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Posts posted by kinglear

  1. Just wanted to share my wife's experience at the consulate in Nigeria. Our problems started with the affidavit of support. I didn't have any tax returns and I have only worked at my current job for a few months. So all I could get was a letter from my employer stating my salary and one from my bank stating only my account balance and when I opened it. I put it all together with copies of my petitions, pictures, messenger logs etc and I sent it to my wife by courier. I sent it at the last minute because I was still hoping to get a more complete letter from my bank. It was supposed to get there the day before her interview but as you have probably guessed by now, it didn't. So there she was, the night before the interview and all my wife had was her forms. We thought the best she could do was go and explain and hopefully get another interview date the next week. To bolster our case I scanned a copy of a newly notarized I-134, my employment letter, some pictures, and a few other things I could get my hands on and sent it to her by email. But I didnt have an extra copy of my bank letter so I couldnt send her that. So she got to the embassy with only scanned copies of the I-134, my employment letter and a few other things along with her own personal documents. To her utter surprise they didn't even bat an eyelid. The didn't ask for the original copies of anything. They didn't ask for tax returns or my bank statement. They asked her what I did for a living and where we met. The CO looked at a few pictures (didn't ask why some were printed on paper) and basically that was that. She said she was satisfied and that my wife could pick up her visa the next week. It was amazing. My wife is here in the states now and so a long journey that started in June has come to an end. A big thanks to Pushbrk and Mrs. Austin. I was on the verge of hiring a lawyer until I found this site. I hope everyone's journey ends well too. AOS here we come. Cheers.

  2. Note your post belongs in "Working & Traveling prior to getting a Green Card" Forum

    This is one of the BIG reasons I tell people to AVOID K-3, and simply do CR-1 visa, for the most part CR-1 tends to take about 30 days longer to get.

    For the most part CR-1 tends to take a bit longer than K-3 to get if you prepare for NVC when they request I-864 fee, and Visa fee, as well as documents requested by NVC. In many cases the CR-1 petition reaches the consulate just before K-3 interview, which causes K-3 to get dropped and the interview becomes a CR-1 visa interview.


    I-130: $355

    I-129F: NONE

    Consulate: $131

    AOS: $1010



    I-130: $355

    NVC I-864: $70

    NVC Visa fee: $400 ($355+$45)


    I see many posts from K-3 holders stating, "Wow this sucks, I am stuck at home because I don't have EAD, DL, etc, or I am having hard time getting added to bank accounts because of NO SSN." K-3 has a 90 day or longer period of limbo while waiting for EAD or Green-card.

    K-3 was developed at a time when CR-1 was taking much longer that today, NVC has greatly streamlined the CR-1 process to the point where K-3 becomes irrelevant.

    That's not always the case. It all depends on the consulate. In Oct when my wife was given a Nov K3 interview, CR 1 interviews were fully booked for the year.

  3. Hello I just returned from Colombia, and I am filing from I-130 and ran into the "Evidence of a Bonifide Marriage" section. Can someone explain what they submitted for this requirement. I am thinking of having a friend who has witness my relationship and marriage help me on this requirement. Will a note with a notary public signature be sufficient?? This will be done in California of course.

    Any information will greatly be appreciate it. Thanks.

    Read this thread.



    Did you send the original affidavits or copies?

  4. Hi,

    Background: I'm about to petition for a K3 visa for my wife. I've never used my name as it is written on my US birth certificate. When I was young my parents got me my passport and my social security card in a different name (same surname and I use the first name on my bc as my middle name). The reason for the difference was cultural and makes perfect sense if you were in my home country (in my culture it's not really a change even). I'm a dual citizen and I left the states as a child and I grew up mainly in Africa.

    Question: Should I just use my US passport as my proof of citizenship and not send my birth certificate? I intend to list the name on it as "other names used" but I'm torn between whether I should actually send the birth certificate or not. Part of me thinks it'll just complicate matters and the other part is afraid that they might still request for it eventually thus delaying my petition.

    What do you guys think? Your urgent help will be greatly appreciated.


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