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Posts posted by dudu2black

  1. My spouse was born here but her parents are from west Africa. We have 2 kids born here. We have been married for 2year and one month now. It has been the saddest yeas of my life.

    Well based on your contributions i will tick Yes on the 1-175 form. I have the court document stating the case was dismissed and a document from my public defender that the case was presented to the judge for it to be expunged from my records.

    I spoke with an immigration lawyer today and he said it will cost me (rough estimate) about 4,000 dollars even at that it is not certain.I don't have that kind of money now. The only alternative to that is to go begging and crawling (I dont know how to pretend to be in love after all have been through) or wait till the expiration date on my temporary green card then pack my stuff and go back to my father land. All i need now is a peace of mind, happiness and keep my self pride.

    What do you do if you where in my shoes?

  2. I came in through a K-1 visa. I have been through hell with my spouse since i came to the U.S. I have been abused,threatened,deceived, and battered by her. The trust for her has been broken.We have two kids and they all i have in the world.My spouse have been very abusive, belittled me ,threatens me all the time, battered me that i had to get a retraining order against her. She has taken undue advantage of me because she feels she is all my hope of living and working in the United States and having a peace of mind.I want a divorce badly but can not afford to a lawyer yet.I do not have any family or very close friends in the States.I worry about the faith of my kids. I still living pain fully and regrettably with this woman.I want to divorce her because i cannot continue to be miserable any more but i do not want to jeopardize getting my condition on the green card removed even though my spouse has promised she wont sign or go to the interview with me because she senses i will eventually leave her knowing all she has done.I have stayed long in this marriage more because of my young kids who needs me but i am unhappy staying and be treated unfairly.

    My question now is, since she promised she wont sign the 1-175 form with me can i just go ahead and file for a waiver even though am not divorced yet?


  3. I intend to write a book based on my experience as an alien or k-1 spouse. I have no doubt that my situation is one of many cases. I have many times gotten to the point where i want to give up everything that i have going on for me here in the U.S and return home where i am from so has to have a peace of ming and no to be a slave of love.

    Over a year ago my spouse wanted to prove a point to me over an argument .Even though she was the one that did me wrong she called the cops on me and lied that i hit her (guess what she was the one that hit me).I was flabbergasted and can never forget or forgive. Anyway police report says" domestic battery"I was arrested taken to jail for just a night .I was not charged and the case was dismissed in court. You may wounder what i am still doing in such a spouse...my kids?

    My question now is if i am filling out the 1-175 form where it says" have you been arrested, jailed "e.t.c.Since it was dismissed do i still thick the box or skip it?

    I am replying to your mail and the confusion in the message.

    I left the house during the argument when the cops came to arrest me. I was arrested at the gas station not too far from the house (they probably trailed the car she gave them the number and description of the car). I told the cops i did not hit my spouse and he (cop) said my spouse said a different thing and i was arrested -they believed her (i have never ever been in jail before whether back home or else where she put me in jail for no just reason and for the first time in my life that still remains unforgivable and unforgettable and i told her.The cop did not even show up in court but the case was dismissed.So you see my spouse was right the law favors women. My spouse still brags about her action. She did what she did to show me the power she's got in U.S and possibly to destroy any good purpose, dreams or aspirations i may have in the U.S (if i don't dance to her tune).And she may have done it to reduce me to a level she can manipulate.

    She knows i am suppose to file my 1-175 she wants me come begging or crawling to show she still has control over me but i don't intend to beg. Even if i begged her she may not cooperate and she will always have her way and still believe " I cannot do without her" which she said to me many times.

    My question now is this: Do i go crawling and begging or go on with the waiver? If i go crawling and begging her and she decides to sign with me it will save me lawyers fees. On the other hand should i just face the reality of my situation get a lawyer and get over with my worries?

  4. I intend to write a book based on my experience as an alien or k-1 spouse. I have no doubt that my situation is one of many cases. I have many times gotten to the point where i want to give up everything that i have going on for me here in the U.S and return home where i am from so has to have a peace of ming and no to be a slave of love.

    Over a year ago my spouse wanted to prove a point to me over an argument .Even though she was the one that did me wrong she called the cops on me and lied that i hit her (guess what she was the one that hit me).I was flabbergasted and can never forget or forgive. Anyway police report says" domestic battery"I was arrested taken to jail for just a night .I was not charged and the case was dismissed in court. You may wounder what i am still doing in such a spouse...my kids?

    My question now is if i am filling out the 1-175 form where it says" have you been arrested, jailed "e.t.c.Since it was dismissed do i still thick the box or skip it?

  5. I intend to write a book based on my experience as an alien or k-1 spouse. I have no doubt that my situation is one of many cases. I have many times gotten to the point where i want to give up everything that i have going on for me here in the U.S and return home where i am from so has to have a peace of ming and no to be a slave of love.

    Over a year ago my spouse wanted to prove a point to me over an argument .Even though she was the one that did me wrong she called the cops on me and lied that i hit her (guess what she was the one that hit me).I was flabbergasted and can never forget or forgive. Anyway police report says" domestic battery"I was arrested taken to jail for just a night .I was not charged and the case was dismissed in court. You may wounder what i am still doing in such a spouse...my kids?

    My question now is if i am filling out the 1-175 form where it says" have you been arrested, jailed "e.t.c.Since it was dismissed do i still thick the box or skip it?

  6. Make no mistake about depending on who you meet abuses and violence are being carried out by men and women. The condition on the green card gives some the petitioner's spouse a lot of guts and power to misbehave and take an undue advantage of their alien spouse. I have been told by my spouse that the laws in U.S favors women more that men.Whatever the woman says goes whether a woman is telling the truth or a lie.

    How do i get a good lawyer with an affordable fee to file my waiver?

  7. Make no mistake about depending on who you meet abuses and violence are being carried out by men and women. The condition on the green card gives some the petitioner's spouse a lot of guts and power to misbehave and take an undue advantage of their alien spouse. I have been told by my spouse that the laws in U.S favors women more that men.Whatever the woman says goes whether a woman is telling the truth or a lie.

    How do i get a good lawyer with an affordable fee to file my waiver?

  8. I came in through a K-1 visa. I have been through hell with my spouse since i came to the U.S. I have been abused,threatened,deceived, and battered by her. The trust for her has been broken.We have two kids and they all i have in the world.My spouse have been very abusive, belittled me ,threatens me all the time, battered me that i had to get a retraining order against her. She has taken undue advantage of me because she feels she is all my hope of living and working in the United States and having a peace of mind.I want a divorce badly but can not afford to a lawyer yet.I do not have any family or very close friends in the States.I worry about the faith of my kids. I still living pain fully and regrettably with this woman.I want to divorce her because i cannot continue to be miserable any more but i do not want to jeopardize getting my condition on the green card removed even though my spouse has promised she wont sign or go to the interview with me because she senses i will eventually leave her knowing all she has done.I have stayed long in this marriage more because of my young kids who needs me but i am unhappy staying and be treated unfairly.

    My question now is, since she promised she wont sign the 1-175 form with me can i just go ahead and file for a waiver even though am not divorced yet?


  9. I came in through a K-1 visa. I have been through hell with my spouse since i came to the U.S. I have been abused,threatened,deceived, and battered by her. The trust for her has been broken.We have two kids and they all i have in the world.My spouse have been very abusive, belittled me ,threatens me all the time, battered me that i had to get a retraining order against her. She has taken undue advantage of me because she feels she is all my hope of living and working in the United States and having a peace of mind.I want a divorce badly but can not afford to a lawyer yet.I do not have any family or very close friends in the States.I worry about the faith of my kids. I still living pain fully and regrettably with this woman.I want to divorce her because i cannot continue to be miserable any more but i do not want to jeopardize getting my condition on the green card removed even though my spouse has promised she wont sign or go to the interview with me because she senses i will eventually leave her knowing all she has done.I have stayed long in this marriage more because of my young kids who needs me but i am unhappy staying and be treated unfairly.

    My question now is, since she promised she wont sign the 1-175 form with me can i just go ahead and file for a waiver even though am not divorced yet?


  10. I came in through a K-1 visa. I have been through hell with my spouse since i came to the U.S. I have been abused,threatened,deceived, and battered by her. The trust for her has been broken.We have two kids and they all i have in the world.My spouse have been very abusive, belittled me ,threatens me all the time, battered me that i had to get a retraining order against her. She has taken undue advantage of me because she feels she is all my hope of living and working in the United States and having a peace of mind.I want a divorce badly but can not afford to a lawyer yet.I do not have any family or very close friends in the States.I worry about the faith of my kids. I still living pain fully and regrettably with this woman.I want to divorce her because i cannot continue to be miserable any more but i do not want to jeopardize getting my condition on the green card removed even though my spouse has promised she wont sign or go to the interview with me because she senses i will eventually leave her knowing all she has done.I have stayed long in this marriage more because of my young kids who needs me but i am unhappy staying and be treated unfairly.

    My question now is, since she promised she wont sign the 1-175 form with me can i just go ahead and file for a waiver even though am not divorced yet?


  11. I came in through a K-1 visa. I have been through hell with my spouse since i came to the U.S. I have been abused,threatened,deceived, and battered by her. The trust for her has been broken.We have two kids and they all i have in the world.My spouse have been very abusive, belittled me ,threatens me all the time, battered me that i had to get a retraining order against her. She has taken undue advantage of me because she feels she is all my hope of living and working in the United States and having a peace of mind.I want a divorce badly but can not afford to a lawyer yet.I do not have any family or very close friends in the States.I worry about the faith of my kids. I still living pain fully and regrettably with this woman.I want to divorce her because i cannot continue to be miserable any more but i do not want to jeopardize getting my condition on the green card removed even though my spouse has promised she wont sign or go to the interview with me because she senses i will eventually leave her knowing all she has done.I have stayed long in this marriage more because of my young kids who needs me but i am unhappy staying and be treated unfairly.

    My question now is, since she promised she wont sign the 1-175 form with me can i just go ahead and file for a waiver even though am not divorced yet?


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