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Posts posted by M3wThr33

  1. My timeline isn't filled out because fiancee had it filled out on her account, but got a bit frustrated and deleted her account because this was taking so long.

    And from all the times I've contacted the USCIS they just keep blowing me off saying they sent it and I need to fill out that form to get it to go anywhere.

  2. Well, it took me long enough to even reach an operator, and the guy spoke so fast, he didn't seem to care at all. (It took me 20 minutes of searching online before I found out he said 824, not 24)

    Any idea the phone menu choices I should use? If I select an approved case, all I can do is request to change the address.

  3. I finally got the final papers I needed from fiancée, mainly the signed G325A and the letter of intent. I already had a passport style photo of her that we took recently.

    Anyways, the questions.

    1) As for proof, I just want a confirmation of having good enough stuff. (Completely subjective, I know. I guess I want to know if you would feel safe with this.)

    5 photos of us. Dated, located and named on the back. 2 of them will have accompanying copies of dated pairs of ticket stubs. (1 concert and 1 movie theater) Do those matter at all? There's no names on them, but dates and the fact that there's 2 of them.

    Her W-2 from when she worked at a nearby restaurant.

    A pair of voided checks from Washington Mutual, to show we bank together? Same bank, but different nearby branches.

    Named and dated baggage claim ticket stubs from Southwest Airlines from our trip to California.

    Paystub showing date and address of other job she had

    I also have dated checking statements showing her ATM withdrawls and other random shopping things near me, including paying for rent in my apartment complex.

    And for the hell of it, I'll throw in 2 printed emails from GMail between us and a screenshot of a few days worth of Skype calls.

    Outside of that, there's not much more I could get unless I resort to letters from friends and family or something.

    1b) I can't really think of anything else that has our names together, aside from that one flight. We drove most of the time. Also, is this more about proving she was in my area or with me? It seems like I covered both of them, but not in the same piece of evidence.

    1c) This would be so much easier if I could just send video somehow. I can't send a DVD or anything, right? Has anyone tried? I have craploads of videos recorded with my phone. I could easily convert them into something playable. Flipbook?

    2) Why are so many people sending in foreign birth certificates and passports when it doesn't seem to be required? Covering bases? I have a scan of her first page, but that's about it. I have a feeling if I get an RFE, from what I read, I'm going to need to get that from her.

    3) A standard 9x12 manilla envelope is fine to send this in?

    4) Any special Russian things I should worry about? (I guess not right now for the first step...)

    5) I've only been employed since February of this year, so I've never filed any tax returns. (Yes, 24, I finished college and spent a year sick) I make about $45,000 annually, not including overtime, plus I'm getting a raise next month. I just bought a new car and have a credit score of 792. I've had the same checking account at Washington Mutual for the last 6 years. By the time of HER interview, when this comes up, should I look into getting my dad as a co-sponsor?

    6) Just to be sure, is it ok to write with pen on the G-325As? On what Katia sent me, I used "--" instead of "N/A" on the form and wonder if I should write over it.

    Thanks for your time. Tomorrow I'll get some of the post-it note arrows so I can properly point this stuff out on the proof.

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