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Posts posted by jakeswife

  1. well, mi naw go lie mi miss u more still

    JAP I'll be there in Aug, Oct, Nov

    I hope I can relax on the last two trips...last time I went home in June I was there for 4 days it's like I laid down to sleep and it was time to go back home.

    tre i went in april and june and it was like only sleeping in a different bed. The trip was so exhausting because of the bag and pan i have to work with and the crying and the pooping etc. They were much better coming home. We are heading to Fort Lauderdale in october, they will be 1 then so i welcome this trip. I want to go back home at xmas time. I love jam at xmas time. It's the only time i feel young and childlike again. Me as an old foot...

    Ok could someone please summarize what's has been galanging with you all. I told you first, so...

  2. Sus (or anyone else that has looked into it) what about the flight from JA to Mexico? I just looked and all I could find (in my 2 minute search) was layovers in the U.S. Love to be able to take hubby's sister somewhere so I'm interested in how this can work. Thanks!

    Jakeswife- Wow 8 months. It seems like you were just pregnant. Take a breath now because soon they are going to be walking and then you will be in more trouble. Are you on FB? I'd love to see pics! Did you have twin boys? If so I'm calling for a future link up with Finesse's twin girls. :rofl::rofl::rofl::help:

    hey . yes it has been eight mths and i do dread the walking phase. They are both crawling and david is raising himself up, which is something else because i have to keep taking him out of stuff and moving stuff around. Soon the house will be empty.

  3. hey ladies. Yes i have been away for a while but the only excuse i have is, life happened. I had a rough couple of months adjustng to motherhood and the dynamics of fulfilling their daily, minutely and hourly needs. I am now able to raise my head a little and take time to do other things like come on and say hello. They are 8 mths, so a little more independent. I am trying my best to get my life on track: finding a job and carving out a little of the american dream for myself.

    I cannot believe that this year is time for me to remove the conditions of my greencard and i am sure there's alot of changes that has come to you all as well, so let me have it , what's been going on.

    By the way , the sight looks different

  4. hello ladies just stopping in for a minute. thanks you all for the well wishes . i can't believe it's been a year since i have been on here going through the visa process and hoping that i would get an interview date. now i am here a mother of 2 and have been in the states since last year december.

    OK who should i congratulate on their successful interview,wedding or engagement.? sorry i didn't catch up so i am in the dark.

  5. hey you all

    here are my boys.David the bigger one weighs 5lbs 2oz and jacob the smaller one weighs 3lbs 15.7 oz .He will be in the hospital for an additional week.I will keep you posted of his progress.


    AWWWW beautiful.

    My son was 2 months early and he was 3 lbs 11oz"

    He stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks so I understand what you are going through but now he is almost 12 and big as me.

    Hey ladies the House warming Welcome to America Party went well

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I will have pics to post this week

    Love you all God Bless going to home early 3:30 pm Las Vegas time

    i did felt guilty that i was bonding with 1 more than the other but jacob's health is coming along and they expect him to be home in a week or so.

  6. Welcome to the world David and Jacob and Congrates Jakeswife.

    thanks. they are cute as can be. i am really surprise that they look this great,not to sound vain and bias but they are great looking boys. i do hope they don't grow out their looks as mi granny use to say.they sleep throughgout the night. i was very surprise . you would think they are drugs with sleep meds, not that i am complaining.they only cry when they are hungry and david is the greedy one hence him being the bigger of the two.

    Yes they are pretty cute for newborns...lol I have twins and my twins were by far the cutest of all my kids....must be cause they were the only "c-section" kids I had. LOL. Enjoy your babies and you are lucky that they sleep through the night. That is a blessing.

    i am knocking on wood.their personality as yet to be formed so hopefully they don't tear the place down with loud crying.so far so good. i am still exhausted . the surgery was done on friday but i am tired.

  7. Welcome to the world David and Jacob and Congrates Jakeswife.

    thanks. they are cute as can be. i am really surprise that they look this great,not to sound vain and bias but they are great looking boys. i do hope they don't grow out their looks as mi granny use to say.they sleep throughgout the night. i was very surprise . you would think they are drugs with sleep meds, not that i am complaining.they only cry when they are hungry and david is the greedy one hence him being the bigger of the two.

  8. Jake...mi agree..i HATED walking liek a blasted duck...and affi think before sittign down..kissteet foolishness.Yea.. Q mary J have this high back/bottom thing going on

    I would love to give a special thanks to Chiney*Eyes for helping us with the cultural differences. There are days I thought I was going to be on the next epsiode of Snapped until you helped me cleared things up. I appreciate it and I'm sure Damien does too ;)


    anytime girl!!! i love LOVE :) wish u guys were closer

    well one time i was going into the supermarket and suddenly feel like someone else controlling mi strides.so mi stop and sey look pickney unnu not meking me loose mi sexy so cut out the moving until mi stand up still. would they listen,NO.mi couldn't just stand there cause people would tink mi mad so mi decide fi choose walking like a duck than having people tink mi mad.

  9. God forbid it doesn't work out for me and A...but I would know with everything in me that we loved each other once upon a time...had a great friendship...but our life paths changed routes at some point, and we had to part ways. I know the sacrifices he has made to be here with me...fearing that there will probably never come a time when his girls can join us. I witness his turmoil everyday wanting to be in their lives and wanting to be happy with me. He told a pastor and his family that he has never been so happy in his entire life...told his sisters (they are his best friends too) that he could marry me everyday...he doesn't have to spit game to me...when he reaches out to rub eye buggers out the corners of my eye...he silently tells me that he loves me. When he tells his little girls at night...daddy loves you...I know that he loves me too. When he wakes up to watch me shower and dress for work just so he won't miss kissing me later...he silently tells me he loves me. When he gets to the last sweetie in the bag and he bites in half and saves me the other piece...he silently tells me that he loves me. When he softly caresses the scar on the back of my neck while we lounge in bed...he silently tells me that he loves me. When he leans in to kiss me goodnight because I fell asleep as soon as I laid down (despite the drool)...he silently tells me that he loves me. When I come home late at night from working this stupid A$$ shift they gave me....to a spotless home and a STARVING man...and he tells me baby nuh fret bout cooking...I'll grab a bowl of cereal the boys are good...he silently tells me that he loves me.

    That's it I'm going to go play in traffic!!!!

    whaa mi do fe mek yuh gwan like duppy tek yuh?

    Jakeswife...you probably feel your pelvis separating now too...that was NOT a pleasant experience. I think the pregnant walk is cute...I still do it and stick out my stomach if I take the Expecting Mothers parking spot at the grocery store. (did I just admit that in public).... :whistle::blush::unsure:Don't get me started on teachers here in Georgia...there are a lot of new teachers here that are only doing it because the state pays all of their student loans off if they teach for some specified amount of time. Makes my blood boil.

    woman u dance to a different drummer. i waddle and sometimes stop in the middle to gain my composure{sp} cause for a moment i fell like me morphing into a pregnant turkey.

  10. Look like I run everyone off with my serious chat.... :crying:

    back to the silly me:


    i get what you are saying and for the most part understand how we can get emotiional about someone else's situation{like getting bad about why they feel the way they do} but then realize they may have a legitimate point or reasons for feeling that way. I also agree that some times the universe does give us signs,signs that when we ignore push us into a situation that we were being warned about,however subtle.A situation that we get surprised and very distraught about after the sh**t hits the fan.

  11. lawks Jakes yuh love fi mek mi work eh??? :wacko:

    mi soon bump the post for you.... mek mi find ie...

    and NO, I am not concerned about my man :no:

    Every day in every way he shows me how much he loves me, and that he has a good heart (L)

    I am just trying to think of a way to warn others about what kind of things to look for, not that it will do any better than flat out telling them would...

    but maybe, just maybe there is someone out there reading this who IS having doubts, who IS seeing red flags... maybe our ideas will help them inquire where they may not have before... \o/

    ok JAprincess it took me a while but GOTCHA :thumbs:

  12. JAPrincess are you aluding to something. I am trying to follow if you are saying something subliminally but i don''t get it.

    Jake I wanted to ask the same thing but I know she is emotional in her condition so.......


    ok,well i just was thinking maybe it was what i thought it was but didn't want to get ahead of myself b4 i get more info.

    do tell :)

    an noh bodda listen to Philly bout mi emotional.... :whistle:

    is this concern yours or philly? lawd mi brain

  13. JAPrincess are you aluding to something. I am trying to follow if you are saying something subliminally but i don''t get it.

    Not really jakes..

    finesse got me to thinking about what JAEnglish said the other day and I thought instead of saying to one of the yardies "I see red flags in your relationship" it would be less offensive to list red flags in general...


    unno noh let finesse do her job when yuh ask questions like that! :rofl:

    ok so JAenglish is having gut feelings about her relationship that may involved infidelity? :help:

  14. JAPrincess are you aluding to something. I am trying to follow if you are saying something subliminally but i don''t get it.

    Jake I wanted to ask the same thing but I know she is emotional in her condition so.......

    Yes..i was just gonna ask her too..

    ok,well i just was thinking maybe it was what i thought it was but didn't want to get ahead of myself b4 i get more info.

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