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Posts posted by blondie2713

  1. So I just want to know kinda how this all works and if any of my info is incorrect please let me know.

    So I wanted to see how things work. We have our k-1 appt in March of next year, if approved we plan to marry in april. We then file the AOS packet and wait. 1st step is usually the biometrics appt, then last our actual aos interview. After that he will be a permanant resident wth a green card, what does this exactly mean? How soon can he file for citizenship? Can he travel outside the country for a few weeks to visit family on a green card? Is there some step I am missing, and how soon does the permit to work arrive after filing the AOS, or it doesn't arrive until he gets a green card? Thanks for any and all answers, I really appreciate it.

  2. Some people may think that not speaking the same language can cause some kind of barrier. I met my fiance and he did not speak one word of ENglish. He is slowly learning but it is difficult when living in a rural part of Mexico. I hardly spoke spanish but we have an amazing relationship and communication skills. Just becuase you have to explain something differently or simplify doesn't necessarily change its meaning. Sometimes I don't know the word in spanish so I say it in English and then try explaining in spanish. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. If you communicate on some level, that is better than most relationships I know, even if they both speak the same language.

  3. It was an honest mistake, one that a lawyer could have made as well, since technically you qualify to file the I-129f and receive the K1 visa if you are not LEGALLY married. And many people think ¨what better evidence to prove that we have a relationship than wedding pictures?¨ It makes sense, until you read about how it can cause problems. Beside, from what I have read on this forum, many lawyers cause additional delays and problems for the filer, and are often an unnecessary expense. So don´t let your fiance give you a hard time :)

    I think that the probelm some have had is that it may be difficult to PROVE that you are NOT legally married, so if you present photos of a wedding the consulate may say they can´t give you the visa with evidence that you are already married in the file unless you can prove you are unmarried.

    I would suggest going forward with the process since you may not have any problems, be completely honest, and look for evidence to present in response to an RFE, or at the interview, that you are not legally married. Like the other poster suggested, Mexico may have a paper that you can get stating your husband is legally single. It´s great that you already stated the ceremony was not a legal one in your petition.

    Just curious... Did you have any problems arranging the Catholic ceremony with a priest? Just curious, because my fiance and I both live down here in El Salvador and we wanted to do a Catholic ceremony too, before we move to the States, but we couldn´t find a church or a priest to do it cause they said according to The Bible you have to be married FIRST by ¨Man´s law¨ before you can be married by ¨God´s law.¨ Just in case the consulate asks about that you may want to have a letter from the priest or something explaining that he did the ceremony even though you were not legally married.

    So I am checking into whether or not I can send additional info to be supplied in the 129 packet. Do any of you know if I can do the following? I want to send like a supplemental letter that explains specifically our situation and that we are only married in the church and that does not constitute as legal in either country and why we did it and why we havent married legally in Mexico. I want to be married in the US because that is where I was born and raised. I will try and find out if I can sumbit papers that state that him and I are still legally free to marry whomever we want. ANy info on if I can and how do I go about doing it. Just a letter in USCIS at CSC with his case number on it, or should I call an ask first. Because when I called and asked which form to fill out, they told me the 129f, soooooo...... should I really trust customer service? Thanks

    The standard advice would be to wait for an RFE because there is no guarantee that your supplement will find your file. However, in your situation you may just want to try..... There is no USCIS form for this.

    I agree. I don't see how it can hurt to try offering more of an explanation in the off chance that it may get matched up with your existing file.

    Did you submit one of these for each of you with your original I-129F?


    The thing I would want to prevent is an outright denial of the petition.

    I'd send a letter detailing your situation (including original Letters of Intent for both of you if you didn't send them with the original petition) by registered mail asap.



    I did send our letters of intent and in mine I stated that we had been married religiously but the US nor Mexico recognizes this as legal so we are filing he fiance to allow my fiance/husband to come to the US so we can get married in the US. I have prepared a supplemental letter explaining this but I am not sure how to send it. And since we have not received our NOA2, we may still get RFE's, but I think its best to send it twice, rather than wait and hope for a RFE. I am looking into whether we can find a form that states my fiance is legally free to marry here in Mexico.


    Actually it was a hassel to get married in the church because I am Christian and he is Catholic. Mexico is extremely Catholic and the marjority of people are only married in the church and not civil because it is more important. I am trying to piece together all the information I can use for his appt day and trying to prep him as much as possible for questions. Its hard for him because I am the one taking care of evrything so he doesn't really know whats going on. I have heard of a case that was somewhat similar and they got a re-interview and accepted in three weeks of the denial from Mexico as recent as May, soooo even if something goes wrong, it sounds like we can take care of it quicker than other countries, esp since we know it's coming.

    I have my letter already written so I will post it and you guys could critique it. Thanks again.

  4. So I am checking into whether or not I can send additional info to be supplied in the 129 packet. Do any of you know if I can do the following? I want to send like a supplemental letter that explains specifically our situation and that we are only married in the church and that does not constitute as legal in either country and why we did it and why we havent married legally in Mexico. I want to be married in the US because that is where I was born and raised. I will try and find out if I can sumbit papers that state that him and I are still legally free to marry whomever we want. ANy info on if I can and how do I go about doing it. Just a letter in USCIS at CSC with his case number on it, or should I call an ask first. Because when I called and asked which form to fill out, they told me the 129f, soooooo...... should I really trust customer service? Thanks

  5. Maya

    I am confused about what you wrote, could you explain what you meant. I don´t know what you are suggesting, that I should go through with it and see or start the process over. What does this mean? Break it down, I am blonde ya know. "I t is concluded that, if the petitioner's marriage is not recognized for immigration purposes in order to have an immigrant visa petition approved, then the petitioner cannot be considered "married" for the purpose of denying a fiance(e) visa petition."

  6. you might get an RFE because they might think that it is a marriage, but you just call them and explain that it was a religious ceremony and not a civil. I sent in a video and they sent it back to me, so they might not even look at the video. I think you will be ok...

    We got the NOA1 in July and nothing was wrong. We expect the NOA2 in Dec but I thought the NOA2 was just FBI clearance and stuff, nothing to do with the packet itself. I thought they would have sent the packet back if it wasn't right, right. I just do not want to get to CDJ and have them say opps, denied cause your married. In my letters of intent I wrote thatwe were marrying in the US because our religous marriage in Mexico wasn't considered legal by Mexcio nor The US. PLus, My fiance was also EWI and left legally with no criminal background so we will file for the I-601 waiver.

  7. Where in Mexico are you planning on getting married? I got married in Puebla Mexico and all I needed was my birth certificate translated into spanish and have that notarized and apostilled by the secretary of state in the state that the birth certificate is from (does that make sense?) Like I was born in Ohio, so I had to get the birth certificate translated in spanish and took it to the state capital, Columbus, and had it notarized, then I took it to the Clerk of courts office and had the signature authenticated for the notary, and then took it to the Secretary of States office and had it appostled. I think it took me about 1 and a half hours and about $20, including parking and fees and stuff.

    Then when you get to Mexico, you have to get permission from the office of immigration to marry a Mexican national. I think the fee was about 1450 pesos, or $150. It takes about 3 business days for the approval. Then you can file for a civil marriage.

    If you want to file for a spouse, you have to have the Acta de Matrimonio, which you can only get after the civil ceremony because that is the only type of ceremony that is recognized by the US government (at least from Mexico)

    If you filed the K-1 visa application, you would have to have sent them the Acta de Matrimonio, without that they will know that it is not a "legally acceptable" marriage. You can cancel the K-1 if you would like and then get married and file for the IR-1/CR-1 visa.

    I think you will be fine!! Don't cry!!

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

    The thing is that I have filed the K-1 for fiance and payed the ridiculous 500 fee and the waiting is unbearable. Plus I live in Mexico right now and was born in Ca and my Mom had went originally to try and get it apostled or whatever it is called and they said that they were backlogged and it would take months. That is why we didn't and went the 129 route. We have no acta de matrimonio but they say that if it looks like a marriage, and sounds like a marriage, then it probably is. I just dont want to have wasted all the time and money and effort, especially since we are not legally married and couldn't filed for the 130 anyways

  8. So, Before I found this site and all its wonderful resources, I filed the I129f on behalf of my fiance from Mexico. He comes from a small town that is extremely Catholic. In order for us to be able to live together, you must be married within the church. We did in April of this year. I went to file for a marraige cert but they said since I was a foreigner I needed so many doc's approved and translated and that I would need to apply in the capital of the state where I live. So I called NSCIS and asked which form would I fill out immigration wise and they told me, 129f. I did mention that I was religiously married but not civilly. So the guy said that any marriage that isn't civil in the US or Mexico is not recognized as legal and to file the 129f. So I did, and unknowingly I added not only pics of my wedding but the VIDEO!!! Someone please make me stop crying and tell me that my fiance visa will be approved, if my fiance finds out I caused this, he may explode. PLEASE HELP!!!! :cry:

  9. So I don't make enough to fully support my husband and I have read mixed messages about whether joint sponsers are allowed. I am filing in Juarez Mexico and have heard they are, is this true? My parents have to do all the requirements I do, right. Letter from employer, last few pay stubs and the last 3 years of tax returns along with the form? Problem is my parents haven't filed this years taxes, so do I tell them to get on it or will the previous 2004-2006 years be ok. Thanks

    I forgot to mention that I didn't work all of 2008 in the US, so do I just skip that year or what?

  10. So I don't make enough to fully support my husband and I have read mixed messages about whether joint sponsers are allowed. I am filing in Juarez Mexico and have heard they are, is this true? My parents have to do all the requirements I do, right. Letter from employer, last few pay stubs and the last 3 years of tax returns along with the form? Problem is my parents haven't filed this years taxes, so do I tell them to get on it or will the previous 2004-2006 years be ok. Thanks

  11. My Fiance lives in, Egypt and I was wondering for a I-129f, what forms will be sent to him to fill out and return or bring along with him to the interview? Is there a place online to get these forms, so I may copy them, and look over exactly what must be done so I can start preparing to help him? I'd like to practice to make sure they are filled out correctly and gather things ahead of time.

    Good morning

    once the USA Consulate received your papers they will send him the Packet 3 .

    Packet 3 Contains:








    and the forms that he should send back to the Consulate :-





    2 PHOTOS









    I hope that help you

    Is this the same for every country. My question is the translation part. If its in English, its ok, but in spanish it will need a translation?

  12. So I have tried numerous times to post on Immigrate2US and also to search and it says I am not allowed. My time will be spent here until resolved. My problem with the I-601 is that unlike all of you i met my husband in Mexico and I am still living here with him. We have applied for the I-129f and the NOA1 arrived on July 22. We live here together and since he was illegally in the US we are going to file for the I-601 but how do you prove hardship for a fiance when you live with him in Mexico? Any help? Thanks

  13. Does anyone know about some waiver that they have immigrants sign before given the visa if they have been in the country illegally? My fiance went to the US illegally for almost 2 years (hes from Mexico) paid taxes one year, and left voluntarily before the end of the second year there. So far we haven´t been denied nor accepted and since he paid taxes I dont think he will be disqualified but I had heard about a waiver that he would sign at his interview acknowledging his illegal presence previously in the US. I also heard that the fee is like $550? Anyone had this experience or can contribute any knowledge? Thank you all so much. I am so glad this site exists!!

    PS I found this site after I personally filed the I-129f and I submitted original birth cert and bank docs. Was this a bad move?

  14. So i have recently married religiously in Mexico and have filed for teh fiance visa. We have not heard yet whether we are approved but I wanted to know how do I fill out the form I-134 to show support if I live in Mexico with my fiance? Does that work or am I somehow disqualified? I am worried now that I know that we need it and I need to make a certain amount of money. I am 23 and female, so how much do I have to make to make it? I made around 25,000 the last year I was in the US, but since oct 2007 I have been in Mexico and working? Thanks for all your help.

    If you are married in the eyes of Mexican law, then the K-1 isn't appropriate. SOMEONE, if not you, needs to provide evidence that the two of you can be self-supporting when in the U.S. I take it that you currently have no regular income, is that right? Can you find a co-sponsor?

    Sorry I didnt make myself clear, but we are only married in the church which is not recognized by the US or Mexico as legal. I am an English teacher and make a very good wage for Mexico, and my parents have given us a property to live, and it is being transferred to my name but I currently havent worked in the US for almost a year and dont plan on returning until I am with my fiance.

  15. So i have recently married religiously in Mexico and have filed for teh fiance visa. We have not heard yet whether we are approved but I wanted to know how do I fill out the form I-134 to show support if I live in Mexico with my fiance? Does that work or am I somehow disqualified? I am worried now that I know that we need it and I need to make a certain amount of money. I am 23 and female, so how much do I have to make to make it? I made around 25,000 the last year I was in the US, but since oct 2007 I have been in Mexico and working? Thanks for all your help.

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