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Muh and me

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Status Updates posted by Muh and me

  1. I know its been a year but alot has changed i'm now remarried and goin thru the visa process once again! hope all is well with u all!

  2. I know its been a year but alot has changed i'm now remarried and goin thru the visa process once again! hope all is well with u all!


  4. Melvin, don't let the mena girls chase you off, if indeed you are true to your word. some of them can be a bit catty, if you know what i mean! good luck

  5. Its been a while! How are you and the boys?

  6. came out of hiding for a while inshallah

  7. divorce is final as of 9 am this morning

  8. Ok-i misposted on someone else's profile and meant to be for you! Hi! I saw a pic of the baby, he is sooooooo cute! How are things? My divorce is tuesday and maybe i can finally move on! Inshallah!

  9. And by then insha allah, there maybe a new person in my life here!!! text me

  10. maybe its time we start planning a meet up for the arab fest! I hope maggie will be here!

  11. Aww about the baby! i bet he is getting big! Still thinking of moving to Chicago? If you do let me know!

  12. How are ya doing? And how is that little one? I'm doing better but still miss my other life! Just trying to make a new life for myself now and lookforward to actually being a grandma-my son's paternity test came back positive!!!!

  13. It was so good to talk to you Aya! anytime you get lonely and want to talk just give me a holler!

  14. Thanks but your sweeter!!!

  15. Happy late Birthday to you and John both! I am glad you had a wonderful party. BTW, loved your wedding pics. Thank you for sending them, you are such a beautiful woman and bride!

  16. is totally out of here!

  17. what a sweet pic of the two boys. How is the baby doing?

  18. I thought so!!!

  19. are u a friend of Holly from madison? we live close to the zoo.

  20. hi laura, i'm not we met, but anyway where in wisconsin are you? I am in racine!

  21. Thanks sweetie. Love your profile pic. How are things going for you here?

  22. hey sweetie, just checking to see how things are for ya. I hope your visa comes thru soon incha allah!

  23. just wondering how your interview went sister. i pray it went well.

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