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Posts posted by Craig-n-Jacquie

  1. I was out driving about 10 minutes, had to back up I think it was about 20ft. Was way easy but was nervous just the same...Just couldn't believe they wanted me to do the whole thing over again after driving for almost 30 yrs. Oh well its done now

  2. Just an FYI - My husband made his POE on December 3 and got his Social Security card on December 14. We didn't go to the Social Security Office (he had checked the box on his DS-230 to automatically have one issued).

    Still haven't received his actual Green Card Card, but he has the stamp in his passport and has been using it to travel back and forth to Canada daily for work with no problems.

    My POE was on November 4 and still no SSN or green card... I too checked the box on the DS-230 to automatically issue. Wondering if where you make your POE makes a difference in how long you have to wait. Also wondering if I could go and file for a SSN even though I checked that box? Just don't want to cause any confusion.

    Thanks for your help

  3. Thanks for taking the time to do the review! I have my interview next week and it is helpful to get a heads up on what to expect. Did you bring your spouse with you or did you go alone? We're trying to decide what is best.

    Yes hubby was here with me, they did ask him about 2 questions...For me I needed that support. All the best on your interview it will be fine either way

  4. Hi everyone....Interview is done...very excited. Briefing of how it went down

    Arrive at 7:50am , taken upstairs around 8:05am, went to the first window was given a number C2, after about 10-15 minutes was called to window number 10, extremely nice lady, asked for all my documentation, then asked to have a seat and wait to be called back. Called back again after about 15-20 mins, got my finger prints done. Ask to have a seat again and wait to be called to for the interview. Waited about another 10-15 mins then got called to window 8 for the interview....again a very nice man did the interview. First we had to swear in that the info we gave was correct, then some of the questions asked were....Where did you meet? What was the name of the website we met on? When did we meet in person? When was Craig last in Canada? When was I last in the USA? Was I ever denied entry at the border? Where did I work? How did I support myself and pay the bills? Was I ever convicted of a criminal offence? Out of there by 9:25am..

    Then he gave the magic words and said welcome to the US!!!!!!!

    The process was really a breeze and nothing to get nervous about but let me tell you I was nervous.

    Being organized is definitely the key...there were others at the Embassy that were having problems due to not having the proper paperwork.

    Good luck to everyone with interviews in the near future. Thanks to all of you who have answered many questions for us, we really couldn't have done this process without your help....again a big THANK YOU!!!!

  5. Congrats to all who have gotten interviews...mine is just days away. Medical was a breeze, had mine done in Montreal yesterday was there about two hours in total...could have been less but had to wait twenty minutes after my vaccine, Hubby will be joining me in Montreal on Saturday...I am so excited

  6. I am staying at Trylon hotel/apartments...will be staying in Montreal so therefore was looking for something that had a kitchen so I could prepare my own meals. Place is clean and really have no complaints at this point. About a five minute walk to Medisys and ten minutes to the consulate. Grocery store about a two minute walk. I am renting a studio apartment for about $85 a day taxes included. Hope this helps someone else

  7. I did my medical with medisys today in Montreal, cost me $255 which included a vaccination I needed for mumps, was there for about two hours about a four minute walk from where I am staying, hope to have the results by Friday

  8. Mine is not till the daY after yours but I will be in montreal the day of yours. I hope your interview goes wonderful and cannot wait to here great news :) Have you guys signed up for dhl mail delievry? I think I have dotted every I, crossed every t and capitalized every letter lol.Awe, 7 months is a long time, But that will be over with soon! Good luck Guys

    Question, wifes appointment is at 9.00am, I cannot find any info on how early we should show up to interview, do you know? Yes we signed up for dhl about the same time you did. Thanks Canadianggal.

  9. yeah im going to take a walk down, once i get there..well after dinner lol

    I hope all goes well with your interview. My wife, Jacquie has her medical on oct 12th, and her interview on the 19th. I will be flying to Montreal on oct 15th, and will be in montreal the morning of the 16th. A little nervous to see my wife in person after 7 months. I cannot wait. Thank you all for your positive thoughts. Remember to dot all your I's and cross all your t's.

  10. hmmm, well that is weird.

    Hello, This Craig-Jacquie ,

    I am the husband. It is exciting to see everyone get their interview dates after such a long wait. Jacquie wanted me to ask you a question. Were you able to get The dhl part of the process done? Thank you in advance. Take care.


  11. I called DOS and the lady told me my case was pending. I asked her if the case was pending at the NVC or at the Consulate? Then she just transferred me to NVC without answering my question. I was on hold for 15 minutes and finally Renée from NVC told me that my interview date is October 26. They just found out about it today (not sure what that means exactly) and they're sending out the interview letter by email to me and my husband.

    I have been checking my email every 2 minutes since I spoke to her but nothing's shown up yet.

    But I guess I still got a date? Oct 26, 2010?

    Awesome!!!! musi I will have to call when i get off work tonight. My wife will be so excited.Praise you Lord!!!

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