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Posts posted by ocelittle

  1. Sorry, does anyone know how soon she can visit? She already has a flight booked back with me a few days after the wedding.

    Corinthians said:

    "You gotta figure that she could come here and stay 'til almost Christmas, go home for a month or whatever to pack things or get papers together and then come back for another 90 days and once that was over,"

    Could she really leave with my right after the wedding? The way he put it wasn't that bad at all.

  2. I have somehow managed this summer, it's been a grueling experience :(

    Okay, so hypothetically, we get married today. How soon can she come with me to the States? We would have to apply right after we got married, so when can she come to the States with me?

    I really appreciate the support here. I'm sitting at work devastated by my lack of knowledge on everything, having treated it with such a passive attitude. My parents keep telling me it's okay, we'll call a lawyer and it will all be straightened up, but they have no clue what they're talking about.

    If it was just she could live here and not work, that would be fine, I could support her, but I don't think that's the case.

  3. Thanks for the replies everyone.

    How long are the visits that you're able to have? I've been building for this all year so I don't really need more time for belongings and whatnot. It would really be a slow, long wait, considering we've been waiting for this for the last 8 months.

    This is a very bad day. I'm actually debating whether or not I should move back to Canada. This job isn't worth the stress that more long distance will put on us.

  4. So I live in Las Vegas, and my fiance lives in Calgary. We have only been dating for about a year now, but I proposed to her almost two months ago.

    Our plan was to get married in Calgary, and then have her move back to Vegas with me afterwards. We were both naive when thinking that was the entire process. After much prodding by my father, we finally called the US Consulate in Calgary and after paying a ridiculous per-minute charge of almost 2 dollars, we gleaned the information that if we get married in Canada, she won't be able to go to the USA for 6-12 months (obviously the time to apply and all that), and if she comes here to get married, she would be sent home to wait for the application times.

    Now, that sounded a little sketchy, so I googled some information and found myself here. I was excited that I found an ACTIVE board online with up to date posts and regular visitors. I read a little bit more, about the K-1 Visa, but the whole thing is still confusing me.

    We are getting married in 2 weeks (September 12th) and have basically planned everything already. Everything is paid for, everything is in order, except what happens afterward.

    So I'm really thinking that we screwed up. For one, a shotgun wedding wasn't ideal, planning everything in 2 months, but we have been long distance for the entire time we've been together and we wanted to finally just be together.

    I feel like I'm faced with three options.

    1. Get married, apply, and wait patiently.

    2. Move back to Canada (where I'm from), leaving a great job and a great place to live, and starting over (for the fourth time in the last 3 years)

    3. Cancel the wedding.

    Obviously, 3 isn't an option, but I included in anyway.

    What should I do? Are those my only options? My fiance keeps calling me crying, and doesn't know what to do, thinks it's the end of the world. I don't know what to tell her anymore. How can this end well?

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