing the language, trying to find a job in an almost impossible economy. He will learn the language just by being out and around and HAVING to use English... just give him time. Perhaps it was difficult for him to learn in Russia since he was not forced to learn and could rely on being able to speak Russian if someone did not understand....

    Marriage takes effort on both ends and is not always an easy road... otherwise they would not have the phrase "for better or for worse" in the vows. I do know that it is much easier to have someone helping you through difficult times and finding a way for your differences to compliment and help each other. In my humble opinion you both have so many life changes that you are dealing with that adding a divorce and the issues that come with that at the moment would just cause even more stress than sticking it out.

    I have been married for over 6 years to my Italian husband and we have gone through good and bad times. You are right and life is not a fairy tale or happily ever after but it is having someone who helps balance you and makes you whole. It takes commitment and patience and understanding. Don't close yourself off as you might suprisingly find that it feels good to talk about what is going on and you will learn how to help each other through this stressful time.

    I really do wish you the best because I know once you find that balance, you both can be very happy together. You must have had something to keep you going through this Visa Journey, which is stressful enough... so try to find what that was and what it was in your husband that made you want to committ your life to him and keep that in your mind and heart....

    Thank you Dear, you can't believe how all this helping me!

    I am in a panic about his English and job...+ I have my Mother to live with me.

    For her I am the bst one, the beautiful, the smard an noone will be fgood enough for me.

    My daughter (23) told me to not listening Grandma and try to work with my marriage.

    This all thread went so far awya from begining.

    I was pist and I was positive he would like to go back

    That's why I was wondering do I have to do divorce paper here.

    Any way, thank you so much for your letter. It helped.

  13. I have been surfing around the web and searching for Russian TV in the USA. I have found a few options, figured I would share with everyone and if they had other options then I am all open for that too!

    Russian TV in the USA is basicly 3 choices, Satalite (independant PanSat), Cable (Dish, Direct TV) and IPTV. The pansat type of stuff (http://www.pansatusa.net/), where you use a mini dish, decoder box and such, in my case as the satalite I would need to hit is so far away, in Texas I cannot see it, if you are east coast, then you may be fine. Number 2 would be Direct TV or Dish Network or Cable whatnot, offering other language channels, they do have some Russian. But, they are limited and for the most part are limited rebroadcast of whatever they choose to show. Not what I am needing. So the 3rd choice, IPTV. Now, of course watching your shows on your computer is not the most ideal, but I have now found a few companies that are offering a IP/TV setup box. This is of course connected and configured to the IPTV network provider you have signed up with and you get darn near EVERYTHING!! It is great, just like a usual cable bill each month, you can choose from Russian, Ukraine and many others. The one I am thinking of using has even Russian Language Movies on demand! So it is probably the one I will go with. Here is the links:

    http://larutv.com/ (One I will probably use)


    I am sure there are even more than this, but the LaruTV is great value you just get more channels for the money and they offer a lot of packages.

    Now my question to everyone else out there.

    If your bride wants to "chat" with her parents online, she is used to using a Russian Character Keyboard. What brands, models, types have you found? Where did you buy them at? How does it actaully work? Do I have to just temporarly change the language on the OS to be Russian? I have found some stuff online myself, but I am a bit fuzzy as to how they actually work, so anyone who has practical knowledge please share!!


    I got stiky alphabet on Ebay very cheap

  14. Went to web today...O my God!!! I can't believe so many people here for me!

    I want to cry!

    After night in garage he change for 180 degrees....stop writing BS food calculation,

    very nice to me, keeps going to English classes....

    I able to divorce any time, but I feel responsable for person who I brought to this Country.

    I still angry for him to don't learn English for whole year when we were having a fun with Vermont ...for now I am keep trying to get him a job...may be feelings will come back to me.

    Any way, my life is so miserable now...my Mom is telling me that was big huge mistake.

    I am nice with my husband , he doesn't even know what's going on with me.

    Thank you all for writing to me.

    Do I get banned if I point out that the sentence structure of this post is entirely different from earlier posts? I don't think this post was from the same person.

    No, it's still me, Svetlana. :)

  15. Went to web today...O my God!!! I can't believe so many people here for me!

    I want to cry!

    After night in garage he change for 180 degrees....stop writing BS food calculation,

    very nice to me, keeps going to English classes....

    I able to divorce any time, but I feel responsable for person who I brought to this Country.

    I still angry for him to don't learn English for whole year when we were having a fun with Vermont ...for now I am keep trying to get him a job...may be feelings will come back to me.

    Any way, my life is so miserable now...my Mom is telling me that was big huge mistake.

    I am nice with my husband , he doesn't even know what's going on with me.

    Thank you all for writing to me.

  16. He came to USA August 14th 2009. We were waiting for a year to be togeather,

    Now he has Green Card, SS# and all of this was a huge mistake!!!

    For whole year he didn't learn one word of English, I can't put him to any job, even cleaning...

    I can't afford our life (I lost fancy job last year). He is handeling this situation like a crybaby.

    I am soooo upset, I want my life back...


    I hope you realize that you're just as much to blame as he is for your current problems.

    Let's look at the problems:

    1. He didn't learn a single word of English in 1 year. Okay, lazy on his part but what about you? Did you encourage communications in English? Before I found my wife I had a couple of Chinese girlfriends who spoke varying amounts of English (one in the US one in Canada, the Canadian spoke more English FWIW). I spent a lot of time helping them improve their English skills and it was a great relationship builder. Even with my wife who speaks good English I spend some time helpign her improve it.

    2. Regarding his job, of course you can find him work that doesn't require English. Look within your local Ukrainian/Russian community and you will find many resources that will get him cleaning offices after hours or loading trucks on a dock with other non-english speaking immigrants.

    3. You can't afford your current lifestyle AND you want your old life back. This is the reality of Marriage. If you Love him and he Loves then together you guys should be able to work through the tough times and in the end your relationship will make you stronger as a couple.

    4. He's handling the problems like a crybaby. Well remember that he is in a foriegn land and doesn't speak the language. His life has been turned upside down and he is completely lost in the translation. Have some patience with THE MAN YOU LOVE. You are 90% of his life right now and the fact that you're ready to throw him out with the trash isn't going to fix anything.

    Finally, don't forget you signed an Affidavit of Support promising to be financially responsible for him for the next 10 years, divorce doesn't erase that promise to the US Government.

    I really try to help with English, I sent him to Community College for classes, 2 my american men/friends are coming to my house weekly to spend 2 hours with him.

    There is no any Russian community here to help with work.

    I went with him everywhere - no job for non English speaking person.

    I am not sure if I love him any more after saw note book with his list of food what he ate,

    to show me he doesn't eat much. Now he stop eating and last night spent in garage.

    This is a man???? I have a high blood presure and that why I need my life back, calm and quiet.

    I didn't see love in his eyes iser.

    It's all so sad! I guess 1 year video chat reletion is not enoufg for merriage.

  17. I don't understand this at all. Really I don't, I was reading your past posts and only understand that he just got his visa.

    And you are asking about a divorce already? I am confused on this.

    He came to USA August 14th 2009. We were waiting for a year to be togeather,

    Now he has Green Card, SS# and all of this was a huge mistake!!!

    For whole year he didn't learn one word of English, I can't put him to any job, even cleaning...

    I can't afford our life (I lost fancy job last year). He is handeling this situation like a crybaby.

    I am soooo upset, I want my life back...

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