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Posts posted by alexisR

  1. We had a VJ member in the Colombian club whose fiancée was put in AP after the interview. They waited a month, she called the DOS and they said to call the embassy to schedule a second interview. They did and at the interview they asked him why he was there and that they were not sure why he was still in AP and that it looked like it was a mistake from the beginning. At the end he just went off on them and got his visa a few days later.

    The whole AP is a huge mistery to most of us.


    Hermano cono esta?

    le tengo una pregunta, mi esposa y yo estubimos en la embajada el 14 de October supuesta mente nos aprovaron la visa pero se tardo como 15 dias y no teniamos ni una respuesta de el pasaporte, cada ves que hablamos a DOMESA ellos nos respndian que no tenian el pasaporte que la embajada lo tenia. hablamos a la embajada y supuestamente el caso do mi esposa esta en AP. si me pudiera desir como fue que la persona que ested conose pudo hacer un segundo interview en la embajada y como pudo tener la visa dias despues? el passport de mi esposa todabia esta en la embajada y no nos dan respuesta de nada. muchas gracias.

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