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Posts posted by steven_brenda

  1. Well, she doesnt want to go back to the Philippines coz she has her grandmother that needs her financial support too. But it doesnt mean that is what she's after of to get here but she really loves her husband, she was a very devoted wife and did everything for her husband but she mistreated her. She thought she would never get happy because what she had experienced in the Philippines is almost same here though it was her relatives who mistreated her in the PI. She dont have a parents anymore. Waht she had experienced since she was 15 years old was almost very sad moment for her. I know all of that coz we've talked about it and told me everything. She's absolutely a very nice person that's why i want to help her. she was being a great wife for her husband. Everybody here who knows them said that she is.

    I remember in the CFO seminar that you can complain and file for removing conditions, stuff like that if you have enough eveidences or proof???? But i dont know what's the first step to do.

    Thanks guys!!!

  2. She didnt want to go back to the Philippines and we're trying to find some ways that she can still saty in the US but away with her husband. I never thought it would happened like this for her. How can we change her status and being still legal to stay here in the US? Her 2yr greencard will expire next year. I would not state all the details about how she's being abused emotionally and sexually but believe me if I am in her situation it really scares me and might be the worst thing that happened in my life.... What should we do so she can still stay in the US if ever she would stay away to her husband???


    She is free to return to PI any time she wishes - what sort of help are you asking for?
  3. Hey guys,

    I've got a friend who entered in the US as a spouse visa. She is now a 2 year greencard holder and i need to help her on how and what to do so she cant able to go back to the philippines because she is emotionally and sexually abused by her husband. Now, im trying to help her because i really feel sad for her and im worried alot for her. She told about what happened and that makes me worry about her situation.

    What should she do so she can still stay in the US....?????

    Plz guys i need your help asap.....


  4. Thanks Wilerao for sharing your ideas!!!

    I appreciated it alot!!! :)

    Thanks guys!!!

    That is what we are going to do. File his income tax. We only submitted the copy of 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004.

    Thanks again!!

    Self-employed or not, income tax returns MUST be filed every year by April 15 of each year unless an extension is asked/granted for a late filing. There is no such thing about filing taxes every two years. The only time someone doesn't need to file a tax returns is when someone has either no income or earn a very little income where s/he is not required to file tax returns by IRS laws. If someone was required to file taxes but s/he did not do that then interests and penalty are imposed on the taxes dues which could be so much when someone decides to file the taxes. Plus, IRS can start auditing and contacting the person after a few months later...and if someone will still fail to pay the required taxes then IRS might seek to prosecute that person. In your case, I see these possibilities-

    (1) Just say that your husband did have an income last year (2008) wherein he was required to file tax returns and he has failed to file the tax returns then he should file the tax returns now. If he would file his tax returns electronically then tax transcript can be available in a week; otherwise he would need to wait at least 5 weeks before he can request IRS to send him the tax transcript. But he doesn't need to send tax transcript along with this RFE to the USCIS; rather copy to tax-returns would be okay but officer most proabably will like to see the tax transcripts at the time of interview. So make sure to obtain tax transcript before going to the interview.

    (2) I think your husband might not have earned enough income for the last year. If so, then he was/is not required to file the tax returns. In this situation, what he needs to do is- write all this on a piece of paper to explain why he doesn't have tax returns for the last year because he didnt file it and he didn't file it because he was not required to file as per IRS law. Make sure to attach the copy of IRS publication/note of that page which states Who needs to file tax returns. He can get that from website in a second. This way USCIS won't even bother to ask for the tax returns.

    (3) But if doesn't have income last year then your case will be decided based on his current income in this year. I suggest you guys to gather as many as evidences possible to prove his CURRENT income because officer at the interivew will question his current income and very much could deny your case. He won't have tax returns to prove his current income for this year but employment letter, paystubs for 2-3 months and bank statements will be needed. If not then you could get a co-sponsor....someone to sponsor you.

  5. Can i still submit a late filing for 2008 IRS to USCIS? Will they accept that?


    There is something fishy here. Self employed people have to file taxes every year, the same as everyone else.

    You ability to sponsor an immigrant to the US depends primarily on your last years income being 125% of the poverty level.

    If you have not filed taxes you must include a written explanation as to why, including the relevant IRS publications supporting your reason. Additionally, you must prove you meet the support requirements either with assets or a Joint Sponsor.

    Probably your sponsor should file his 2008 taxes ASAP.

  6. Hi,

    I received an RFE or request for initial evidence on June 20, 2009. They're asking about my husband's 2008 IRS because we werent able to send them his 2008 IRS. The problem is he did not file last year since he said he files his income tax every 2yrs because he is a self employed. Does someone have same situation as mine?

    Can somebody give me some advice what's the best thing to do?


  7. Hi to all VJ members!!!

    I already submitted my AOS package last May 26, 2009 without sending the I-693 or I-693A only the DS2053 which is the vaccination supplement worksheet. In my Ds2053, i got a shuts for Tdap with the date, MMR with the date and check, and Varicella with a VH. Im already 27 yrs old so i dont need to have a shuts for HPV or human papillovirus.

    Do I really need to submit the I-693 or I-693A? Or the Ds2053 is enough? They said that some got approved and received their greencard without any rfe for the I-693.

    Can somebody help me about where i can find an immigration civil surgeon that is nearest to where i live now in Alabama and that wont cost a lot...

    Pls i need to know your ideas guys especially those who have been through this processing....


  8. Hi guys!!!

    I just sent my Adjustment of status packet and EAD at the same mailing address:


    Attn: AOS

    131 South Dearborn-3rd floor

    Chicago, IL 60603-5520

    the post office said that it takes 2-3 days to mail it but im wondering if i mailed those papers at the right address coz i've seen some here that they mailed their AOS in CIS office but their EAD were mailed in different address.

    Thanks guys!!!

  9. My fiance passed his interview yesterday. february the 12th, and up until now we still could not believe it! almost two long years since we met and finally, it's time he comes over here and start our new life, our new family. And, on this great victory we have achieved, I have everyone here at visajourney to thank for. If not for this forum, I don't think we would've gone through this process smoothly. This goes out to everyone, THANK YOU!

    Now for those who are still waiting for NOA2, just hang in there...your day will come. I never thought this day would come, QUICK!

    For those just waiting for the interview date: Just be yourself. Review the most common things that you ought to know about your fiance/fiancee and you'll be fine. and oh, like what my fiance told me: Answer from the heart...it'll just all come out naturally as you answer...

    Now for the questions they asked:


    1. why do you have so many call records?

    2. how did you meet?

    3. when did you meet in person?

    4. what does you fiancee do for a living?

    5. can i see some of your pictures?

    6. have you met your fiancee?

    7. how many times did you see each other in person?

    8. have you been married?

    9. was your fiancee married before?

    10. do you have children?

    11. does she have children?

    12. when did she visit you?

    13. what's the address of your fiancee?

    14. what's her parents address in hawaii?


    1. why do you have so many call records?

    2. how did you meet?

    3. when did you meet in person?

    4. what does you fiancee do for a living?

    5. can i see some of your pictures?

    6. have you met your fiancee?

    7. how many times did you see each other in person?

    8. have you been married?

    9. was your fiancee married before?

    10. do you have children?

    11. does she have children?

    12. when did she visit you?

    13. what's the address of your fiancee?

    14. was she born in hawaii?

    15. when did she move to the u.s. mainland from hawaii?

    As you can see, the consul really grilled my fiance and asked the same questions at least twice. She was very, and I mean, very upset that we had 10 pounds worth of evidence, most of which, were call records.

    Consul:"if you think your gonna convince me to approve your visa by giving me a lot of these call record print-outs, your wrong! This won't help."

    My fiance: Ma'am, I'm sorry. We thought that the more evidence we had, the easier it will be to prove our genuine relationship to you.

    Consul: "In america, words are powerful. Just don't lie. We believe in your words. And you don't have to bring all these."

    The statements above were said so many times over and over again until my fiance started shedding tears thinking that we were going to be denied.

    My fiance literally started crying really hard because he thought that all our plans, our hopes, and our dreams were being flushed down the drain. Then the consul, staring at my fiance and at all the evidence that we had, started crying too. And so did her assistant sitting right behind her.

    Consul sobbing: "You really love her"

    Then, tearfully, she said: I'm gonna approve your visa. I can see that you really love her so much. She's very lucky that you're like that. She's lucky to have you. All I did was to see if she'll be okay with you. The relationship is running very strong and will be doing great in the future. That's all. Good luck and welcome to america! (wiping her tears away to maintain her composure)

    LESSON LEARNED: Don't overdo your evidence especially the ones for proving your relationship. I mean, it's nice to have a substantial quantity but not TOO MUCH.

    Thanks again everyone!!!

    Hi ludy and TJ!!!


    And thank you so much too for giving me some helpful tips and suggestions until now.

    You and your fiance deserves it!!! :)

  10. Thanks jasman0717!!!

    Someone sent me an email saying I should have moved it to waivers but seeing it was originally posted in Canada and I didn't know you had posted another one in the Philippines forum I moved this one to the Philippines too. I can move it to waivers if you would like.

    It's ok now, thank you!!!

  11. Hi,

    Im just worried of you gurl. Why dont you just wait for the petition that your first bf have filed? Coz i think like the others have said, coz filing two petitions with different man wont be granted and it's a fraud. That can even lead you into trouble.

    What's really the reason why you want to agree with your second bf to file for a petition? Do you really love your first bf or not anymore? I mean im concerned with your situation, because if you would really analyze what you have wrote, it's like you are just after of going to the US not because you love your bf? Plz forgive me but you have to elaborate more your side and explain it more.

    What's really your reason why you want to have two petitions? One more thing, just an advice, it's better to tell them the truth even if you will hurt one of them still you are being honest to them and to yourself too.

    Think of it gurl a million times....:)

  12. Excellent!!! That was the word from the consul after he interviewed me.

    The pre-screener and the consul almost had same questions during my interview. I think they were doing that to see if my answers were just the same.

    Here are the Qs:

    Pre-screening questions:

    My full name

    My age

    My birthday

    When and how did we meet?

    When did we meet in person?

    For how long?

    Is he married?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    A boy or a girl?

    What's his work?

    Then she asked some of my documents like affidavit of support and supporting docs, pictures, emails, cards, chatlogs, my birth certificate, cenomar, nbi clearance.

    Consul questions:

    My full name



    My petitioner

    What city does he live?

    Is he married?

    How many times?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    What's her/his name?

    How old is she?

    Is she single or married?

    When was his final divorce?

    Did I able to go abroad before?

    and when he turned to the second page of the I-129F, he asked my fiance's home number

    And he said: Excellent, you can take your seat now outside. Everything is fine, your VISA is approved!! Enjoy your stay in the US....I got a pink slip guys!!!

    And i said Thank you so much!!!

    To all the VJ members Thank you so much guys!!!!!!!! And to my sis Chadherm,, sis the wait is almost over, congrats to us!!!!!! And thanks too.

    Congrats! i had mine last 09 and i also got a pink slip. Good Luck !

    WOW!!! Congrats too.

    You're still waiting for your visa? Do you have an idea how long will it take?

    Hmm... i have no idea gurl. Hopefully it will arrive asap..taga saan ka gurl? Saang window ka nainterview?

    Im residing now here in Manila. Window no. 28 ako. Kaw?

    Window 32 ako nainterview.. nako madali lang yan sayo kasi sa Manila ka lang nakatira . I am from Cebu.. hopefully mag arrive na ang visa natin ano.

    Oo nga eh, hopefully soon. Sabi nga nila mabilis daw pag dito sa manila, maybe 3-5 days only? Well, let's hope and pray na we will get the visa soon. When are you planning to go to US?

    JUst receive a text message from Air21, sabi ready to deliver na daw ang visa ko. Hopefully mag arrive na bukas. Thanks God! Ikaw na ang susunod gurl.

    WOW!!! Congrats gurl!!!!!

    Mine will be soon too hopefully...

  13. Excellent!!! That was the word from the consul after he interviewed me.

    The pre-screener and the consul almost had same questions during my interview. I think they were doing that to see if my answers were just the same.

    Here are the Qs:

    Pre-screening questions:

    My full name

    My age

    My birthday

    When and how did we meet?

    When did we meet in person?

    For how long?

    Is he married?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    A boy or a girl?

    What's his work?

    Then she asked some of my documents like affidavit of support and supporting docs, pictures, emails, cards, chatlogs, my birth certificate, cenomar, nbi clearance.

    Consul questions:

    My full name



    My petitioner

    What city does he live?

    Is he married?

    How many times?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    What's her/his name?

    How old is she?

    Is she single or married?

    When was his final divorce?

    Did I able to go abroad before?

    and when he turned to the second page of the I-129F, he asked my fiance's home number

    And he said: Excellent, you can take your seat now outside. Everything is fine, your VISA is approved!! Enjoy your stay in the US....I got a pink slip guys!!!

    And i said Thank you so much!!!

    To all the VJ members Thank you so much guys!!!!!!!! And to my sis Chadherm,, sis the wait is almost over, congrats to us!!!!!! And thanks too.

    Congrats! i had mine last 09 and i also got a pink slip. Good Luck !

    WOW!!! Congrats too.

    You're still waiting for your visa? Do you have an idea how long will it take?

    Hmm... i have no idea gurl. Hopefully it will arrive asap..taga saan ka gurl? Saang window ka nainterview?

    Im residing now here in Manila. Window no. 28 ako. Kaw?

    Window 32 ako nainterview.. nako madali lang yan sayo kasi sa Manila ka lang nakatira . I am from Cebu.. hopefully mag arrive na ang visa natin ano.

    Oo nga eh, hopefully soon. Sabi nga nila mabilis daw pag dito sa manila, maybe 3-5 days only? Well, let's hope and pray na we will get the visa soon. When are you planning to go to US?

  14. Excellent!!! That was the word from the consul after he interviewed me.

    The pre-screener and the consul almost had same questions during my interview. I think they were doing that to see if my answers were just the same.

    Here are the Qs:

    Pre-screening questions:

    My full name

    My age

    My birthday

    When and how did we meet?

    When did we meet in person?

    For how long?

    Is he married?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    A boy or a girl?

    What's his work?

    Then she asked some of my documents like affidavit of support and supporting docs, pictures, emails, cards, chatlogs, my birth certificate, cenomar, nbi clearance.

    Consul questions:

    My full name



    My petitioner

    What city does he live?

    Is he married?

    How many times?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    What's her/his name?

    How old is she?

    Is she single or married?

    When was his final divorce?

    Did I able to go abroad before?

    and when he turned to the second page of the I-129F, he asked my fiance's home number

    And he said: Excellent, you can take your seat now outside. Everything is fine, your VISA is approved!! Enjoy your stay in the US....I got a pink slip guys!!!

    And i said Thank you so much!!!

    To all the VJ members Thank you so much guys!!!!!!!! And to my sis Chadherm,, sis the wait is almost over, congrats to us!!!!!! And thanks too.

    Congrats! i had mine last 09 and i also got a pink slip. Good Luck !

    WOW!!! Congrats too.

    You're still waiting for your visa? Do you have an idea how long will it take?

    Hmm... i have no idea gurl. Hopefully it will arrive asap..taga saan ka gurl? Saang window ka nainterview?

    Im residing now here in Manila. Window no. 28 ako. Kaw?

  15. Excellent!!! That was the word from the consul after he interviewed me.

    The pre-screener and the consul almost had same questions during my interview. I think they were doing that to see if my answers were just the same.

    Here are the Qs:

    Pre-screening questions:

    My full name

    My age

    My birthday

    When and how did we meet?

    When did we meet in person?

    For how long?

    Is he married?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    A boy or a girl?

    What's his work?

    Then she asked some of my documents like affidavit of support and supporting docs, pictures, emails, cards, chatlogs, my birth certificate, cenomar, nbi clearance.

    Consul questions:

    My full name



    My petitioner

    What city does he live?

    Is he married?

    How many times?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    What's her/his name?

    How old is she?

    Is she single or married?

    When was his final divorce?

    Did I able to go abroad before?

    and when he turned to the second page of the I-129F, he asked my fiance's home number

    And he said: Excellent, you can take your seat now outside. Everything is fine, your VISA is approved!! Enjoy your stay in the US....I got a pink slip guys!!!

    And i said Thank you so much!!!

    To all the VJ members Thank you so much guys!!!!!!!! And to my sis Chadherm,, sis the wait is almost over, congrats to us!!!!!! And thanks too.

    Congrats! i had mine last 09 and i also got a pink slip. Good Luck !

    WOW!!! Congrats too.

    You're still waiting for your visa? Do you have an idea how long will it take?

  16. Thanks jasman0717!!!

    To Sprailenes,

    Plz dont get me wrong, that's not my point. It's just that im from Philippines and should be posted in Philippines, i didnt mean anything bad.

    And of course, I am definitely sharing my experiences to all of the members here. :)

  17. Excellent!!! That was the word from the consul after he interviewed me.

    The pre-screener and the consul almost had same questions during my interview. I think they were doing that to see if my answers were just the same.

    Here are the Qs:

    Pre-screening questions:

    My full name

    My age

    My birthday

    When and how did we meet?

    When did we meet in person?

    For how long?

    Is he married?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    A boy or a girl?

    What's his work?

    Then she asked some of my documents like affidavit of support and supporting docs, pictures, emails, cards, chatlogs, my birth certificate, cenomar, nbi clearance.

    Consul questions:

    My full name



    My petitioner

    What city does he live?

    Is he married?

    How many times?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    What's her/his name?

    How old is she?

    Is she single or married?

    When was his final divorce?

    Did I able to go abroad before?

    and when he turned to the second page of the I-129F, he asked my fiance's home number

    And he said: Excellent, you can take your seat now outside. Everything is fine, your VISA is approved!! Enjoy your stay in the US....I got a pink slip guys!!!

    And i said Thank you so much!!!

    To all the VJ members Thank you so much guys!!!!!!!! And to my sis Chadherm,, sis the wait is almost over, congrats to us!!!!!! And thanks too. :)

    Sorry guys.. i got a wrong forum should be in Philippines..:)

  18. Excellent!!! That was the word from the consul after he interviewed me.

    The pre-screener and the consul almost had same questions during my interview. I think they were doing that to see if my answers were just the same.

    Here are the Qs:

    Pre-screening questions:

    My full name

    My age

    My birthday

    When and how did we meet?

    When did we meet in person?

    For how long?

    Is he married?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    A boy or a girl?

    What's his work?

    Then she asked some of my documents like affidavit of support and supporting docs, pictures, emails, cards, chatlogs, my birth certificate, cenomar, nbi clearance.

    Consul questions:

    My full name



    My petitioner

    What city does he live?

    Is he married?

    How many times?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    What's her/his name?

    How old is she?

    Is she single or married?

    When was his final divorce?

    Did I able to go abroad before?

    and when he turned to the second page of the I-129F, he asked my fiance's home number

    And he said: Excellent, you can take your seat now outside. Everything is fine, your VISA is approved!! Enjoy your stay in the US....I got a pink slip guys!!!

    And i said Thank you so much!!!

    To all the VJ members Thank you so much guys!!!!!!!! And to my sis Chadherm,, sis the wait is almost over, congrats to us!!!!!! And thanks too.

  19. Excellent!!! That was the word from the consul after he interviewed me.

    The pre-screener and the consul almost had same questions during my interview. I think they were doing that to see if my answers were just the same.

    Here are the Qs:

    Pre-screening questions:

    My full name

    My age

    My birthday

    When and how did we meet?

    When did we meet in person?

    For how long?

    Is he married?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    A boy or a girl?

    What's his work?

    Then she asked some of my documents like affidavit of support and supporting docs, pictures, emails, cards, chatlogs, my birth certificate, cenomar, nbi clearance.

    Consul questions:

    My full name



    My petitioner

    What city does he live?

    Is he married?

    How many times?

    Does he has children?

    How many?

    What's her/his name?

    How old is she?

    Is she single or married?

    When was his final divorce?

    Did I able to go abroad before?

    and when he turned to the second page of the I-129F, he asked my fiance's home number

    And he said: Excellent, you can take your seat now outside. Everything is fine, your VISA is approved!! Enjoy your stay in the US....I got a pink slip guys!!!

    And i said Thank you so much!!!

    To all the VJ members Thank you so much guys!!!!!!!! And to my sis Chadherm,, sis the wait is almost over, congrats to us!!!!!! And thanks too. :)

  20. Thank you guys!!!

    To Kathryn41

    Yes i do understand him, at that time i wanted not to be selfish so he would stay with me long at that time. I also care for his mother's health and she was truly so sick at that time, she needed to undergo with a gastric bypass. In fact, i was the one telling him to just go back in the US coz he supposed to stay with me for a week. But i think im just so lucky coz he still gave time to show how important i am to him and how he truly loves me coz of his situation. Plus his business no one would really take care about it, he supposed to go back here but coz of the economy now, he needs to work. I hope the consul would understand that during on my interview.

    I will keep you posted guys as soon as i get home.

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