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Posts posted by TearzOfAPrincess

  1. Hello everyone!!

    Can someone tell me how the tax info works. They just need copies of my w- not the return correct?? I got married Dec. 09 and for that year i filled my taxes as single. For this past year I filled my taxes as single because my husband doesn't have a social #.. how does this affect me in the long run as far as my I-864. I am going to need a sponser and that is fine but I wanted to know how it all works.. thanks for your help everyone/

  2. Well everyone I got the NOA2 of my I-130 for my hubby on monday. I have not heard anything from the lawyer and I am guessing I probably will not for about another week or so. I was wondering while I am waiting can anyone tell me what information I should be gathering for the next step into the NVC.. I know my Tax forms for the past 3 years which I have. What other kind of information. Also I am sure I will need some support from someone in my family what information will i need from them.. I live in ILL and only am making about 16000.00 a year now my mother makes the same amout will I be able to use her as my assistance. If so what info do i need from her.. do i need the same her w-2's. Also I am on public aid (food and Health care)for my son and me. Does that affect any of this?

    I should also mention that My husband and I have a baby boy so we are a family of 3 plus my mom would be 4.

  3. Hey Everyone! I am new here on the board and looking for some help. I have feel in love with someone here in Chicago who is Illegal from Mexico. What would you think would be the best way to get married. Would it be better if he and I went back to mexico and got married or him return to mexico and I request for him to come here and get married. Also if i do that What would I put on the form where it says how did you meet him? Any Help would be great...

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