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Posts posted by anaid

  1. Is it still possible for him to get the passport stamp? We are going to resubmit the I-90 with payment once we have the money (this whole process has been ridiculously expensive), but in the meantime, we need a way for him to be able to travel outside of the country and then re-enter.

    Might be possible - need to make an infopass appointment to find out (and possibly get the I-551 stamp). What (if you know) is the status of your AOS? (Is that approved and simply the I-90 without the fee denied?)

    He was approved for his Green Card back in April. It was mailed to us but to the wrong address (a USCIS error). We were told to submit the I-90 without payment and explain the situation, but that was denied. We now have to submit another I-90 with payment, but in the meantime we want to get his passport stamped so we can travel. I just don't want to have us both take a day off from work to go to our local office for them to say he cannot receive the stamp.

  2. Hi Everyone,

    My husband was approved for his Green Card back in April of this year. After being approved, we moved to a new apartment and unfortunately, we never received his Green Card (even though we told the interviewer our new mailing address, long story).

    We went to our local USCIS Office and explained our dilemma and were told to write a letter and submit it with for I-90 for a replacement Green Card. The woman said that sometimes if you write a letter explaining what happened, they will waive the fee for you. She also would not stamp my husband's passport because his Green Card was not techincally considered lost in their system until we submitted the I-90.

    We just found out that our application was denied (not surprisingly), but we are planning to travel outside of the country within the next month. Is it still possible for him to get the passport stamp? We are going to resubmit the I-90 with payment once we have the money (this whole process has been ridiculously expensive), but in the meantime, we need a way for him to be able to travel outside of the country and then re-enter.

    Any help you can give us would be much appreciated.

  3. Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to let you all know that my husband was approved for his Green Card today :) We aren't regular posters, but this site has been extremely helpful to us from the K-1 process to now. We consulted an Immigration Attorney at the beginning of our 'journey' and were told that a consultation alone would cost us $1,500! So thanks to you all for saving us a lot of money!!

    Anyway, I just wanted to post today about our interview experience, since I know I was looking for information prior to ours and it was hard to come by...

    We arrived at the office at about 10:20 (our interview was at 10:30) and we went through security and handed our interview letter to the woman at the window - we weren't asked for any ID at this point. We waited only about 10-15 minutes and were called in. The man (I never got his name) brought us to his office where we swore that we would tell the truth. Then, he asked my husband (from the UK) a few questions straight from our AOS packet (his parents names, date of birth, etc.) He made some chit chat about his family also being from the UK and it put us at ease. He then asked for our passports and state ID's and asked a few questions about them. 1. - Why was my address different (we had just moved and I hadn't changed mine yet) and 2. Why my husband didn't have a driver's license (he can drive with his foreign license for the time being). Then he asked all of the 'no' questions (have you been convicted of a crime, deported, etc.). He asked what else we brought with us (we were very laid back about this seeing as we gave them our entire life story with the K-1 and then the AOS packet). I handed him the leases to our first and current apartment and our joint car insurance paperwork along with a few recent pictures and a scrapbook from before we were married. He looked through everything and asked why we didn't have a joint bank account. At this point I got very defensive. Why do we need a joint bank account, anyway? Surely not all married couples have joint bank accounts? I told him we had a joint credit card. He went on for a bit about the joint bank account - but in the end said, 'It's a personal preference really, I'm not saying you need one - we just like to see a lot of things...' That statement annoyed me a bit, only because he went on for a minute about it and then in the end he didn't really care. He also asked why we hadn't brought our tax return and how could I prove that I could 'take care' of my husband. I told him that the AOS packet had all of my salary information and that the interview letter said only to bring things 'if they weren't previously submitted'.

    We were worried that we would be asked a gazillion questions about our wedding (we didn't have wedding pictures as we were married privately and are planning a big wedding ceremony for the fall) but the man didn't ask a single one. Only briefly asked if we had met here. He asked me if I wanted my husband to stay in the country (hmmm...?) and when I said yes he told us we were approved and my husband would receive his Green Card in the mail. He flipped through the scrapbook and sent us on our way. He didn't stamp my husband's passport, or take his EAD. He just told him to hold onto it and destroy it when his Green Card arrives. We were in and out of the building in 30 minutes.

    As I said, we were very laid back about the whole thing. We read about people bringing everything but the kitchen sink with them to their interviews and we just were fed up with the whole process of having to 'prove ourselves'. We have a marriage certificate, a million pictures of us together, and we have proof that we live together. Surely that's more proof than a bank account or utility bill. We didn't get even dressed up - I wore jeans, my husband wore jeans and flip-flops.

    I'm not saying that you shouldn't have joint bank accounts, and you shouldn't bring stacks and stacks of proof with you - by all means do whatever makes you happy. My husband and I could have easily gotten a joint bank account, a joint life insurance policy, snapped a few wedding pictures, etc - but it wouldn't make us any more of a 'legitimate' couple than we already are. I'm just glad that this whole process is over and I don't have to 'prove' my love to anyone anymore...except my husband.

    Good luck to you all - and again, thanks for your help.

  4. Hi Everyone,

    I thought that I knew all I needed to know about the K-1 Visa application process, but obviously not since I'm asking a question(s).

    I received the NOA2 in the mail today, and I'm just wondering what to do next? It says that my case has been forwarded to the consulate listed, but no one is listed (in my case, it would be London). Do I need to do anything at this point? I've been gathering all the information that my fiancee will need (she already has the whole I-129F packet) and I can send it to her next week, but what do we do in the meantime? Does the consulate send her something? Do we need to call there? I understand it takes a few days or even weeks to get there, do I get another letter in the mail from NVC saying when they're sending it and when it arrives? Because I notice people with similar dates as us have it in their timeline. Any advice you can give will be helpful.


  5. I am currently waiting for an NOA2 after applying for a K-1 Visa in May. My question is regarding the affidavit of support. I currently live at home with both of my parents and older sister - my fiancee and I will move to an apartment when she gets here. I make approximately $28,000 a year after taxes and have over $30,000 in a savings account. I am pretty sure that I meet the guidelines, but I'm unsure what my household would be? Do I have to put down 4? My parents do not support me or my sister and I do not support anyone but myself. Any advice that you have would be appreciated.

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