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Posts posted by linapolifasetica

  1. just think your overwhelming sorrow didnt occur till you heard about it! These stories are so common everyday and yet you only care about the one you hear about. Get over it, ppl die all sorts of ways. Its sad and very messed up. Get over it, you have no control of what happens on this planet! Geeeeez! ppl die in the thousands everyday! you gonna get all wishy washy when you hear about one?

    your caring is very cheap and so fake! Your born, you live, and you die! its very simple! sheeeeesh

    O.J.? Is that you

    jajajajajajaja Honestly though that comment was a bit cold hearted! ppl do die everyday but man they don't have to die like that. It is obvious that could have been prevented...I mean she could have helped in preventing it but that doesn't mean she deserved to die in such a manner and I really hope the best for her little boy who will now grow up with no mother.

  2. Does the letter of intent have to be "original" or can we just use the one from VJ and modify the info to us?? and should both of us have it saying the same thing or is it ok for it to have the same thing except with our corresponding info?

  3. and of course I am back with more questions!!

    Does the letter of intent have to be "original" or can we just use the one from VJ and modify the info to us?? and should both of us have it saying the same thing or is it ok for it to have the same thing except with our corresponding info?

  4. Hey I just decided to file for a K-1 visa we just began to get all the stuff together and I was told it would take more than a year how has this been going for everyone? From what I read the person that told me that just wanted me to get mad and move to DR loL! I'm really hoping things for my go as well as they have been going for some of you! and of course that yours continue to go just as smoothly!!

  5. Hello everyone I have a few questions that I have bumped into during the I-325 like the filing number? should I have one??

    and for the I-129f t ask for the address where my fiance will be staying when he comes. Right now I am living with my parents but as soon as we get closer to his arrival I am going to get an apt. but for now I think it is smarter to just save some money so I am living with my parents the problem is that my parents are about to sell the house so should I still put our current address since it is where I am living now? It's just that I fell if I put some random address that it would seem like there is no tie between us since my residence is going to be my parents house. I hope that makes sence since I feel a little confused myself about the question! if you have questions about my question let me know and if you have answers PLEASE let me know!

    have a good one!!


  6. I know this is a really old post but I live in Alaska and I have NEVER stopped in Canada for ANY of my trips most of them stop in Seattle So you should really be fine I wouldn't want you to loose such a wonderful experience because of the misunderstanding.... Be careful with any cruises though because those would go to Canada and you would need to have proper documentation! but there are plenty of local day cruises which are amazing! I really hope you get to live the experience of visiting AK!


  7. AND AGAIN!!! I need help! lol! on the I-129f it ask for the address where my fiance will be staying when he comes. Right now I am living with my parents but as soon as we get closer to his arrival I am going to get an apt. but for now I think it is smarter to just save some money so I am living with my parents the problem is that my parents are about to sell the house so should I still put our current address since it is where I am living now? It's just that I fell if I put some random address that it would seem like there is no tie between us since my recidence is going to be my parents house. I hope that makes sence since I feel a little confused myself about the question! if you have questions about my question let me know and if you have answers PLEASE let me know!

    have a good one!!


  8. I know what you are going through babushka it can be very frusterating to find a sponsor I am in college also and I obviously don't have much of an income and my family is pretty big and my parents don't make a lot. If I could help you out I would really try to do the impossible because it could end up making things more difficult if you leave and try to come back. You are fortunate enough to have your wife with you right now and that is what is important do not endanger that priveledge. And most important if you really love her don't let anyone put you down!!! Just make sure to think everything through and make choices that would benefit not only you and your wife but also the baby that she is expecting! Best of luck!


  9. one more question does the sponsor have to have enough income for 2 ppl (concidering she lives on her own) or for three since we are getting married? it might be a crazy question but you never no maybe their hoping I won't go on govt aid either! :)

    THANKS !!!!

  10. Hey Jonas,

    Though I have never heard of this program I have heard or others very similar. My fiance wanted to try to go through the visa process on his own (not through any special program though) but I was to scared that if he was denied then It would be more difficult for us to do the whole K-1 thing. I personally asked him not to. And though I understand your position and how nice it would be to be with her NOW I think it would probably for you to just do the k-1 visa because you don't wouldn't want to go through the risk!



  11. I'm sorry guys I might be a little slow but I really don't understand when it is that I have to turn in the I-134 does he just take that to the interview of how many packets do I have to turn in?? man I thought I did my research buuuut I have found out that there is a lot more then I thought!

  12. OK so me and my fiance have been together for soon to be 4 years but since I was very young when we first met I wasn't able to see him often I had to wait till my parents decided that they wanted to go on vacation so I can tag along... so unfortuantly in the last 2 years I only saw him once and though we had spend every day during the month and a half I was there together and with a digital camara at hand (and had more then 100 pics to show for it) all those pictures got deleted like 3 days before I returned. :( so I only have 3 pictures from that entire stay and it is all I have? Of course I have the flight info so they would have proof that I was there during the said time period. I am also going to be visiting him in December so we will DEFENITLY take pics then ( and make sure they aren't deleted). I don't think that he will be having an interview before then (though I would be super excited if he did) am I going to be ok with the small amount of pictures I have?

    Also I have some from longer ago should I give a few of those too to show an on going relationship?

  13. I"m a little confused about one more thing... do you submit the I-134 with the I-129F or does that come later in the process? and do you guys think it is possible for my fiance to be here by August 09? or am I way ahead of myself here? I"m so anxious and nervous and EVERYTHING!!

    THANKS VJers for letting me vent a little! And this is only the beginning!! it's really nice to have ppl that are going and have gone through this!


  14. WOW ANA thanks that was really helpful you actually answered a question I had I was wondering if someone could kinda like sponser me or something like that. Since I do have so many crazy little jobs that is the only thing that scares me I would really hate for him to not be able to come because I was in college...

    just because Ana was really helpful please others don't stop replying I can use all the help I can get! thanks!

  15. Hi!

    My name is Evelyn and me and my fiance have just decided to start the process of the k1 visa! we were going to wait but as you guys know it is sooo hard to be so far away. So since I am just now starting I want to trun in all the paperwork within the next month and I just want ALL the help I can get I didn't think I would find anyone who had gone through this but I've been reading VJ and I am really excited and feel I can get a great deal of help from here. I have a lot of questions and really hope you guys can help me out! Well here are just a few I really hope I can find at least a few helpful ppl that are willing to help me out. Well here are some questions if you guys can take some time and help me out THANKS SO MUCH...


    1) How many ppl here actually seeked an attorney during the process. How necessary is it we really don't have money to be spending to that extent but I would really like to speed up the process as much as we can.

    2) ok I am a student in RI but I am actually moving back home in december so I can start saving up for when we get married. we wnat to have enough for a nice apt and a decent car and all that good stuff. So since I will be living with my parents for that time do I have to turn in the employment info and the income paperwork for everyone or for me and would the limit be only 2 (or would it be 1 since it is just me).

    3) I feel very confident about most of it but I feel that the one thing that would get us denied is the income limit. Though I am working temp now for the summer I do always have a job just not at the same place since I move around from home and college how much is that going to affect our application being approved??

    I guess my application is a little more complicated since I move around a lot right now but it is not going to be like that by the time he gets here. So I don't know how to fill it out so that they know that and so that he can be here soon!

    I MISS HIM SOOOO MUCH (and being far is running up my phone bill :blush:

    I know this is a lot but I had to get it all down while it was still fresh in my head! :)

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