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Posts posted by lizbeth

  1. I met my fiance while serving in Lesotho as a Peace Corps Volunteer, so, when they look at my last year of deposits it's gonna look kinda like this

    Jan-Aug, 200USD

    Sept- 5000 deposit for readjustment

    Sept-now, slowly getting to 000

    I've only got a part time job now, I'm trying desperately to get something else so I can support my fiance. I know I will have to wait until I do and have been working a while to fill out the affidavit, but how long? And will all this past stuff matter? I was paid by Peace Corps, but in a different account that closed when I left. I don't even think there is anyway to get any kind of statement on that one, since it was a Basotho bank.

    If I get a job in the next few weeks, and he gets his interview scheduled for late April, will that be a long enough employment record?

  2. I just got my second notice! Yay! The notice says that the case will be processed in Johannesburg, even though my fiance is from Lesotho. This means he has to go there for the interview and medical, right? I'm wondering if anyone out there knows if Jo-burg is the kinda consulate where he can have both the medical and interview done in the same day? Or at least over a couple of days, so he doesn't have to make the trip twice? Also, does he have to pay for the medical exam there? Thanks a bunch! :unsure:

  3. that's what i thought. so, she could bring him here, marry him, but then it would just be the spouse forms, which are pretty much the same? and does he have to leave when the visitor visa expires? (oh, and for those of you with quotes around friend, honest to god, this is my friend, not me. i just submitted my forms and wrote my first check. i know the process and i would much rather have my fiance legitimately here so he can get a job and all that than take any short cuts and risk his permanent banning. i'm way too much of a sissy to break these rules.)

  4. My friend is also engaged to a man we met while being Peace corps volunteers in lesotho. she has seen all the work i've done for getting the fiance visa stuff rolling and she doesn't dig the price or the effort. her plan is to have her fiance come to the states on a visitors visa, marry him and then apply for a change of status. Does this work? Or will they get turned down when they try to get legally married? And when he changes his status, does that mean she will still have to pay the $930 fee for the status change/green card application? Anyone know how this works?

  5. I've been trying to get my initial petition stuff together and I was wondering if anyone can help with the "original statements for intent to marry." do these need to be real official, signed and stamped documents, or just a typed up statement? It's such a pain to have to send things through fax, email and the mail when my fiance is in Lesotho, not really a place known for it's speedy internet or mail service.

    Also, any idea if they will throw a fit over the fact that his passport pictures have a light blue background and not white? we didn't even notice until i was going through all the instructions again.

    Thanks a bunch!

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