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Posts posted by raysfan

  1. I thing that's the right thing to do! but she is the one threatening me about taking my son with her! that is my only concern, she can do what ever she wants with immigration! my only concern is my son.

    Your spouse can petition to remove the conditions on her Green Card without you. So you do not have anything to threaten her with regarding immigration.

    As others have suggested, contact a family law attorney to determine the proper steps regarding your marriage and child custody. Let your spouse address the immigration concerns.

    * Moved from Adjustment of Status (family) forum to Removing Conditions forum as OP circumstances/question is about Removing Conditions on 2 year Green Card *

    * Will request that a Moderator change/alter thread title to help avoid confusion *

  2. I'm not forcing anyone! she just wants to leave US with my son! That's it!

    So let me get this straight.

    You want to force your wife to leave the US and leave her child with you?

    Is that the crux of the matter.

    wouldn't you help her remove her conditions? She still wont be able to leave the country without your permission regardless even if the conditions are removed.

    How is she a flight risk? Didn't she leave the US and return WITH the child? I'm pretty sure had she chosen she could have just refused to get on the return flight. She came back. She is not a flight risk.

    That notarized letter allowed her to leave the US but it didn't force her to return.(MY Dominican friend had to get the same notarized letter in order to take her children out of the country and Immigration called her ex husband to make sure she could leave the US even WITH the notarized letter)

    Hell on earth is always a subjective description. It may well be more hellish to have your child resent you for forcing his mother to leave the country.

    Do what is in the best interest of your child. I doubt a court is going to award sole custody to you. For the most part it will be joint...and remember when you file for divorce the court will order a child support order if the child resides with your wife.

    Best of everything!

  3. Thank you guys for all your replies!! Yesterday my friend called her friend that is an atturney and she said to let her go because I gave her a notarized permission to take my son out of the country with a return date and if she goes over that date is officially a child abduction. I hope that she will do the right thing and she will bring my son back home where he belongs.

    Thank you guys!!! God bless all...

  4. My wife came on a CR-1 visa from Colombia but with a 2 years condition (AOS) but things are not going too good with her. But to give you guys a long story short I gave her permission to take my child out of the US from tomorrow July 02 to August 19th, but all the sudden I just found out that she is trying to leave US taking my son (7 months old) borned in US and don't come back!!!!! I have no idea what I can do to prevent this to happen since they are leaving tomorrow!

    Is there something that I can do to stop her????????? PLease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will appreciate all responses please!!! :help:

  5. We can't really advise you unless you ask us a question. What do you want? Do you want a divorce? Do you want to know if she can take the kid? Do you wanna know about her GC status? Without a qn you can get no right answer...

    ** moved from "Adjustment of Status (Green Card) from Family Based Visas" to Effects of Major Family Changes on Immigration Benefits as this isn't an AOS qn and is more a Major Family change issue**

    At this point saving my marriage is not in my plans becuase as much as I want that she does not care!!!! I'm afraid that if she takes my son to her conuntry she will never conbach or try to do something to keep it away from me. The reason she is leaving "She is saying" is becuase of my 11 years old daughter, she does not like her and she look at her like her enemy!!!! Stupid but scary! and I can't take this any more!!! She is evil and always treating bad my daughter.

    I don't know if I should let her take my son with her for 2 months like she said because she said she can't take her no more "which I don't get it" but that is the excuse that she is using but I think there is something else behind that, that I haven't been able to find out yet!

    Thank you!!!!!

  6. I got married almost two years ago and since she moved here with a 2 years visa this is being hell!!! I came to the conclution that she only got married with me to get her green card! We had a son he is only 6 months and was born here in US. She moved here las August 09 and we had do a AOS to since her CR1 was only for 2 years. She wants to go back to her country now for 2 months taking my son with her but I have the feeling that she just want to stay away. I have a daughter that leave with me on the weekends but my wife has it against her since day one. Now the situation is terrible and she things she can just take my son away and that's it!!!

    Any thoughts on that!!! I'm very confused and have no idea on how to handdle the situation.

    Thank you!!!! :help:

  7. Hello,

    I am wondering whether or not my husband can travel to the USA while he has a pending Visa Application.

    We need to go search for an apartment and he may need to see to a job interview.

    I do plan on contacting the embassy to find out, but hoped someone would know already!

    Be patient you will have enough time to do everything but latter, your husband should stay put until the visa gets approved he will not be able to get in and that could put in jepardy your visa petiton.

    Good luck on your journey,


  8. Guys my wife is finally home, she arrived Wednesday, everything went well but since we have not been married two years or more we have to renew the visa in two years!! What exactly we have to do in order to do that!!!!! And do we have to go to the social security office to request her SS or it will come automaticly?

    Any thoughts?

    Orlando... :help:

    90 days before her greencard expires your window is open to apply for Removal of Conditions. Till then you can relaxe.

    You need to go to the social security office to request her SSN. Bring her green card and birth certificat.

    It won't come automatic. :)

    Thank you!

  9. I called my wife yesterday and she gave me the great news that yesterday around 10am her visa was delivered :dance: and finally in 8 more days we will be together, a day that we have dreamed about. Thank you God for helping us through this journey and to all of you visajourney friends and to all of you that are pursuing the same dream I will be here to help you as much as I can with my experience.

    God bless you all,

    Orlando.... :thumbs:

  10. We got there around 6:00am; there were plenty of people at that time. We got on line #1 but the embassy coordinators put us on #3. They let us in at 6:55am and send us to station #40 where we were given a green folder with instructions on how to organize all needed ducuments. Since it was a CR-1 visa most of the documents they had already but we included my wife's pictures (2), passport, Das certificate and Das letter shown exits from country and return. They call my wife on window #29 arount 9:30am to turned in the folder, to verify that all documents were ok and to give us all documents not needed (everything that we sent to USCIS that we were told that NVC didn't have). After a long waiting and seeing most people getting denied they call my wife around 2:10pm for interview on window #3. Nice white gentleman stated asking for pictures of when we were dating and wedding, then he told my wife that I had to go and seat, then he stated asking her questions like how we met, where do I live, when we met for the first time, how many time I have visited her and more.

    After that he told her that he needed to ask me some questions. Fisrt he ask me "Are you aware that your wife is pregnant? I said yes! How sure you are that it is yours? "I'm sure about it" I replied, and then he stated making other questions like how we met? where you married before? how many children do you have? What do you do for living? And he ask so many questions about my job since he used to do the same king of job before he said. After questions and more questions he said the magic words "WE WILL ISSUE A VISA FOR YOUR WIFE" I felt like he took 50 pounds away from me, I thank him not knowing how to react, I felt like crying, smiling, screaming, It was a joyful moment that you dream about it but when it finally comes you have no idea of what to do.

    After thank him I just turned around went straight to my wife, hug her and gave her a big kiss then I told her "Mi amor, we got approved" This was one of the happiest days of my life.

    I can Thank you enough guys for all your help; now my wife is finally coming home August 5th after and our baby will be borne in USA, Thank you again, your friend;

    Orlando.... :thumbs:

  11. Guys! as I promised this is our interview experience on July 22:

    We got there around 6:00am; there were plenty of people at that time. We got on line #1 but the embassy coordinators put us on #3. They let us in at 6:55am and send us to station #40 where we were given a green folder with instructions on how to organize all needed ducuments. Since it was a CR-1 visa most of the documents they had already but we included my wife's pictures (2), passport, Das certificate and Das letter shown exits from country and return. They call my wife on window #29 arount 9:30am to turned in the folder, to verify that all documents were ok and to give us all documents not needed (everything that we sent to USCIS that we were told that NVC didn't have). After a long waiting and seeing most people getting denied they call my wife around 2:10pm for interview on wi :thumbs:nd ow #3. Nice white gentleman stated asking for pictures of when we were dating and wedding, then he told my wife that I had to go and seat, then he stated asking her questions like how we met, where do I live, when we met for the first time, how many time I have visited her and more.

    After that he told her that he needed to ask me some questions. Fisrt he ask me "Are you aware that your wife is pregnant? I said yes! How sure you are that it is yours? "I'm sure about it" I replied, and then he stated making other questions like how we met? where you married before? how many children do you have? What do you do for living? and he asks so many questions about my job since he used to do the same king of job before he said. After questions and more questions he said the magic words "WE WILL ISSUE A VISA FOR YOUR WIFE" I felt like he took 50 pounds away from me, I thank him not knowing how to react, I felt like crying, smiling, screaming, It was a joyful moment that you dream about it but when it finally comes you have no idea of what to do.

    After thank him I just turned around went straight to my wife, hug her and gave her a big kiss then I told her "Mi amor, we got approved" This was one of the most happiest days of my life.

    I can Thank you enough guys for all your help; now my wife is finally coming home August 5th after a very long journey and our baby will be borne in USA. Thank you guys again, your friend;

    Orlando.... :thumbs:

  12. We finally had our interview yesterday and it was a long wait but it was a blessing. I thouh it was my wife interview but it turned more onto my interview than anytinhg else. But we got approved!!!!!!!! I will post all comments latter as soon as I get back home.

    Thank you guys and all visajourney friends!!!

    Orlando and Claudia :dance:

    Beautiful news!

    Let us know the details about your experience. FELICIDADES!!

    And see you on the AOS side.

    I´m at the airport in Bogota waiting with my wife for our flights, she is going backto Medellin and I´m going back to Orlando, FL latter today but it was a roller coster and ther is a lot of information to give to all those that are waiting for that big day.

    Orlando.. :thumbs:

  13. :dance: We had our interview yesterday and everything happened as planed. It was a long wait but it payoff. It was an exausted interview and thanks to God that when most of the people were getting denied the consul agent said the magic words to me, WE WILL ISSUE THE VISA TO YOUR WIFE

    and after many questions more than what I was expecting I heard those magic words. I´ll post all comments since I want to give details for all those that are very nervous about the interview and to have an idea of what to expect on that big that we all dream about.

    Thank to you all,

    Orlando and Claudia :thumbs:

  14. We finally had our interview yesterday and it was a long wait but it was a blessing. I thouh it was my wife interview but it turned more onto my interview than anytinhg else. But we got approved!!!!!!!! I will post all comments latter as soon as I get back home.

    Thank you guys and all visajourney friends!!!

    Orlando and Claudia :dance:

  15. Orlando I am happy for you man, that would bring immense emotion for just about anyone who is going through this.

    Joe- hang in there because I have no idea how horrible it is to have to continue waiting even long after you finished with the stuff I am waiting for or have to complete longer down the road. I am taking vacation to see my lovely wife in August in Bogota so lets be sure to trade stories and pics on here hehe.

    And back to HAL's baseball analogy, i am glad that all those up to bat from VJ are averaging 1.0 :).

    My question today is this, will your spouse changing jobs in her country impact the visa process any? She was just telling me that her computer programming company in Bogota, Heinsohn Human Global Services is having a lot of problems and many of her coworkers are either quiting altogether or finding better opportunities elsewhere. She also said that her manager named Ana told her boss that her and two others were leaving and her boss which is the Vice President of the company replied in kind, "Good because you and Merardo are liabilities and are too expensive for the company and that they would pass all the work on to Adriana." (Adriana being my wife). And I was thinking this could be a promotional opportunity but mi esposa told me that the Vice President intends to lower my wifes monthly salary and make her continue the work that her boss and coworkers were doing alone... Such a crazy situation that my wife was really worried about what she is going to do now. I told her I would be able to help her but she is worried, which got me worried too, and not just for her, but for the visa application. Does anyone know if this impacts the visa that much? You can see from my timeline below that I am still at the waiting of the NOA 2 part. My wife told me she may just end up looking for a new job as early as next monday. So I am just wondering if I should advise the USCIS or whatever of her plans.

    Once again amigos y amigas thanks for all the information

    James y Adriana

    That will no affect your case at all, if you have a situation like that regarding your job then it will affect it. But she might hagn there with the job she has until you guys finalized the visa process unless she can find a better job but these days is too hard to find anything. I will keep you guys updated with our interview and good luck with your wife's job situation.

    Orlando.... :thumbs:

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