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forever his

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Posts posted by forever his

  1. It drives me absolutely INSANE and up the wall that if you don't have a kid or a house after two years of marriage, they will send you a RFE.

    I already know that the same thing will happen to us. If it does, I will send them the bill for our fertility treatments to shut them UP.


    I AGREE WITH THIS 100% !!

  2. First of all, I’m sorry for the RFE. Second, having a child together has to do nothing with be approved faster or to get a RFE, not at all. Many cases are approved every day and they don't have kids together. I got approved this very week and we don't have children together. So don't worry about that, nor think that is the reason that you got the RFE. Anyway that is evidence that you cannot provide them within the next 30 days.

    Focus your energy in looking for evidence that you can provide and really forget about you haven't had kids together so far. That is definitely not a reason to send a RFE, approve or denied a case. Now, your list seems good for me, but then again I'm not the IO reviewing your case. You have basically the same that I provided them and maybe a little more than us.

    I wish you the best luck.

    thanks the thing is i already submitted all that stuff and i got the request for more evidence i dont know what else to send!

  3. So we filed to remove conditions back in july. went to the biometrics. Now i get this letter of more evidence needed with a list. This list contains everything I have already sent in. When we filed to remove conditions I included letters of affidavit, leases from all prior address, shared bank accounts, joint taxes for years of 2008 and 2009, photos, utility bills with both of our names on it. The only thing I did not include is a birth certificate of our child because we do not have one.

    I am so confused why they would want "more" evidence when I sent in everything we have. Do I resend in the information? I am so lost. I feel like this is because we do not have a child together, and we have been trying. Last year I was going through infertility testings. My heart feels broken. This green card has been nothing but a stress and burden on our relationship. My husband feels like this is it for his life in America, and I do not know how to build him up.

    Sorry if I seem stupid or am going on and on and on. But I do not understand why they are requesting evidence I already submitted! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!

    When getting his conditional green card we were sent to investigations due to a prior marriage we than hired a lawyer and he received his green card 30 days later. is that maybe a route i should now take. We only have 30 days to respond. :(

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