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Posts posted by meggles16

  1. My fiance is American, I'm Australian, and I've recently returned from a month's stay with him in his home town. I have copies of my flight itinerary, all my airline boarding passes and my visa waiver stamp in my passport. My fiance has multiple photos of us together also. The problem is, we never stayed at a hotel - he owns his own house, thus I stayed there. I took only cash and never once used my credit card in the month going over there, thus I don't have any receipts with my name on them. His mother, brother and sister in law, as well as friends we hung out with, are all willing to write letters to state that we were together in the month I was over there, but I know that's all used as secondary evidence. I'm stressed because I'm not sure whether this will be enough evidence for the government not to issue an RFE. We haven't yet lodged our I-194F, and I was looking for advice. Any opinions?

  2. Hey guys. My fiance and I are set to lodge our initial I-129F. He's American, so he's the beneficiary. However, he's currently unemployed. He owns his own house, without a mortgage and everything but is in the process of looking for a job. Is this going to negatively affect the case proceeding in any way? I desperately need advice :( Thanks for any help you can give.

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