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Posts posted by monicapb

  1. Sorry first time posting! Dont know how to reply. I understand I-134 not required on I-129F But do I start paperwork from the bank now or wait? Also I have been too her country 10 times in the last 2 years not hard to prove relationship!
    I-134 is NOT included with I-129F when filing, it is requested by the consulate and used when interviewing for the visa.

    Fiancee letter of intent:
    5. What Documents Do You Need to Prove That You Can Legally Marry?

    A. Provide copies of evidence that you and your fiancé(e) have personally met within the last two years; or if you have never met within the last two years, provide a detailed explanation and evidence of the extreme hardship or customary, cultural or social practices that have prohibited your meeting; and

    B. Provide original statements from you and your fiancé(e) whom you plan to marry within 90 days of his or her admission, and copies of any evidence you wish to submit to establish your mutual intent; and

    C. If either of you is of an age that requires special consent or permission for you to marry in the jurisdiction where your marriage will occur, give proof of that consent or permission; and

    D. If either you or your fiancé(e) were married before, give copies of documents showing that each prior marriage was legally terminated.

  2. I-134 is NOT included with I-129F when filing, it is requested by the consulate and used when interviewing for the visa.

    Fiancee letter of intent:

    5. What Documents Do You Need to Prove That You Can Legally Marry?

    A. Provide copies of evidence that you and your fiancé(e) have personally met within the last two years; or if you have never met within the last two years, provide a detailed explanation and evidence of the extreme hardship or customary, cultural or social practices that have prohibited your meeting; and

    B. Provide original statements from you and your fiancé(e) whom you plan to marry within 90 days of his or her admission, and copies of any evidence you wish to submit to establish your mutual intent; and

    C. If either of you is of an age that requires special consent or permission for you to marry in the jurisdiction where your marriage will occur, give proof of that consent or permission; and

    D. If either you or your fiancé(e) were married before, give copies of documents showing that each prior marriage was legally terminated.


  3. I would like some claifications if possible?

    I sent I-129F in before I found this website. The imformation listed to send in for the I-129F here on this website is different than what they ask for. For example I called USCIS they told me to send in G-325A with Her signature only, and the USCIS does not ask for divorce decree. They sent an RFE for divorce decree, & G-325A completed & signed. (Returned to USCIS 01-04-09)

    I have only sent in what they have asked for on the I-129F no letter of intent or a I-134. The I-129F states that you intend on getting married within 90 days of the arrival. I ask myself why a letter of intent! I work for myself in construction with the way the economy is, My income not very good right now But I did show a bank statement of a modest amount to show means of finacial resonsability.

    Getting a copy of her divorce decree was very difficult and long process (5 weeks) many stamps and signatures required before translation and 2 lawyers!

    Also just found out Her father has very bad cancer and will probable have to prolong the I-129F. Any suggestions on how to delay would be appreciated?

    I think for new people I hope they find this website before they submit there I-129F and the follow the guide lines here.

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