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Posts posted by crazy4papi

  1. I was a Financial Analyst & Head of the Billing & Collections Department. My husband asked me to quit my job and promised to support me financially & double my salary instead. The bottomline is: it was because of time zone difference between us. At present, Im just managing my family's hacienda business (sugar cane plantation), while waiting for our visa. Nice thread Wendy. Go-go girl! More power! :thumbs:

    For better understanding...

    1. She meant that she quitted her job because her husband would support her financially (as he promised her).

    2. Her husband sends her financial support which is times two of the amount she was receiving out of working before (guess that is what she meant by double her salary).

    3. She is not really idle as of the moment because they have a sugar cane plantation and she is managing it.


    double dipping ? :blink:

    not really if u got married in the church they have the ritual wherein the groom gives the coins to his bride which meant that he will give his blessings to his wife

    sounds like a bribe ... :blink:

    I've been to lots of church weddings ... didn't notice the groom buying the bride at the alter.

    well u haven't really understood the real meaning of beign married.such a pity

    Seriously, the coin giving thing - is it common in church wedding? or only in certain countries/place or certain church? I never notice any of my friend who got married in church did this.

    ask MR. GOOGLE so u could get exact answers :P

  2. not really if u got married in the church they have the ritual wherein the groom gives the coins to his bride which meant that he will give his blessings to his wife

    that's the old version, nowadays the groom gives her a credit card.

    really? never heard of that coz its suppsoed to be 13 coins so the groom should give the bride 13 cards full oc coins! meaning she doesnt have to work for the rest of her life but still lay down in the bed of roses! very good!

  3. I was a Financial Analyst & Head of the Billing & Collections Department. My husband asked me to quit my job and promised to support me financially & double my salary instead. The bottomline is: it was because of time zone difference between us. At present, Im just managing my family's hacienda business (sugar cane plantation), while waiting for our visa. Nice thread Wendy. Go-go girl! More power! :thumbs:

    For better understanding...

    1. She meant that she quitted her job because her husband would support her financially (as he promised her).

    2. Her husband sends her financial support which is times two of the amount she was receiving out of working before (guess that is what she meant by double her salary).

    3. She is not really idle as of the moment because they have a sugar cane plantation and she is managing it.


    double dipping ? :blink:

    not really if u got married in the church they have the ritual wherein the groom gives the coins to his bride which meant that he will give his blessings to his wife

    sounds like a bribe ... :blink:

    I've been to lots of church weddings ... didn't notice the groom buying the bride at the alter.

    well u haven't really understood the real meaning of beign married.such a pity

  4. Let me ask you this question. If you are supporting your wife too (incase you are far away from each other scenario), does that mean that you are paying her to be your wife? Or you just care for her welfare the reason why you want to support her financially?

    If I was supporting my wife, the support would be on an as-needed basis. I would not promise to double her salary as a bribe to "obey" me.

    gosh! what kind of a person are u?? ur sick

    Negotiating obedience for a fixed price (double a salary) is what's sick.

    no wonder u are known to be greedy and selfish across the universe besides the stinky smell

    I am known across the universe?!?

    i wanted to say indians but im still having the benefit of the doubt that others are not as greedy as u. ur the worst of ur kind such a pity

  5. 2. Her husband sends her financial support which is times two of the amount she was receiving out of working before (guess that is what she meant by double her salary).

    So he does pay her to be his wife.

    Let me ask you this question. If you are supporting your wife too (incase you are far away from each other scenario), does that mean that you are paying her to be your wife? Or you just care for her welfare the reason why you want to support her financially?

    If I was supporting my wife, the support would be on an as-needed basis. I would not promise to double her salary as a bribe to "obey" me.

    gosh! what kind of a person are u?? ur sick

    Negotiating obedience for a fixed price (double a salary) is what's sick.

    no wonder u are known to be greedy and selfish across the universe besides the stinky smell

  6. I was a Financial Analyst & Head of the Billing & Collections Department. My husband asked me to quit my job and promised to support me financially & double my salary instead. The bottomline is: it was because of time zone difference between us. At present, Im just managing my family's hacienda business (sugar cane plantation), while waiting for our visa. Nice thread Wendy. Go-go girl! More power! :thumbs:

    For better understanding...

    1. She meant that she quitted her job because her husband would support her financially (as he promised her).

    2. Her husband sends her financial support which is times two of the amount she was receiving out of working before (guess that is what she meant by double her salary).

    3. She is not really idle as of the moment because they have a sugar cane plantation and she is managing it.


    double dipping ? :blink:

    not really if u got married in the church they have the ritual wherein the groom gives the coins to his bride which meant that he will give his blessings to his wife

  7. 2. Her husband sends her financial support which is times two of the amount she was receiving out of working before (guess that is what she meant by double her salary).

    So he does pay her to be his wife.

    Let me ask you this question. If you are supporting your wife too (incase you are far away from each other scenario), does that mean that you are paying her to be your wife? Or you just care for her welfare the reason why you want to support her financially?

    If I was supporting my wife, the support would be on an as-needed basis. I would not promise to double her salary as a bribe to "obey" me.

    gosh! what kind of a person are u?? ur sick

  8. troll

    1; regularly posts specious arguments, flames or personal attacks to a newsgroup, discussion list, or in email for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion. Trolls are recognizable by the fact that the have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand - they simply want to utter flame bait. Like the ugly creatures they are named after, they exhibit no redeeming characteristics, and as such, they are recognized as a lower form of life on the net, as in, "Oh, ignore him, he's just a troll."

  9. are you blind people ? then what do you called those stuff like talking the age difference! where did you met your partner and some other gossip stuff ? well, i asked my wife yesterday and the way she understood for gossip was when you are talking pertaining to other private life but gossip is included also some other conversations i will give you the meaning of gossip


    1. idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others: the endless gossip about Hollywood stars.

    2. light, familiar talk or writing.

    3. Also, gos·sip·er, gos·sip·per. a person given to tattling or idle talk.

    i highlights the number 2 to for clearer meaning of gossip


    1; regularly posts specious arguments, flames or personal attacks to a newsgroup, discussion list, or in email for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion. Trolls are recognizable by the fact that the have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand - they simply want to utter flame bait. Like the ugly creatures they are named after, they exhibit no redeeming characteristics, and as such, they are recognized as a lower form of life on the net, as in, "Oh, ignore him, he's just a troll."

    im gonna borrow this....

  10. she isn't working for other people's company she is working for her own..gosh people read!!!!!!

    Her husband pays her the salary, so isn't she working for him?

    well if u consider ur husband or wife another person then maybe. but for me when i married my husband we are one what is his is mine and what is mine is his! i dont know about ur culture maybe for u u consider ue wife another person..so pathetic

    you need to work on this ...

    should be ... what is mine is mine and what is his is mine ....

    its not what the HOLY BIBLE said. we go with our values not by some idiotic quote

    she isn't working for other people's company she is working for her own..gosh people read!!!!!!

    Her husband pays her the salary, so isn't she working for him?

    oh troll :rolleyes::P

    she never said her husband is paying her a salary...

    exactly! she said her husband doubled her salary she didnt mention he is paying her

    So he doubled her salary by not paying her?

    in trade maybe ? :innocent:

    Twice as much 'stress'? I wonder if the sponge was able to soak it all up.

  11. she isn't working for other people's company she is working for her own..gosh people read!!!!!!

    Her husband pays her the salary, so isn't she working for him?

    well if u consider ur husband or wife another person then maybe. but for me when i married my husband we are one what is his is mine and what is mine is his! i dont know about ur culture maybe for u u consider ue wife another person..so pathetic

    Yes, what is mine is hers. I am hers (unless I'm watching TV). But... I am not her. Do you see the difference?

    thats why ur pathetic coz u consider ur wife a different person. u are not her but everything u own should be a conjugal property u share everything

    Did you miss the "what is mine is hers" part? :)

    Read, dear. It does a mind good :thumbs:

    i didn't miss. i was just pointing out that her husband is not paying her or she is not working for him coz the property belong to them

  12. she isn't working for other people's company she is working for her own..gosh people read!!!!!!

    Her husband pays her the salary, so isn't she working for him?

    oh troll :rolleyes::P

    she never said her husband is paying her a salary...

    exactly! she said her husband doubled her salary she didnt mention he is paying her

    So he doubled her salary by not paying her?

    :bonk::bonk::bonk: i think u need to check ur basic english mister

  13. she isn't working for other people's company she is working for her own..gosh people read!!!!!!

    Her husband pays her the salary, so isn't she working for him?

    well if u consider ur husband or wife another person then maybe. but for me when i married my husband we are one what is his is mine and what is mine is his! i dont know about ur culture maybe for u u consider ue wife another person..so pathetic

    Yes, what is mine is hers. I am hers (unless I'm watching TV). But... I am not her. Do you see the difference?

    thats why ur pathetic coz u consider ur wife a different person. u are not her but everything u own should be a conjugal property u share everything

  14. she isn't working for other people's company she is working for her own..gosh people read!!!!!!

    Her husband pays her the salary, so isn't she working for him?

    oh troll :rolleyes::P

    she never said her husband is paying her a salary...

    exactly! she said her husband doubled her salary she didnt mention he is paying her

  15. she isn't working for other people's company she is working for her own..gosh people read!!!!!!

    Her husband pays her the salary, so isn't she working for him?

    well if u consider ur husband or wife another person then maybe. but for me when i married my husband we are one what is his is mine and what is mine is his! i dont know about ur culture maybe for u u consider ue wife another person..so pathetic

  16. I was a Financial Analyst & Head of the Billing & Collections Department. My husband asked me to quit my job and promised to support me financially & double my salary instead.

    Interesting that you refer to the money your husband sends you as 'salary'.

    Do you see being his wife as your new job? Is he essentially paying you to be his wife?

    Go-go girl! More power! :thumbs:

    Sometimes it is the women with the least power who make the most noise about having it.

    I think she means she is getting double what she made working, dork :P


    she is no longer a working girl? :blink:

    she isn't working for other people's company she is working for her own..gosh people read!!!!!!

  17. some people just don't have that many people that love them and give them so much attention so they make something out of nothing just to get as much attention!

    girls! this person is just one very sad person! too many insecurities and too much hatred in the heart!

  18. hey there!!! i been quiet reading all the venting drama's ,frustration ,and waiting stuff on this journey its been helpful in my case since then i got all my information here but lately i checked and noticed that most of the thread here is just a ####### it is like gossiping !!! is it???? it seems that some other people need help a lot because this might be the forum is for and seems mostly want to reply to gossips stuff rather than to reply to some people inneed ....try to check guys you will find out the number of people replied to some important stuff than to a gossip stuff !! is it true filipina like gossip very much???

    u know what? u should continue to read quietly than to give out a really insulting comment! this is very rude. what people talk here is NOT ####### as what u refer to it. filipinos find comfort to each other by sharing everything they could share to support each other. i dont understnad why people like u like to Bi**ch about these people. they are just showing how friendly they are here.

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