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Melly 2

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Posts posted by Melly 2

  1. If I remember right, there is a thread with this subject already, though it's a wee bit older. I'd have a search for it but I'm not that great when it comes to the search function here on the board. Maybe someone else can have a look for it? Only because I'm sure it has some great stuff in it that could benefit those still waiting.


    I guess my situation is a bit reversed, since I came to Egypt to live instead of us filing and having him go live with me in the States, though our original intention was for him to move to California and live with me. Sometimes after reading all of the adjustment stories, I'm glad I moved here, as I think it's an easier adjustment for me to make.

    But, you never know, we may move to the States at some point, and this board has been invaluable in terms of others offering up their experience in all types of situations.

  2. I think they should hand out valium to you when you join VJ. lol

    Maybe we should start a thread to keep track of who is having pms and when. :P:lol:

    Honestly, I think people need to take things a little less personally. And if you find VJ is not the place for you because there are MEAN people here, then by all means, stop reading and posting in the MENA section and stick to the other boards if you need help with the visa stuff.

    The people here can only hurt you if you let them. B)

    Also, taking a break never hurts. People do it often.

  3. Regarding laylat al qadar, I just read something else I had bookmarked to read.

    It's from the website of Suhaib Webb, who is another speaker that I enjoy listening to. He has a GREAT series on the wives of the prophet, salallahu alayhi wassalam, called Mothers of the Believers.

    Anyways, here is a short post he did regarding laylat al qadar.

    Suhaib Webb

    And here's a link to his Mothers of the Believers series, I'm sure you can buy it at other places too.

    Mothers of the Believers series

  4. Salam Sharifah :)

    Looks like you got it covered pretty good.

    Muhammad Alshareef (of Al-Maghrib Institute) has had some great email reminders about the last ten nights...

    This came the other day:

    Ultimate Last-10 Nights Dua

    Step 1: Go somewhere really beautiful, where no one can disturb you

    Step 2: Imagine Allah says to you, "Ask whatever you wish and I shall grant it to you." Think of everything good you would ask for from this life and the next.

    Step 3: After thinking of everything you can, sit down and write it out.

    Step 4: Pick 5 things, your favorites, and consistently ask Allah for these 5 every night in the last ten nights of Ramadan. Your dua will be guaranteed to have landed on Laylatul-Qadr! How cool is that?

    Also, I just watched this today and really really liked it. Yasir Qadhi is such a great speaker.

    This is about making dua - I highly recommend it to all my sisters :star:

    This definitely opened my mind and heart.

    And one last thing - for those who can't get to a mosque for taraweeh prayers, you can pray at home.

    It is said that Allah comes down from the heavens during the last third of the night to listen to those who call on Him.

    This is a great time to do some extra prayers - even two rakah!

    (maybe even just getting up a little bit extra before suhoor to do a few rakah)

    And then make dua like nobodies business!! :D

    Wishing everyone the best and that all our duas are answered ameen. :luv:

  5. Morning MENA!

    Im still sick, Zaid is sick, Sofyan is sick. Its pretty awful :( Im gonna go into work late today but I have to be there until 8pm anyways so my friday blows. Sofyans birthday is Monday and I have no idea what to get him. I wanted something "daddy" related but stuff is hard to find for him. Clothes are out bc all he wears is black tshirts and jeans, literally, and I refuse to buy him more. I thought about jewelry but Im not sure what. Any Ideas?

    How about a nice watch? I love the ones with the open face so you can see the insides working.

    Sorry to hear you are all sick and hope the house gets back to normal quickly. :)

  6. Husband says they're not the same. He ONLY smokes Marlboro reds now. He used to smoke killyoupatras. Have him buy some at the duty free shop at JFK. They're way cheap there.

    Man I hate the smell of hubby after he smokes the Cleopatras. I much prefer him to smoke some other brand that escapes me at the moment. lol

    The box is white and blue... Merrit maybe? Or some initials?

    Anyways I don't know what they put in the Cleos but they stink. :bonk:

  7. My husband flew into JFK when he came to the states and he went outside to smoke while waiting for his plane. Usama will just have to go through security again if he wants to smoke. I guess it depends on how valuable a smoke is to him. :D To my husband, it's very important. Haha! That 11 hour plane ride from Cairo to NY was a killer for him.

    Hopefully he'll sleep. HE got some meds from the doc for the ride so maybe he won't miss it too too much. How important is a smoke to him? When he got here one full suitcase was stuffed with cartons of cleopatras! lol.

    Hey does anyone know if a Marlboro in Cairo is the same as a Marlboro in the US? My sister and her husband said they're not the same though I dunno how they'd know since the furthest from Boston they've ever been is Aruba.

    My hubby seems to think they are different as well (and he has traveled a bit, but not to the States). It wouldn't surprise me if they were. Just like Coke or other companies bottle product over here instead of shipping it over, I'm sure the tobacco companies could make the smokes here. I'm sure it would be much cheaper production wise.

    We were walking past a cigarette factory in Giza area last week and the smell was horrendous. I don't know how people can live near it, but it's right in the middle of everything else - housing and stores.

  8. Allousa - I iz droolin'. Now I want steak!!! :devil:

    I second that on the drooling!!

    Anyone care to share good marinade recipes? Preferably with stuff available to buy in Egypt. lol

    We don't have as much store bought stuff (bottled, etc) readily available and I prefer fresh ingredients anyways. :)

    And happy Wednesday all :star:

    This is the marinade that Hicham used on the steaks last night. He said he didn't measure when he made it but tried to guesstimate how much he used.

    1 cup vinegar (white distilled)

    1/4 cup olive oil

    1 tsp rosemary

    1 tsp oregano

    1 tsp thyme

    1 tsp basil

    1 tsp ginger

    1 tsp salt

    1 tsp black pepper

    1 tsp hot sauce (like Texas Pete)

    He said to marinate (covered) the meat for at least 3 hours, flipping meat after and hour and half as this mixture probably will not cover the meat completely. Keep in mind this was for two strip steaks, so if you are doing more meat, double the recipe accordingly.

    I would have thought rosemary on steak ( :unsure::blink: ), but I'm tellin' ya! It was FABULOUS!!!!!

    Thanks so much! I can't wait to try it, it sounds wonderful!! :D

  9. Love looking at everyone's kids. So cute mashAllah!!

    I debated back and forth for a while with myself about posting my son's picture. Anyways... guess I decided yes. lol

    He will be 15 in November. He had just gotten back from summer camp this summer when this picture was taken.

    He's not MENA, but he is for sure growing like a weed!!! lol

    I lubs my cutie patootie :luv:

  10. Good morning, everyone.

    I officially have 6 weeks left till the baby comes. Yesterday I was on my feet a little bit for a doctor's appointment and now I finally understand what cankles are! Holy Moses!

    Yay Jenn, how exciting!!! :dance: I'd say those six weeks will pass in a flash, but ... lol... maybe not.

    I'd ask what cankles are but I'm not sure I want to know. :unsure: It's been so long since I was pregnant that I've forgotten all that *wonderful* stuff. :lol:

  11. Allousa - I iz droolin'. Now I want steak!!! :devil:

    I second that on the drooling!!

    Anyone care to share good marinade recipes? Preferably with stuff available to buy in Egypt. lol

    We don't have as much store bought stuff (bottled, etc) readily available and I prefer fresh ingredients anyways. :)

    And happy Wednesday all :star:

  12. There's a reason I don't venture into off-topic.

    What's wrong with OT? When I first joined VJ, OT was kinder to me than MENA ever thought to be, and to this day I much prefer it. But to each his/her own.

    It was halfway a joke about someone stating recently, in response to Amanda getting attacked in OT, that you need big girl panties to post over there. :lol:

    I did read/post there a long while ago but found that I didn't enjoy the posts of a lot of the men who were posting there, and since MENA is mostly women, I just find it easier. :)

  13. I am sorry that some of you are having a hard time fasting.

    As far as I know, it is preferred, as the first thing, to make up the fast when you can. If you can NEVER make up the fast, then I think the next thing is actually feeding a poor person. If you can do neither, than I think the donating is permissible.

    I still have some previous fasting days to make up and I will try to do them in the winter months insha'Allah when the days are shorter. Maybe some of you could also make up days in the winter? 10 hours fasting isn't nearly so hard as 15 or so.

    Just a thought and not judging anyone.


    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of Ramadan, fasting or otherwise.

  14. lol, took me a minute to figure out where I knew the nick mamasue from. Threw me for a loop. :D

    Hubby and I met while playing a game online - a massively multiplayer sort of game. The game was dominated by men so it wasn't someplace guys would expect to find many girls.

    We were on the same team and started talking one night - I believe it was new years eve. That was 5 or so years ago. Honestly I lose track. lol

  15. I was out yesterday and some guys were doing something similar, they had a hole opened in the street and were down inside it, but they hadn't put up any traffic cones or anything so cars kept almost driving over/into the hole. :blink: Every now and then a guy would pop his head up and check for cars, but didn't really seem that concerned.

    Complete sidenote: Today's my daughter's birthday, I have a cake mix, but I need to make frosting. How do you make frosting without vanilla extract? Does that vanillin powder actually taste good enough to use?

    Amysaid, you could probably use vanillin but be careful about the amount. I was making brownies at my MIL's and she didn't have vanilla, she had vanillin, which I was VERY disappointed about because I don't like fake flavorings. In any case, 1 tsp of vanilla is NOT the same as 1 tsp of vanillin. Vanillin is stronger and you need to use way less than real vanilla.

    Can you get hubby to go out to the store and get some real vanilla?

  16. Haha, thanks Melly. :wub: How's Egypt these days? Still hot or cooling down yet? Are you getting accustomed to life there?

    Egypt is cooling down thank goodness!! Been low to mid 90's for a couple weeks or so. I can't wait til cooler weather when I can wear a sweater and complain that it's too cold. :lol:

    I guess the main thing that bugs me here is how dirty it is. Just haven't gotten used to it or found a way to ignore it. lol

    Otherwise, mostly happy. Waiting (still !!) to move into our own place, which we've had for about 7 weeks now.

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