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Posts posted by Nefertiti

  1. I just saw on WABC and CNN that a regulation went into effect on August 1st that requires female immigrants to receive Gardasil, the vaccination for HPV. Immigrant rights groups are protesting because of the high cost of the vaccination will add to the high fees that are already involved in immigration. Perhaps this is why the medical fees have increased for Rachbel and not Yassmine's husband.

  2. You guys are amazing! Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome and for all the great advice. Polar Bear, thank you for taking the time to research such an extensive answer. You really do rock! At least we figured out 1 issue. Aside from the divorce, there is lots and lots to figure out, that's why we haven't filed anything and definitely won't before the end of the year when I make another trip to Cairo. I just wanted to get a feel for what we might be in for.

    BTW - what are flying pineapples??

  3. Hi VJers,

    I'm brand new to VJ. I've been lurking a little bit since my honey and I have not filed yet and I wanted to see what might be in store for us. We are actually still getting to know each other and trying to make some decisions about our future. One thing I've noticed about the MENA forum members is that you seem to love giving advice...and you're good at it! I've enjoyed the support I've seen you give each other and I figured this was a good place to come now that its my turn to seek some advice. Thank you in advance!

    First off - we just discovered that he has chronic Hepatitis C. This is not the sexually transmitted variety. Lots of Egyptians have it because of a government program in the 70s where vaccines were given for bilharzia (I've done a bunch of research on this). I'm concerned that Habibi will get turned down on the medical for this. I think the medical looks for Hep A & B, TB and HIV, but I'm wondering about Hep C. Has anyone else in MENA run into this problem?

    Second issue - this is a biggie. We're both in our 40s. We're not kids just starting out. We didn't meet on-line. I met him when I vacationed in Egypt and I pursued him. Poor man was just living his own life and minding his own business when I started talking to him. Turns out that Habibi isn't officially divorced. The dowry pay-off is pretty large. Does AP really check these things? Does anyone think its possible to slide this past the visa people?

    Like I said, I appreciate any thoughts you have on the matter.

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