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Posts posted by movieman12345

  1. I see that for the IR1 visa, the couple has to be married for atleast 2 years. Also, I'm not sure I can apply for the IR visa while I'm residing in India - s this possible?

    I'm not aware of the timelines associated with the IR/CR visas. It would be terrific if you could (or anyone else) can give me a sense of the times involved. I have browsed several forums, but most of the information available is for K visas and DCF.

    Also, regarding the affidavit of support - you mean it would suffice if I had worked for 3 years in the US prior to applying for the visa? This conflicts with what visajourney.com quotes:

    "A US Citizen living overseas that wishes to complete the I-864 Affidavit of Support for their spouse (as part of the DCF process to get an Immigrant Visa) will be required to have a US home/domicile to qualify as a Sponsor for the I-864. In addition to having a US domicile the US Citizen must have continued employement when they move/return to the US. Per the instructions on the I-864, the US Citizen and their spouse's assets may be used to qualify if the income requiment is not met. In many cases however a couple may need to get a joint sponsor to successfully fulfill the requirements on the I-864".

  2. All,

    I'm a US citizen with Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) residing in NJ. If I get married in India in a couple of years, it seems that I have 1 of 2 ways to get my wife into the US:

    - Apply for a K3 visa from the US

    - Direct Consular Filing (DCF) from the New Delhi consulate

    These are my Q's:

    1. What are the times associated with the above procedures? I see that K3 would take 8-10 months. For the DCF, it would take 3-4 months, with the condition that I must be residing in India for atleast 6 months - is this true?

    2. I do not mind being in India for 6 months (or longer) for the DCF. However, what will I need to show in the I-864 affidavit of support? I do not own any home in the US, nor do I have any immediate relatives here.

    3. Being an OCI, will that help in waving off the 6 months DCF requirement, or work to my advantage in any other way?

    From my Q's, it should be very apparent that I'm not at all keen on waiting for a year, by applying for a K3 from here in the US.

    Suggestions awaited!

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