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Posts posted by star_dragon

  1. No he didn't have to send a copy of his passport or anything. I was surprised because on the website it says that you have to "register" with them before conducting any business with them, but they didn't ask him to register (and trust me on his many calls to them, I made him ask...lol)

    Yes, the CIN is his identity card.

    Hope this has helped! I will update about the family book (and whether he's successful or not in getting it) when the time comes :thumbs:

    Fyi, anyone calling the consulate, you will have to call about 10 times or so before you actually get someone that answers. And don't be surprised if they say "I don't know let me find out" and put you on hold and then you're disconnected and you have to start over. :wacko: It definitely takes patience calling them. But I would keep calling and double and triple checking that you get the same answer each time you call! :P

  2. Just wanted to update that my hubby and I were married Islamically a little over a week ago. My husband called the consulate about 5 times to verify exactly what we needed to do and so we sent the Islamic marriage certificate (NOT the civil one) to the Consulate in New York this past Tuesday (along with $9 and a copy of his CIN). We just got it back this morning, stamped sealed and signed!!! :blink: I can't believe how fast that was.

    We didn't have Moroccan witnesses as I've been hearing from numerous sources, that they now require. It seemed too....easy!

    So now when hubby goes back to Maroc next month he will get his family book (hopefully).

    So just wanted to update as promised. :star:

  3. Maybe that's because the questions you ask have been asked and answered oh, I don't know, MANY times. That's what the search functions are for. That's what guides are for. Why are you so incapable of using them? Why should it be up to other people to constantly answer the same questions over and over and over again? Annie, while a fan of Magic Jack, shouldn't always be the go-to person for Magic Jack questions. But she was nice enough to show you links to searches SHE did for YOU on Magic Jack. And as always, whenever someone DOES take the time to answer you (myself included) and give you advice, you never thank them anyway. <_<

    People on VJ are not here to serve YOU. Everyone makes collective and useful contributions from what I've seen. Sorry you feel that that it's "uninhabitable".....

  4. Hi, All

    I have a question about medical exams. There are several of us now who are coming up on a year from our medical exam (from the K1 visa). I know they're supposed to be good for a year, but what if that year lapses while you're still waiting for AOS approval? Does anyone know if it's a year altogether or within a year of filing AOS? I'm guessing it's the first.

    IF we do in fact an RFE for a new medical exam, does anyone know how long you have to reply to an RFE?

    Just trying to plan and prepare in advance.

    Thanks :unsure:

  5. I agree with Anh Map - CR-1 might be the best visa, because if you apply for the K1 and K3, because of the AOS process, you really need to be in the country for that - biometrics appointment, interview, etc.

    For DCF, direct consular filing, you need to be a permanent resident of Morocco for 6 months. This is only for th CR-1 visa, though, so you need to get married there. That's a whole other ball of wax, especially for Morocco. It can take a few weeks, but it can be done.

  6. In order for him to travel (if he comes on a K1) he needs to apply for Advance Parole, a travel document, which is something you apply for after he's here, you've gotten married, and you apply for Adjustment of Status. He most likely wouldn't get that until 3-5 months after he arrived here (depending on how soon you marry and apply for AOS).

    When exactly would you be leaving the US? After January or when the academic year starts in the Fall of 2010? The whole process could take up to a year (or more sometimes) from the time you file, to when you're approved, have the interview and then issued the visa. Sometimes with Casablanca, people get their visas a couple of weeks after the interview. Sometimes months after.

    Another concern, if he's approved and comes here, when you apply for AOS you have to show strong proof of income to sponsor him, otherwise you would need a co-sponsor.

    Is your plan to take him with you to where you're studying abroad? He would also need a visa for whichever country that is. Even US greencard holders need visas to go to many other countries.

    I can't speak for the K3 visa as I dont' have experience with that. But I know you also have to apply for AOS with a K3, though you dont' need the AP document to travel - but still, he would need a visa for the other country, and you still need to show financial support to sponsor him.

  7. They really make them leave the country if you are divorcing and removing conditions. Its not that I want him to go back if he would decide to seperate but this is one thing he has held over my head telling me he would not have to leave if we divorced.

    sister Turia, that is incorrect.

    If you are divorced, he can remove conditions on his own.

    If you are legally separated, I think he can as well.

    If you are still married, you have to file jointly.

    And don't let him hold ####### over your head... the ####### :angry:

    Take care of yourself FIRST hermana. You are much loved.

    I've been telling her the same thing (F)

  8. From the looks of what is known about csc transfers ppl with a noa1 of may and june are getting approved along with a few people in july :( I like the idea of not getting an interview but not having any idea when you might get approved is horrible... it is noa2 of k1 all over again :help: At least if you don't get sent to csc you have an idea by now of when you will get approved. But I think things will start to pick up in Oct and a lot of us will get approved.

    True.....But the bright side is that at least we're all with reunited with our SO's.... and at least we/they can still travel and work legally at this point. It's frustrating, but I'd much rather be waiting now than last year's dreadful wait for the K1 approval :wacko:


  9. I did not have to register anything with the consulate or in Morocco. Once there, they tried to play that registration thing with me. I point blank told them, that the new modawana "Law" recognizes marriages performed by a Muslim cleric.

    They then tried to make me go to court, to get my marriage certificate validated, and my daughter added to the family book. By the end I got sick of the whole deal and give a power of attorney to my uncle, who only needed the translated Arabic copy of my marriage certificate. our birth certificate...

    All I am saying it can be done, but prepare your self for an up hill battle with a bunch of bureaucrats. ANd by the way I did not bother register the marriage, since in the family book it says that my wife is first middle and last name.

    Good luck everyone

    Uphill battle? in Maroc? noooooooo :whistle::innocent::P

    We're just trying step one ...... to get through to someone at the consulate....sigh.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. I hope others will too, and I will (as soon as we HAVE some kind of experience). :star:

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