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Posts posted by alice_and_brandon

  1. Hey Guys!

    So happy to tell you that we had our interview today and that we got approved!!!

    We had to wait for close to 2 hours, then we got called at 1:50 and were out at 2:00! 10 minutes!

    Our interview was quick and easy.

    IO asked Brandon when and how we met, where we are living right now, asked me if we had any pictures, he looked at the picture album I had prepared but didn't keep any pictures for his record, asked me how I wanted my name to appear on the Green Card and that was it. He didn't ask for any papers... He didn't ask for any proof, didn't take my EAD or AP. IO said he was going to approve our case, printed the paper that explains how to remove conditions in 2 years and asked us to sign it. We shook hands and were out of there!

    I wanted to thank you VisaJourney friends for your help and great support, I wish you guys the best!!! Good luck to the ones that are still waiting!!!

    Take care,


  2. Hi everyone!

    Congrats to all of you who got EADs and interview letters!!! I'm glad everything is moving forward.

    I still didn't receive my interview letter and I have a question, I applied for a new social security card with my married name after receiving my first card in my maiden name in April and it never came. I went back to the social security office yesterday and the guy said that it has been sent long time ago... Makes me feel worried...

    Could my interview letter have been lost too?? Is there a way of calling? I never had to call USCIS so far so I don't know what to do... all the VJ members that have similar timelines as mine got their interview letter already...

    Thanks guys!

    Aloe: just to let you know that I keep my fingers crossed for you!!! Good luck!!! (F)


  3. Hi guys!!

    Just a little post to tell you that I got an email from USCIS today saying that my AP was approved! I'm glad but I won't be going back to France before summer 2010, I only sent the paperwork in case of emergency! oh well... It is still good news I guess... ;)

    The waiting is hard for all of us and I hope that June will be a lucky month for everyone!

    Kiwie: Im sure you'll get your biometrics letter soon!

    GhanaMade88: great news!! woohoo!

    Have a lovely day all!


  4. Hi all!

    Congrats levnd on your medical, Congrats Rexalite on your biometrics appointment and Welcome to all new May filers!

    I also was thinking about going early to have my biometrics taken but I feel a little "nervous" about that too, it's probably no big deal to walk in like Bellavita did but I won't go and will wait till my appointment date. USCIS is still procesing April aos applications so I don't want to create any confusion, since I think USCIS people can be easily confused... ahahah!


  5. Moksha, your answer made me smile a lot and it felt good! Your mother-in-law putting food in your suitcases and your hubby playing playstation!!! Oh, and I'm sure you don't qualify for 'boys night'! but it's ok... you're more than that!

    I miss French food too! I miss bread sooo much but I manage to find decent bread and stuff I need to cook at some grocery stores. But more than food I miss my parents. I've been here 2 months and it feels like an eternity, being home all day doesn't help, I can't wait to get a driver's license and my own car and go to work. I miss my friends a lot too, our jokes and our slang, in fact I miss speaking French! I guess it will get better when we all get a chance to start a 'real' new life as a person and not as a US citizen's spouse!!! ahahah.

    Have a lovely day, :star:


  6. Congrats Kiwiana and Nanda! things are moving forward already! How exciting!

    I have a question for any of you who live in California about driver's license, I went to the DMV and I was told I need my EAD. I'm fine with that but how is it going to work? I have a French driver's license. I know I'll have to pass the written test. What about the driving part? Will I have to practice? Any info is welcome.



  7. Hi Amy, Welcome and Congrats on your NOA1s!!

    I live in San Diego so I'm dealing with CA DMV too. I did the exact same thing as you guys did, I assumed I needed to be married and needed a SSN to apply for a DL so I waited more than a month to go to the DMV and I was told that since I had less than 60 days on my I-94 I had to wait till I get the EAD card or my green card to take the written and driving tests. So let's wait till we receive our EAD cards!


  8. Hello everyone!

    Welcome SwanTiger!

    Nanda, the real wait begins! :star:

    B&J: I live in San Diego, CA. I looked into going to community college, its cheap but I have to pay non-resident fees for the first year which puts the price of 1 unit from 20$ to 220$!!! Crazy! For now I try to entertain myself at home!! Thanks for your support though! and I am an expert in cleaning the house too now!! ;)

  9. levnd: I think your stuff looks perfect, I did the same excat thing, different folders and paperclips to separate everything! Nice paperclips! ;)

    WeAreTogetherNow: It's awesome that you find German people around, even nicer that they offered you a job! I'm going to start looking for French people to hang out and just for the pleasure of speaking French more often!!

    B&J and rexalite: Thanks for your answers. Brandon and I are living with his mom right now but we're looking into buying a place. :) So I spent a lot of time on the Internet looking for places! I guess I should start looking for a job too. Rexalite, I'm sure you're busy with your babyboy!!! :)

    So happy we get to share all that!

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