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Posts posted by Aman

  1. Congrats...so when is she coming over...I reached home yesterday...feels great as of now:)

    hey Aman, good to know that you are finally home!!! welcome to America...may you have a blessed life ahead. what state are you in? my wife should be here next month. she just wants to wrap things up there before she comes.

    I am in Texas...POE at Houston was so smooth.....No one asked any questions...and I didn't even feel the customs at all.......I was carrying lot of gold from my wedding and was a bit worried.....

    Good Luck and stay in touch

  2. What does this suppose to mean she put her foot in her mouth? Please explain...and also tell us lil about other ppl around u...



    Sonia...She was a mass of nerves...even I could see it, she messed her paper owrk about 4 times.....I had a 2 min interview...and she was at the window for half an hour...she strtaed crying after about 10 minutes...looked weird to me....she kept on saying please give me the Visa ( Thats all I could hear....)

    I think being comopsed and confident counts.....also keeping your answers to the point and polite......also keeping atrack of her paperwork....she took 20 minutes to hanover medical report and VFS recpite...and then her AOS docs were missing...guess she was also asked to get some stuff.....

    Congratulations :dance: :dance:

    Out of curiousity, how did your FIL was allowed in the consulate? Is he an American citizen?

    Yes he is....He went upto the interview window with me

    Thanks everyone for your wishes.......

  3. Hey Guys!!!!!!!!!

    First a BIG THANK YOU for all the support I got here on VJ.........

    I had ny interview today at New Delhi Embassy .....and I gt my Visa.... :dance::dance:

    Here is a little update

    Though my interview was at 9: 45 we reached the embassy around 7: 30. and were asked to enter around 9: 15..... Was issued a Token.....Waited in the Lounge with my Fater in Law....then both of us went in to to the counter assigned to us...gave my Medical Report nad Passport.....

    She did not ask for the VFS recpipte or the 2007 1040 that I was supposed to take for the interview, did fingerprints and was told to wait

    Went to the second window....An Indian with an Amerixan Accent talking in Hindi:)

    He asked me if the Pic was mine....Asked my FIL to wait......Made sign the DS3032 part 2......and swear what all I had written was true and asked the following questions

    1) Who Lives in USA

    2) When was the first time you met

    3) When did you get married

    4) How many people came for the wedding

    5) When Did he go to USA

    6) What does he do

    7) Where does he live

    8) Where did you meet

    9) Who all where there when you first meet

    Thanks Mam, you will get your Visa in 7 days

    Thats all....no pics....no records...nothing.......

    But I suggest that you be polite and stick to facts and check your paper work anyways because there was a girl who was put under AP cause in the process of convincing the counsler she put her foot in her mouth...he doubted if there relationship was genuine or not

    Thats it for now.....

    Oh Yes...My brother submitted the Docs as VFS...and I never went to VFS....no one asked me about that too...I guess Mumbai is too problemtic and particular about everything

    I have my tickets booked for March 19th...so will be going Home soon.....Thanks a Million Agian....

  4. Thanks a million Guys!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok here it goes..................I GOT MY VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It was a cake walk....No one asked for any docs , Pics mails...anything

    Here is the list of Questions

    1) Who Lives in USA

    2) When was the first time you met

    3) When did you get married

    4) How many people came for the wedding

    5) When Did he go to USA

    6) What does he do

    7) Where does he live

    Thanks Mam, you will get your Visa in 7 days

    I will post the details in a new threda...as of Now I am plain Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Thanks Guys....

    Actually I don't have many pics of US together before and after the wedding, My Laptop was stolen and with it I lost all the pics of the 5 Days we were together

    Also I am really worried about the " Arranged Marriage" thng.....I don't expect an American Counsler to understand the way Indian Arranged Marriages work, Also we were together only for 5 days after the wedding:(......Hope he will not make fuss about it.................

    Catie...I am so looking forward to be with Hubby on our Anniv.....I might be lucky to be their on March 23rd ( The Day we first Met:)........) and of course for the Marriage Anniversary too.................

  6. Hey Guys!!!!

    My CR1 Interview is on Monday......Here is my checklist for the D Day

    1) Original Passport

    2) Interview Letter

    3) VFS Recepit

    4) Medical Report

    5) Copy of all certificates submitted with NVC

    6) Copy of Tax Transcrpits for 2007 and 2008

    7) E-mail Records

    8) Phone Records

    9) Chat Records

    10) Wedding Pics

    11) Wedding Card

    12) Wedding Bills and Records

    13)Affidavit from Parents and Relative

    14) News paper with the matrimonial AD

    15) My Personal Records, education, work ex, tax returns

    Am I missing something here....Hope this will be good Enough......

    I am so nervous and excited about this at the same time:) :unsure:

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