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Posts posted by ellieandwill

  1. At this point, I would be turning cart wheels for an RFE. My NOA 1 date was May 23 and I haven't heard a thing.

    i would be even glad of a touch at least they doing something better than nothing, a RFE yeh like yourself be over the noon as at least you know that be on someones desk waiting for your replys

    better than still in the bottom of a box where i know mine is and i have a feeling mine is going to be there for a few more weeks as i am never that lucky to get anything quick, anyway, do not give up hope hang in there

  2. I got my flu shot yesterday... does anybody know if I still have to get the chickenpox shot, even when I had the chickenpox when I was 5 years old? :blink: (in here the shot costs 350 euro, that´s like 470 $)

    oh thanksgiving turkey... I made my first one last year and it was huge. we don´t have thanksgiving in germany, but we should! on christmas we always make goose or duck.

    I´m so happy and thankful that I can spend thanksgiving with my honey and I feel the pain of those who won´t be able to be with their love! only a few more weeks and all of that (stupid) long waiting has an happy end!!! :thumbs:

    I wish you all a great weekend!

    ps: good luck mara

    i had chicken pox as a child too, so went to my Doctors and she gave me a blood test and i an imumme to chicken pox and she said no vac would be needed so here's hoping no vac needed at medical, as had everything else on their list now feel like a pin cushion these last two months and still one Hep B to go. I even got my doctor to give me an extra TB vac too even though had one was at school when younger., she said not need but i am not going to pay their prices for vacs it is mad when can get all free at home

  3. Okay...So after filing for our 129f and sending it off on May 28/08. We received out noa1 on June 6th/08. We were touched July 9th. Since then, nothing. I was hopelessly waiting and then finally, we get a touch Oct 14 which was AMAZING! But then we get one, on the 15th, and now again today [16th]. I know touches are supposed to be a good thing but are too many not a good thing??? Please let me know :unsure:


    good luck hope it is your approval today , we got about about same time line but no touched our way since june,


  4. Vermont seems much more inconsistent than California--our center may take longer, but at least they have reasonably consistent approval times (most April filers are approved around the same time, then most May, etc.). While there's a fair bit of overlap, you don't have random September or late June approvals while a ton of April and May people are still waiting. That has to be REALLY frustrating for Vermont filers.

    True, so how long do u think WE have to wait Villa?

    I'm thinking we're going to start seeing June 15-ish dates next week, then later June starting the week after. So anywhere from two weeks to a month--that's what I'm betting! What do you think?

    so what about me and fillers at the start of june, some got, others not, seem they do a few and then skip rest of that month go onto next month , just to make themsleves look good this very hard to see others after you getting approvals,

  5. It's just awesome to see so many people get updated. Hang on everybody, who hasn't heard anything yet. It is our turn very very soon.

    we not got ours yet, been over 125 days and still courting

    just hope by the end of this month, we get as would love to be with my man by end of jan09 as wedding in march and so much to do, all this waiting and doing nothing drives me mad anyway good luck and you will hear soon


  6. F**k ! Day number 75 since NOA1 and nothing, no touch nothing... I will have to go back to France next sunday and I don't know when I will be able to comeback cuz' of this f**king visa K1. I'm depressed !!! Maybe I will get lucky and get it in 3 month huh ? Tell me it is possible !!!!


    we been waiting over 130 days and still no nothing mad i know but still hoping for this month

  7. well here we go again the start of another week of waiting and jumping to look on the uscis site every five seconds, lets see how many of us get NOA2 this week, good luck to you all

    oh stinky hows the cold? all better i hope,


    we got touched on October 9th yayyyyyyy! i hope we can get our NOA2 soon!

    good luck to everyone!

    I will keep my fingers crossed for you, and all of us that are still impatiently waiting

    hi hows the cold? all better i hope


    ha ha thanks for asking, still got a stinking cold

    Fed up, hate this waiting, hate someone who does not even know me deciding my future, miss my boy,

    Apart from that I am fine, hope you are to Ellie

    hi, yeh me still the same, yeh like you fed up too, can deal with anything along this journey but not waiting for someone to decide my future and what makes it more madden for me is that that person, may not even be half my age, just some young person who mayhave never been in love before, not known what been withoput a love one is like ..............

    anyway, lets hope it is a good week for us and the many others all waiting,

    USICS should update their time line this week too so see what date comes out this month hahahaha


  8. well here we go again the start of another week of waiting and jumping to look on the uscis site every five seconds, lets see how many of us get NOA2 this week, good luck to you all

    oh stinky hows the cold? all better i hope,


    we got touched on October 9th yayyyyyyy! i hope we can get our NOA2 soon!

    good luck to everyone!

    I will keep my fingers crossed for you, and all of us that are still impatiently waiting

    hi hows the cold? all better i hope


  9. I know the hurt I feel is intensified because my wife just went back to Ukraine and the wound is still fresh from losing her by my side until this process is finished. Was feeling kind of ok today, then just going to the local grocery store (where we used to shop) this avalanche of pain and emotions just crushed me. :(

    Then I think of the others here at VJ, who have been waiting for months and months ... and my heart sincerely goes out to you. To go through this kind of pain for so long has to effect you emotionally, physically and mentally.

    I know that some of the pain might ease up a little as time goes by and 'regular' life, going to work, etc. goes on ...

    But I was just wondering what advice or tips can some VJ members offer who had a long wait or are still going through the process ... How did/do you cope without being with your most precious one?

    me and my man talk to each other everyday our computers are never off, we live our lives still together this way, i know when he goes to work come home , have his meals i even tell him what to have ( haha) we call each other every day text i also send him a card and letter once a week

    he do the same even food parcels things i love so much and cannot get here in UK, it is hard sometimes, and there are days i cannot cope at all but each new day is one less on this journey and i think of all the good times we are going to have ahead.

    just think this time next year all this be over and you be with together,

    good luck, stay busy and look ahead


  10. Me too! I sleep until 10am then draaaaaag my butt out of bed to MAKE myself go to my Guinean dance class because it's the only thing keeping me going now. I come home, shower, then look around like... ok now what? I have so many things I could be doing, so many things I used to love doing, and now I have absolutely no motivation to do them because I want my honey here with me! My friends are all giving me a hard time saying 'you're not getting out of the house enough.' I don't wanna! This has been the longest nine months EVER.

    I'm also tired of having to explain this. Why did I fall in love with somebody overseas? Can't tell y'all how many times I've been asked that one. Well who the heck can ever control who they fall in love with? Somebody actually said to me today, with a face that made me want to just shake her, "Well I HOPE it works out for you." I wanted to say you suck. Why would you say that? Of course it's going to work out, but one million people are applying for visas every year so we have to wait and wait and wait... Her response was (with that same face) "Well they all can't come here." Yeah actually, if it's family, then can, unless they've had previous problems, we just have to wait, so bite me. I didn't say bite me but I wanted to! Hahaha. The kicker is that her partner is also Guinean, but SHE didn't have to bring him here, he was already here. They didn't have to do the work, and I will say this, the two of them don't appreciate each other. They fight constantly. I hope when our men get here we can all appreciate each other and never forget what we've been through. Never take each other for granted. I know my honey and I will succeed because of what we're going through.

    People are so narrowed minded and they just don't get it. Why can't ya fall in love with a good ol' American homeboy? No offense to the truly good American men out there, but guess what, been tryin' that all my life and it hasn't worked out so well. I found my fiance when I wasn't even looking and I'll wait as long as it takes!

    Insh-Allah may we all be reunited very soon!

    GIRLLLL don't even give ear to those bliotches I'm telling you no one can even FATHOM love the way we found it. It's like totally out of their heads how it could possibly happen. I had a girl ask me similar things I since then I don't bother to delve into conversations with other people about this except for you guys.

    Love you, yes Insha-Allah soon.

    hi, i totally agree with you, how can any other person understand this unless you go through it yourself, i have waited all of my adult life for this man i am 48 years old and with him is the most wonderful thing ever. love has no rules no countries, no religion it is just two people , LOVE and GODS will for them to be together, good luck on your journey and hope you are with your love one very soon


  11. i have a question over all this..........can u have more than one type of application submitted? i thought u could only have one...............

    Thank you!

    Thank you!

    this is what my original question should be like

    does any one know the answer to this question?

    my mother is a LPR and has partitoned for my USA Green Card sometime in 2001. Has your mother become a US Citizen since coming here?

    What is your age?


    she works overseas

    but keeps her green card alive via re entry permits

    so she just comes and goes do not live in US ?

    Pay Taxes?

    what country are you from

  12. Congrats on your NOA2! Don't forget to fill in your timeline...

    God, I want my NOA 2 too...I cannot wait anymore. I just wanna know that I can actually make it to be with my fiance for new years at least. I am so depressed today. Bahhh....I hate myself for that.

    same here i want mine too this dam wait keeping me up at nights now, worrying this getting mad, feeling so sad now , so know how you feel, so no beat yourself up good luck for next week it going to happen

  13. Hey Everyone.... I'm so excited for all of you and your approvals and fingers crossed that your cases get where they need to go soon. Just think, in a couple of months, you can be with your loved ones!

    I think I'm the only one left who hasn't heard a thing, so I feel sooo out of the loop with all of this stuff!! Ahhh!! I've started another thread to see who (if anyone) is still waiting. I hope I have good news to give you guys soon, but still not holding my breath. Ahh!

    NO me still waiting , as always nothing new for me never been first in anything, anyway, must not get to sad as i know we both not have to longer wait now, judt hope some nice person gets their finger out next week and do ours

  14. I know everyone is hoping for the end of the month NOA2 like I am but................................. my timeline keeps extending by a day EVERY DAY!!!! Just a short time ago we were seeing an Oct estimate and now we are seeing a Nov 18 date. In addition, I am slipping down the list on igor's list. I don't know if it is because filers are finally updating their timelines and this is the best guess or the opposite.............they are not updating their timelines and our timelines are exaggerated. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

    I know what you are saying the same is happening to us, it is so frustrating

    morning all, another day, of hope, woke up and just know it going to be a wonderful end to the week lots of approvals for us all......... lets see if i am still having these great feeling at the end of day.

    I hope you are right, at least this week is better than last week with the amount of approvals going through

    I am at home with a stinking cold, so will be checking all day hahahaha

    same here, but think mine due to having all those vaccations we need just had flu and MMR last week, feel like s....

  15. I know everyone is hoping for the end of the month NOA2 like I am but................................. my timeline keeps extending by a day EVERY DAY!!!! Just a short time ago we were seeing an Oct estimate and now we are seeing a Nov 18 date. In addition, I am slipping down the list on igor's list. I don't know if it is because filers are finally updating their timelines and this is the best guess or the opposite.............they are not updating their timelines and our timelines are exaggerated. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

    I know what you are saying the same is happening to us, it is so frustrating

    morning all, another day, of hope, woke up and just know it going to be a wonderful end to the week lots of approvals for us all......... lets see if i am still having these great feeling at the end of day.

  16. I :pop: have my fingers crossed!!..

    Good Luck !! to all..see :clock: who is the next..luckey one..

    i just wish they would touch or do somthing me going mad here, think i crumble soon, so glad i found vj love reading all the stories and hearing peoples journeys so hope to see all june fillers by end of month get NOA2

    this is all to much i am a 48 year old woman, and never in my whole adult life (So FAR) have i felt this dam stressed out of having someone else decide my future life but we keep praying. hope you all get some good news this week,

    me going off to have a good strong drink,

  17. I don't think they can photocopy it. Since all the sheets are numbered at the bottom and are for the records of different people it seems.

    you can call up USCIS and tell them you'll be mailing out the G235A again. we only photocopied continuing sheets and I think we attached one sheet to each form sheet.

    Personally I would wait for an RFE as if it is sent now it is likely it will just be stuck in a pile of paperwork at USCIS.

    thanks, yeh that what i told him to do wait he get a RFE re do and then send back,,

    but i would have thought they would have seen that at time when got application and send RFE then and there, anyway, just wait is all we can do

  18. Well today is a good day :)

    I have discovered that I am 283rd on the vermont igors list and Vermont is now up to approving people who applied on the 28th of June! We really are over the halfway mark now guys :)

    . yeh but plenty of early june fillers still not got their NOA2 so do not know where those dates come from, they SHOULD be on those by now, may just take one or two from the date of the day to look good

  19. hi just a question on the G325a form whats happens if you only send one form of that pack in, would some kind person photo copy all sheets or would they send the whole lot back to you to re fill just asking as my friend done just that he filled as we did back in may and he not heard anything back as of yet,

  20. Does anyone know how long it takes to get your NOA2 in Vermont???

    yeh, as long as they want it to take, all depends on name checks, whats else is going on that day in office, who picks up your file, if they give you a RFE.

    we be waiting 4months now and no one even touched it as of yet, so who knows

    if you fill in your time line, it will give you an estimated date but you never know , but good luck

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