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Posts posted by GFL

  1. heho

    mombasa iam glad u made it home save:-))

    here is sunny and we had nice weather in the upper 80...really cool

    soooooooo iam in the final days.....tuesday is my big day..pls prayyyyyyy all for me iam soo worried...

    Don't be worried

    my interview is just a few hours after yours in the same Dallas office

    It is all in the hands of God, He brought me this far, He is not about to let me down

    Good luck to you too!! You guys will come back here tomorrow and tell us that you got your GC and you're done with this stress for at least another 2 years!!!

    God bless you both.

  2. heho

    mombasa iam glad u made it home save:-))

    here is sunny and we had nice weather in the upper 80...really cool

    soooooooo iam in the final days.....tuesday is my big day..pls prayyyyyyy all for me iam soo worried...

    Hey my friend,

    Just wanted to stop by here and wish you good luck. Don't worry too much .. everything will work out. God bless you. Let us know how it goes. I will pray for you.


  3. Guys I have some news: good or bad....however it may seem.

    Our interviewer was a little hard; didn't ask me a damn thing except where a photo had been taken. He asked my wife where we met, when, my birth date, name I currently use, address where we live. Then he looked at some pics, asked for the apt lease, bank accounts. Sat there and then walked us out, he was kind of puzzle how we met so I told him my father is a diplomat, he smiled.

    He handed me a green envelope to send back my employment card and explained to me that we'll receive a decision within a couple of weeks. Should he need more documentation he would let me know, if not I would receive a Welcome to the USA letter. He repeated various times when I receive my GC I should mail back the I-766. By the way he took my I-94.

    So I don't know exactly where I'm standing right now.

    I think you're fine. If he took your I-94 and asked you to mail back the EA card, then he's going to approve it. Just sit tight and wait, you'll probably get an e-mail from CRIS saying that you're card is being ordered.. very soon! ;)

    Congrats my friend.

  4. ok so they dont make trouble when its from 2007???

    when u file ur tax for 2008??must ask my hubby when they do it here in usa lol..in germany u have time until may

    My Dear Friend:

    How are you? :-)

    Taxes are due by April 15, you can get an extension if you need. But if you're husband is not self-employed, you guys might get money back. So I would do it now. :-) I am working on sending ours now.

  5. So me and my wife had our interview this morning.

    It was scheduled for 10 AM and we had to wait till 10:30 to get called.

    Both of us are russians and we managed to get a russian-speaking immigration officer!!! which didn't help us a little bit.

    He asked us all the standard questions from the application and asked for pictures and documents together. Most of the 30 minutes in his office we were silently watching him going through some paperwork, making notes and remarks.

    At the end he welcomed me to the US and wished us a good day.

    Congratulations!! :dance:

  6. my husband has a bank account but they didnt wanna put me on it until i had my social number....and as i got it in december we thought well i use his card...dont have a job so i dont need to be on it....but i will do that soon....

    and we cant put ultilities on both names because all is paid by his parents...and they dont wanna change it...i mean they are invited to come over and see that we are living together lol

    Okay Goldfee and GFL,

    Knock it off, you guys are going to be fine. Goldfee, I remembered a while back when you were worried about something and I told you that you were going to be fine. The IO's are quite friendly and not because one person had a bad experience means that you will too. Heck guys, I was TOLD on one site that the IO is going to ask me a whole lot of questions and I was going to be harrassed and all that. You'd think the person who posted the response was the IO himself. Like Hiedi, I came to the US to visit, got married within a week and ended up staying. I didn't quit my job and I hadn't packed out my personal belonging from the government quarters that I resided in. Just make sure you have your original papers and that the answers you provide are what you have on your application. My husband and I did not have joint account or matching adresses and the utility bills were a trip. The power and water were in the landlord's name and the cable were in her husband's name, I took them anyway and the IO accepted them (I had to tell her that they were husband and wife). I was never questioned about intent, I was not harrassed about joint account or the difference in adresses. To me, if you run in with stuff that has a timeline closer to your interview, then it would look like you are trying to fabricate something. If you have it, you have it; if you don't, don't stress it.

    My wedding pictures showed my husband in a polo shirt and jeans and I had on flip-flops and jeans, there were no rings exchanged and when I went to the interview I had no ring on either. Anyway, with what little I had, the IO told me that she was going to approve us and I would get my greencard in the mail in about two to three weeks (our interview was 1/29). She was very nice and when my husband stuttered on our adress, she jokingly asked him if he was sure he lived there.

    Start claiming your victory guys, don't let anyone decide your approval for you. The approval is already yours, the guys from USCIS just want to make sure that you are who you say you are. Best of luck to everyone and keep me posted.

    I think you got me confused.. I already got my card, not worried about anything. And also, I never, ever, ever .. said I was harassed about my officer or anybody. That is a very strong word in my opinion.

    I did tell everyone my experience in details, which was not the most pleasant.

    Goldfee is just nervous about the interview .. and that is normal.

  7. Debit cards? To have a debit card you have to have a bank account, no? Yeah, definitely a joint bank account. All the other bills you guys have, make sure their joint. Can you put the utility bill to both your names? They want to see co-mingled financial responsibility.

    Get some sort of proof that the house is his parent's house or that the lease is under their name. I don't know .. just an idea.

  8. Hello,

    I need some help here. I am going for a second interview on the 17th of Feb, in Baltimore. We had our first interview on sep 2nd on 2008. The lady was friendly and professional. She asked as general questions like date of births, how we met, Where do we work? We had common proof like bank account, car insurance, health insurance, . We also had a photo album that she didnt even ask to see. She said that we would hear from the shortly. This took 10 minutes.

    In jan, we found out that we were going for a second interview? How anyone experienced a second interview?

    Please help!

    I was not approved during our interview. The officer had his mind set not to approve us that day. I had all the documents you can possibly imagine, but he was looking for something to call us back in for a second time. So he asked for additional bank statements from the account I had in my name only, the one which all our bills were being paid from. He also asked for letters from people attesting to our marriage. He handed me an RFE and said that he would call us back in after I mailed him the docs.

    So about 1 week after I mailed the documents, he sent us another appointment letter. This time no questions asked. He just said I gave him everything he needed and more (sent him 4 letters from different people, including our next door neighbor who happens to be a sheriff). So he just stamped my passport, gave us instructions for filing I-751 and that was that.

    So this is what I tell you.. if you have nothing to fear.. don't worry. If all your documents are up to date and your marriage is legitimate, which I am sure it is.. then don't worry. Just bring everything you guys have together and go for it.

    Make sure you also bring your valid passport, I-94s, AP, and work permit (they will stamp your passport and collect the others from you).

    Best of luck, let us know what happens.

  9. Hi everyone,

    I am really confused. Please help.

    Me and my husband went for GC interview yesterday. We also brought our 18 month old son with us. Everything was going smooth. Officer called us in the room. She ask us few questions about how we met, ask about my past visas. I enter as J1 then change to B2, then was trying to get F1, but was denied. So I overstayed about 5 years now. Then she looked through photo album, went to make a copies of some supportive evidence ( bills, bank statements.etc.). When she came back she told me: "Congratulation, you will receive your Green Card in 10 days" Then she ask me questions from I -485 Part 3 form, and gave me an envelope, in which I should send my I-765 back. She show us our way out and congrat us 1 more time.

    Well, today I received a notice to appear for the second Interview and submit additional evidence, including I-601 Waiver of Inadmissibility because of fraud or misrepresentation. :o

    I am so frustrated now :( Was that just a mistake?

    Does anyone else being in situation like this?

    hmmmm.... IMHO there must be some mistake along the lines...

    the timing is totally wrong....

    even if she typed the letter yesterday it is not likely you would receive it today..

    anyway, as other people suggested, consult a lawyer..

    I agree with Maad, but definitely contact a lawyer. I think it is physically impossible for the letter to have something to do with the interview. Unless they sent it overnight. But still, call an attorney ASAP.

  10. ok thats what i have

    4 pics of wedding

    4 pics of me on his farm with the horses

    3 party pics with me him and friends

    2 pics from him with my dog...its difficult to bring us together on a pic because i made pics from him or he from me lol

    sams club cards

    both ID with same adress

    horse magazine catalogs with same adress

    bill from the farrier with both names on it

    bill from the vet with both names on it

    car insurance with both names on it

    adavits from a friend who wrote he know both of us well bla bla bla

    i dont have more bills because his parents pay all of the ultilities and house payments and stuff like that...they are also my co sponsor

    do u think that will be enough?i dont have a bank account yet because i dont have a job so i dont need a account..i have one of his credit cards wich i can use when i need something....

    Like I said, it depends a lot on the officer. Can you have maybe another credit card joint? How about pictures from the holidays? Does your husband have a bank account? I think you guys should definitely have a joint bank account. No lease? Maybe you should also bring a letter from his parents confirming that you guys live with them? Make sure your friends' letters are notarized.

    They might not even pay attention to the pictures. My officer didn't even ask to see them (and I had 2 albums). My husband was the one who offered to show it to him. He was showing the pictures to the guy and he didn't seem to care too much (during the first interview). The second time around he picked up the ones from the New Year's and asked who my dad was in the picture. So I think it will depends.

  11. GFL iam happy that u got ur card..iam only worried about the interview...after ur experience iam really scared...u were prepared so well and they still f...with u..so i have not so many evidence like pics and stuff like that...so i really hope they are nice to us...

    Don't worry about it. Everything is going to work out. Do you have pictures of the wedding? Pictures of you guys with friends and his/your family?

    My officer was just having a really bad day that day and I happened to be his victim. He had his mind set not to approve us then. But after, when I sent everything in and he called us back, he changed completely. His attitude was completely different. He better have believed we were really married. My husband was ready to take them to court. :yes:

    Everything is going to work out.. What kind of evidence do you have now? Are all your documents in order? Exam? I-94s? Visa?

  12. :ot:


    If you only knew .. I am sending out my resume as we speak. I've applied to over 35 jobs and nothing. Landed an interview the other day and it was just a pre-screening interview so I am still waiting for a call. I have another interview tomorrow for a mortgage processor job and the lady said that there were 65 applications for that job!!! :blink: Can you believe it? It's crazy. :o

    I have years of experience in the mortgage business and a Bachelor's degree and cannot get a job! aaagggrrrhhh ... :angry: I wonder if I am doing something wrong ..

    Sorry .. just venting .. so frustrated right now...

  13. I am having heart attack here, I have been checking my email all day today hoping something would pop up from CRIS but :( nothing so far.

    I am having heart attack for different reason.

    After 170+ days checking and nonexistence of my case on-line that's what I got 5 minutes ago:


    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    On January 26, 2009, we ordered production of your new card.

    All what i can say is: yahooooooo! Jack Daniel's I need you! ;)

    Now, guys, how long it takes between this notice and card in the mailbox?

    See? See? :) I told you it would pop up and say card production ordered!! :dance: Awesome .. awesome!!!

    It's been a great week for everybody.. I am very happy for all of you!

    I got my Welcome to the United States letter today. :) Also an approval notice for the I-130.

  14. GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs u dont believe it...i got a letter today

    i have my interview at the 3 march 10.15 in dallas



    Congratulations my friend!!! :dance: Finally, huh? You deserved this letter ... :thumbs: I am very happy for you. Now you have a date to look forward to.

    Congrats to everybody else who else got their approvals and letters!!!

  15. Maad, just make sure you fax those to him TODAY. It was "kinda" similar to my case then, but better. So fax those over and he should order your card. The only thing is that he didn't stamp your passport.. so make sure you send those and keep confirmation of fax sent. I am sure you will get your card ordered soon.. :thumbs:

    Thank you all for the good and positive thoughts!!! Appreciate that!

    Yes, I did fax whatever I had right after I got home.

    Now I wish the case number would show online...

    You're welcome, that's what we are here for.. support each other. :yes:

    Keep trying.. it will show up eventually. It will most likely show up now when they put your card order in production. :thumbs:

    Oh guys, by the way .. I finally got an interview for a job tomorrow! :dance: It is for a lender as a mortgage processor.. I am so excited. The money is not the best, but anything is great for me now. And it is something I know how to do and love doing. AND I am also very excited that I am going to inaugurate my GC tomorrow at the interview. :thumbs:

    My best wishes to all!

  16. hope maad is fine.....

    thanks guys.... I am almost fine :unsure:

    ok... short story Chicago office, 8:30 appointment time, got there 8:10, around 40 people already waiting.

    Called in on time by young gentleman, smiling and friendly.

    Question about reason for coming to the USA, reason for overstaying..

    Asked for supporting evidence. took few bills, account statements and three pictures.

    Took EAD and I-94 from my old passport.

    I-864W, which I submitted, did not apply in my situation, we had to fill out I-864 (we had my wife's tax transcripts with us.)

    The only thing was missing it was current pay stubs.

    On exit he said "please remember to fax it to me today. I want to put this piece of paper into the file and close it"

    Out in about 20 minutes.

    Well, I think I got approved. But I may be wrong. :unsure:

    and the case still doesn't exist on-line..

    Maad, just make sure you fax those to him TODAY. It was "kinda" similar to my case then, but better. So fax those over and he should order your card. The only thing is that he didn't stamp your passport.. so make sure you send those and keep confirmation of fax sent. I am sure you will get your card ordered soon.. :thumbs:

  17. fender same here...

    its so funny i looked in the german thread and there was a girl who wrotes in a german english mix and act like she is not able to speak german again after 2 years usa...as i post a comment that its ridiculus that someone is not able to speak german after two years and that its funny that all germans try to be an american and also speak german with ami akzent they started to give me ###### lol....and made fun about my bad english...oh my lord..thats so typical german and iam so happy to be here and not in germany anymore...grrrrrrrrrr :bonk:

    LOL .. you're funny. You're right though, there are some people like that .. it's so silly. As I would always say .. we have forgotten certain words in Portuguese, but still haven't learned English! LOL

    FYI: I've been here almost 12 years now .. and my Portuguese is just fine .. to say the least.

  18. I just never got an I-693. I only ever sent the DS3025 which was the thing I got from my medical saying what vaccinations etc. I had... So I definitely need the I-693 or they will deny me?

    Read up on the I-693 form and see what it says. But in any event, I would not take a chance. Worse comes to worse, go and do the exam now and have it with you at the interview (make sure everything is fine, of course). During the interview do not offer the form or the envelope in this case, unless they ask. Actually an advice to all of you, do not offer any additional information about anything.. just answer what they say and give the documents they ask you.

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