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Posts posted by Cheruvim

  1. Do the documents you sent cover the period of your marriage? If you sent only the most recent statements, etc, they are requesting evidence of a 'continuous' relationship, for example, quarterly statements covering the period since you married.

    Thanks for that explanation. I'm not sure if I can provide the full two years of stuff, but I will submit as much as I can. I can provide everything between the time the I-751 was submitted and now, and I'll keep looking.

  2. The RFE is for evidence of a bona fide marriage. It is the same for everyone getting an RFE for this for ROC. One glaring omission in your list is joint taxes. No taxes?

    You don't need a lawyer. You seem to be overreacting. Search, or even just look, in this forum for ideas of what to send. This RFE is common, and not a big deal, but I agree with the above that you need to educate yourself about the process, and look for examples of what other people have sent. You need to send in different evidence than what you sent before.

    I believe we did send them taxes, yes. Just omitted it from the post. Ok.. .I'll take a look.

  3. Good to know. However, they actually provided a description of what we sent. One thing I noticed is the use of the word "continuous" and "continue" I don't think the government minces words, or at least I hope not. They seem to be interested in finding out whether we are in a "continuous marital relationship" and "continue to share a life together." so perhaps documentation that our situation is still the same and we still are sharing the same credit cards, bank accounts taxes etc. After all, a lot of the documents requested were the same.. Although, they cannot be exactly the same.

    so it would seem that to prove such a thing, similar documents (which is what they are asking for) over a more recent period of time to prove continuity?

    does that sound right? I mean I'm going to send them 9 months worth of stuff... and they won't reimburse the postage..<sigh> America... </sigh>

    Also, anyone ever try these Info Session appointments for Pro-Bono legal advice? How did it go?



  4. **** Moving from AOS to ROC forum ****

    Good call.. sorry about that..

    thanks everyone who has replied so far.

    I have to go over what I sent. however, I believe I sent them the following:

    1) copy of our current lease with both our names on it.

    2) copies of joint account statements

    3) copies of joint credit card statements.

    4) we also inserted other documents.

    There's not much else we can send. We have no children, there are no wills or trusts set up. We have not set up power of attorney. We can send other copies of statements dating between 10/2011 when we originally filed and now. We have a dog and can send documentation with our names and address regarding that. I'm just wondering if that would be enough? If I call them, would they be able to provide a list of documents we already sent so we can avoid sending duplicates?

    Thanks again for all your help.

    Carl & Yoko

  5. Hey everyone. So we're applying for Removal of Conditions for a temporary green card. We first got an extension for about a year. We just recently got an RFE asking for:

    1) evidence of children

    2) evidence that we live together and share responsibilities

    3) evidence of shared financial responsibilities.

    4) estate decisions.

    So My wife and I have no children and no estate. We only have numbers 2 and 3 which we have submitted already. Would it be enough to just submit evidence for those two again? They would be different documents of course since we have more recent copies. Anyone have experience with this?

  6. Here's the thing. It's uneven, unbalanced and unfair. I have noticed that people who have applied and received their NOA1 AFTER me are getting their NOA2's before me.

    The USCIS has NOT given me any indication that there is a problem with my case nor if there is any quality about my case that requires further investigation that those cases received after mine. The damn thing hasn't even been touched as far as I can tell.

    No, this is not efficient! I would like a legitimate reason from the USCIS as to why my case is taking longer. I have a right to know as a citizen who contributes to this country, pays his taxes etc.

    It is a disgrace to me and all Americans to say that we treat people who want to be a part of our nation like garbage. Especially when legitimate, law abiding citizens simply ask their government to allow their LOVED ONES to be a part of their lives here.

    I think the manager of the VSC should have some accountability here. There should be more information passed to clients. For example, does the issue of divorce make cases take longer? Are there additional security investigations that need be done with some cases (perfectly legitimate in my view)? Was there something that requires more infomration? Is the USCIS being timely in requesting that information?

    Many other countries handle this so much better and are far more efficient in this regard. I say the Us Government has some explaining to do and I think the senators from me state, Vermont and the heads of the State Department should get letters expressing our deep dissatisfaction in one of this country's proud traditions, accepting immigrants!


    You should be a litle pacient and positive, VSC have been really slow this last monthes ... but you are still within the processing time of 6 months... I have seen August, and Sept approvals lately... and you apply on October, the strange is that you got your NOA1 on January ... have you checked on line at USCIS page?

    You should check there and see when did they got your petition, and then you should start counting your 6 months of waiting.

    Complaining about US goverment you arent winning anything, you should keep your mind positive, and your apporval will come. Positive thoughts and good feelings, always bring good things to your life!


    Why should we have to wait 6 months???!!?? CSC currently show it can be done quicker...and that's the point people are trying to make. You also have to bear in mind that VSC and CSC are only one part of the process....add another 3 months to that and it's nine months to be with your loved one......positive? patient? no thanks.....i just want the opportunity to be treated like the human being that I am, and be with my Fiancee. 9 months (and some people, some very patient and misfortunate people have been waiting over a year for a NOA 2) is NOT acceptable.

    Ellie, I know it is hard, all this process and all the time we need to wait apart, but it is the way it is, and all the couples have chosen this way to do it, in how many time are we gatting approved? we dont know that. the only thing i can tell you, is that you should calm down a bit, you have only filed on November, and maybe you will be getting your NOA2 before me!!! I have seen so many approvals form UK that dont took the 6 months...

    I am just telling you that 6 monst is the processing time at uscis, I am at VSC, and I have been waiting more that 5 months, so I know how hard it is to be waiting.

    I am a positive person and I am just not letting USCIS or VSC drive me crazy, thats why I always tell everybody here in the witing room to stay postive and it will come.

    I really hope youll get approved soon! good luck! :star:

    I'm sorry i think you missed my point completely. I know i only filed in November (I, like everyone else, look at that timeline daily), but I think it is completely ridiculous that ANYONE should have to wait this long when USCIS can complete a visa for an investor or an overseas worker in half the time. It doesn't matter where you are from. The only thing we are all guilty of is falling in love with someone who is from a different country.

    Myself...and Ken are saying that it doesn't need to take this long. SHOULD NOT take this long, and whilst everyone is happy to wait 6 months to be approved for one part of the process, that is exactly what VSC and CSC are going to do.....take that long if they can get away with it. Why shouldn't we be mad about staring down a 7-10 (MINIMUM at present) month process? And I mean anyone. CSC are currently proving that petitions can be processed quickly. Why shouldn't we have greater expectations from these service centres?

    I'm going to wait my turn. I have to. But it doesn't mean we should be happy about it. My mother always taught me to challenge the accepted norms and never unquestioningly accept them unless they are meritorious.

    I concur. The point is not the wait. The point is the policy and practice of the State Department and NVC. It favors the fat cats and corporate institutions why we, the middle class, the backbone of America have to wait our turn. I live in a place where there are many many immigrants. How do they get here? How do they stay here? My feeling is they are mostly illegal. Now why is that? It's because our visa process is broken and while the cats in Washington think that enforcement and fences are the answer, the truth is that our immigration policy is broken and needs be fixed. It is broken in a way that encourages many to find loopholes and cross our borders illegally. Our problems with immigration are a cause generated by the ignorance in our own policies.

    They come out of a renewed vigor for isolationism much like that employed during the Great Depression. What we learned from that is that we cannot keep our noses out of certain happenings on the world stage without it biting us back. We have to be fair and we have to be engaged.

    Did you know that The Consular Service abroad charges a fee to foreigners who wish to ask a question? They charge the equivalent of $20 JUST TO SEND THEM AN EMAIL! Do you know of any other Consular Service to do so? I went to the French Embasy's website. Their email address was readily available for my use at no charge. I feel it is a disgrace to this country to engage in such thievery! Even in Japan, one of our closest Allies, their citizens have to pay ask our Consulate a question. I find it outrageous.

    So, I will write letters and I encourage all of you who feel the same to do the same.


  7. Here's the thing. It's uneven, unbalanced and unfair. I have noticed that people who have applied and received their NOA1 AFTER me are getting their NOA2's before me.

    The USCIS has NOT given me any indication that there is a problem with my case nor if there is any quality about my case that requires further investigation that those cases received after mine. The damn thing hasn't even been touched as far as I can tell.

    No, this is not efficient! I would like a legitimate reason from the USCIS as to why my case is taking longer. I have a right to know as a citizen who contributes to this country, pays his taxes etc.

    It is a disgrace to me and all Americans to say that we treat people who want to be a part of our nation like garbage. Especially when legitimate, law abiding citizens simply ask their government to allow their LOVED ONES to be a part of their lives here.

    I think the manager of the VSC should have some accountability here. There should be more information passed to clients. For example, does the issue of divorce make cases take longer? Are there additional security investigations that need be done with some cases (perfectly legitimate in my view)? Was there something that requires more infomration? Is the USCIS being timely in requesting that information?

    Many other countries handle this so much better and are far more efficient in this regard. I say the Us Government has some explaining to do and I think the senators from me state, Vermont and the heads of the State Department should get letters expressing our deep dissatisfaction in one of this country's proud traditions, accepting immigrants!


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