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Posts posted by Bern.

  1. well we have had one kid so far ..I gave him two treat bags and he said soemthing like,

    "we have been to a hundred places so far and no one has candy.."

    Aww. =[

    I'm sure you made his night then. :)

  2. Don't EVER lie. That's one of the worst things you can do while you're in this process.

    I had a similar problem where I couldn't recall all the dates I had crossed into the US, so I wrote down the dates I could remember then stated that, ''There may be trips that occured which I do not remember, and I've been crossing the border since childhood.'' They accepted this and everything went smoothly. I was asked about a few visits though at my interview, some I said I honestly didn't remember and another was Disneyland...and I still got approved, just be 100% honest.

  3. When I was choosing where to have my medical, I had this sort of problem too.

    I chose Medisys because it was cheaper and because of it's location. (You can walk from the medical clinic to the consulate in about 10 or so minutes.) Also, if you missed any vaccinations you could get them there. The only -downside- is that you have to wait 3 days for your results instead of 2 days that you'd wait at Seiden's. It worked for me though since I was in town from Calgary, I had my medical on Monday and picked them up at 7am on Friday, then went to my interview. xD

  4. I had a thanksgiving dinner tonight as well! My husband seemed kind of confused with the change but he was very happy with his meal, none the less. :) I hope everyone else had a great thanksgiving!!

  5. Ok, so my due date is Sunday! Wish me luck! I have no clear signs of labour yet...but any time now would be good...It's so weird knowing it could get started at any moment! I just hope I don't go way overdue...

    Has anyone heard from Revenesque? She *must* have had the baby by now...


    Aw, I hope your baby arrives on time but we all know they'll come when they're good and ready too.

    On another note, I hit 28 weeks. Another ultrasound today. Yay.

  6. I FINALLY checked out this store called ''World Market'' the other day and while they didn't have anything particurally Canadian, they had a TON of chocolate from the UK that is usally found in Canada. I got away with Kinder and Nestle <3 yumm. Still havent been able to find Ketchup chips and when I ask, I get funny looks =[

  7. LOL my husband is gonna kill me if i apologize one more time for anything! lol :) he doesn't understand why i say i'm sorry so much :P

    My husband is the same way, he just doesn't understand. It really is a Canadian thing. Like sometimes he'll talk about co-workers screwing up and I just have to say that I'm sorry. He's like, ''WHY, BERNICE, WHY.'' In which I reply, ''I'm sorry.'' :lol:

  8. Bern-Sorry to hear that your pregnancy had a rough start with the weight gain.

    Don't worry, though as you and your baby will catch up in terms of weight gain..

    Good luck too, in finding out your baby's gender..

    My guess is still a girl....(am I right on this one?).....

    Hii :)

    Turns out I actually gained 8 pounds while I was away in Canada, which is pretty cool. I'm happy to have gained the weight. I had my ultrasound the other day, the baby is VERY healthly and very active. You know how they say, 10 kicks in 2 hours? More like 20-30 in an hour when he really gets going. Oh, and I'm having a little boy. :) It's funny because the ultrasound guy wasn't even looking for the gender, but the baby moved so much it was like, ''here I am.'' He seemed proud to show off his junk hahaha. Also, while I was laying here, before I found out the guy said, ''did you want a boy?'' And I having a cynical sense of humour, though he would say, ''well too bad, you're having a girl.'' But nope, it's a boy. =D So he will be named Byron, and hopefully he chills out because he kicks like a horse. Also, they weren't able to get a full measurement because he moved so much, so I have to go in for another ultrasound at 28 weeks in which they will either change my due date to January 6th, or keep it at Dcember 23rd. :3

    And that is my update for now =d

  9. I will admit that I was somewhat the same way as your husband regarding paperwork. With the visa application process, she did about 90% of the work. She is very detail oriented and I am... well, i'm not so much. However, when it came to the AoS, she just refused to do anything and I was forced to do it all. Sink or swim really.

    Maybe it is an American thing...I ended up doing mostly the entire process. My husband just paid the fees and signed what he needed to sign. Heck, I'm sure he still hasn't read over the guidelines of the I-864...:lol:

  10. Try to keep your carry on to a bag without wheels.

    If you are on a small plane they make you check the wheeled ones, and they only allow the nonwheel ones on.

    Don't ask me why, it's silly becuase they have that size checker right there when you are by security, yet they put all those below too.... /boggle.

    Yes one bag and a --small-- purse.

    I had a carry bag, my purse, and a small camera bag, and no one said anything about it.

    Oh okay, and when was the last time you flew with them if you don't mind me asking =)

  11. I know this probably doesn't belong here, so please forgive me.

    If anyone has flown recently with American Airlines from Canada to the USA, they should be able to answer this. How many carry on bags are you allowed? On one page it says I'm allowed one personal and one bag, and then on another page it says I'm allowed one bag. T_T

    So if someone could shed the light, I'd be very appreciative. Thank you =)

  12. I have gained 8 pounds from Week 19-23 which is great considering during the first 2 months of pregnancy, I lost 20 pounds. =D I have certainly ballooned over my trip in Canada, I head back to Texas this Tuesday and I find out the babys gender on Wednesday. (:

  13. Hii everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. :)

    Basically I just have some questions and hopefully someone is able to help me out.

    I have been visiting Canada from August 1st, and I leave again on the 31st, with that said I'm wondering how exactly to fill out the US customs form as a resident (I have only done it as a visitor previously.)

    Okay, so I had my baby shower while I was here, and I received quite a bit of clothes, and other things, if I had to put an estimate I would say I am bringing back around $500-600 including a ricecooker as a belated wedding present. I'm also going to be bringing back some DVD's, books and a PS2 that I have had way before I ever immigrated, so I'm pretty sure I don't have to pay duty on it.

    Do I HAVE to give the exact amount on the items I am bringing back to the USA or can I give an estimate? (If I knew the exact amount I'd give it but I honestly have no idea.) As well, I have been researching online and it says my personal exemption amount is $800 USD. Does anybody know if this is correct? And if not, what is the correct personal exemption amount. And for the items I owned before I immigrated, should I make a separate list for that? Or what?

    Thank you so much in advance. Have a good night everyone. :B

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