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About purepeace

  • Birthday 03/25/1957

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-3 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    I really believed I had found the man of my dreams. We talked about everything under the sun, laughed together, cried together, etc. We joked about having a funeral service for our pc's as soon as he arrived because we were so tired of that and the phone being our only way to communicate. I thought we were both yearning for a normal life. Not too long after he arrived, I found out that the pc IS his life. He was still on dating sites seeking women and had plenty with their lives on hold thinking that he loves them and they will be together someday...not just in the U.S., but all over the world! i later found out that the emails he had been writing me were just "cut and paste" portions of letters he had sent to many other people. In fact, he uses my love letters to him to "cut and paste" into the letters he sends to these other people. I found letters to other people where he said that "he had a friend helping to get into the U.S. and he hoped to find someone to share his life with AFTER he got here! Everything I did with and for this man was because he lead me to believe that we had found our "other half" and "soul mate" in each other. I loved the man I thought he was with all my heart. Broken hearts mend and I will be ok. But please know that I had some warning signs and my gut instincts were screaming at times that something was wrong. I think I just wanted to believe so much that he was who he claimed to be and that the life we planned together was going to happen. The immigration process is hard on all of us. It is time consuming, frightening (always afraid of making a mistake that will make you have to start over again). When my husband arrived, I taught him to drive, helped him practice interviewing for jobs, and anything else to make his adjustment here and our lives a happy one. The fact is he NEVER intended for our marriage to work. It was all a way to get where he wanted to be. PLEASE...if any of this sounds familiar, cut your losses now ... you WILL get through the pain. The longer you stay in the situation the more emotional and financially draining it will be for you. I am now staying with friends who were kind enough to take me in or I would be homeless. I was left with nothing. So now you know "OUR STORY". There is so much more I could tell you that might even help some of you to recognize if you are in a bad situation. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all and I will help in any way I can. Best of Blessing to you All

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  1. I tell everyone when you find the right person, you just know! Congratulations on being united!

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