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scotty's girl

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Status Replies posted by scotty's girl

  1. isosoli ba ng CO yung mga documents like paystubs, w2 and yung tax return or form 1040? should we give them original copy or photocopies will do? thanks

    1. scotty's girl

      scotty's girl

      give them photocopies, but take the original copies with you cuz they might ask for them

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. so happy today just got an email from NVC containing interview date August 6,2010 yehey

    1. scotty's girl

      scotty's girl

      hi there...yes, you'll be needing an ID. you will show it with your appointment letter to the guard.

      nbi might be fine..good luck

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. I just called the U.S Embassy and Ms.Bella told me that my visa was approved on July 13! TEARS OF JOY!!!

  4. I finally received the documents in the mail today! Fingers crossed for July 1st!

    1. scotty's girl

      scotty's girl

      hi toni! i thought you had your interview today. anyways, good luck.. hope everything will turn out well...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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