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Posts posted by akiirflame

  1. Brokenheart,

    I am so sorry to hear what happened with your husband. I am going through a similar situation and was wondering if you found out if he was eligible for a waiver? I put in a call to a couple of attorneys, but have not heard back. I came here hoping to see if anyone had ever received a waiver with a trafficking charge. I wish you the best of luck :)

  2. Hello Everyone,

    My boyfriend, Canadian, was stopped at the US border for a crime committed in 1986. We are currently working through the waiver paperwork. Our ultimate goal is to be able to travel freely back and forth between the two countries and eventually get married. We would like to make our home in the US, and he would like to be able to work here. Other than the paperwork we are already sifting through, I do not know where to go. If anyone can give me any advice on the best steps to take I would greatly appreciate it :star: Thanks in advance.

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