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Posts posted by liz111

  1. Im back, sorry i was quiet the whole time but the reason is i finally decided to do things my own way. Im back here in my own country. My family send me money to buy the ticket so i could flew back home and they are helping me overcome all the pain i suffered from my abusive husband. Right now im still healing but gratfeful for my family to help me start my whole life back to number one. The reason it took so long before i finally believe my husband does abuse me is that he never really hurt me physically except for that one time he pulled my hair. I was thinking before that him calling me names, screaming at me...etc...is not at all an abuse. But i was wrong, it was after all verbal abuse. You cannot tell a wife who loves her husband to call the cops right away even if the husband is actually abusing her. If you trully love your husband, you cannot leave him just right away. some even took many many years before they finally decide to leave and call the cops. In my case i did love him so much, and i was thinking he was just on stress because of all the fees and stress on my immigration process. and i was thinking that when i finally got my greencard and immigration process is over then it iwll be less stress and everything will be good already and that he will change. But thats not the case, because even after the whole immigration process, he is still treating me bad. And yes, i decide to forget about my greencard and just leave and go back to my own country. Maybe this is my fate, and im not meant to be in the USA after all. I go back home with nothing, not a single dollar...basically right now i am just depending on my relatives and parents who are helping me cope up with life. So to those people who was thinking about a scam just because i never call the cops right away, you are all wrong. and if i hear the same thing happen where the wife took so long to file a complaint against their abusive husband, i wouldnt doubt them because i know if you love a person you are willing to suffer as long as you can. So right now, im healing and hopefully will be over this pain soon. i dont think i will be able to keep checking on replies here since i dont have a computer here. So goodluck to everyone and have a nice life.

    Dear Liz:

    I'm glad you're safe at home with your family, I think you made the right choice but if you wanted to stay here you were entitled to do it so,you entered in this relationship in good faith and that's all it matters it was your right to stay wether people here thinks you waited too long to leave your husband.

    I wish you the best and may God lets you find the healing you need for the difficult time you had to endured.

    God bless


    I could have stayed but its hard to stay and start my life back with no one around me. im happy to start my life back here in my own country with the love of my family surrounds me.

  2. Im back, sorry i was quiet the whole time but the reason is i finally decided to do things my own way. Im back here in my own country. My family send me money to buy the ticket so i could flew back home and they are helping me overcome all the pain i suffered from my abusive husband. Right now im still healing but gratfeful for my family to help me start my whole life back to number one. The reason it took so long before i finally believe my husband does abuse me is that he never really hurt me physically except for that one time he pulled my hair. I was thinking before that him calling me names, screaming at me...etc...is not at all an abuse. But i was wrong, it was after all verbal abuse. You cannot tell a wife who loves her husband to call the cops right away even if the husband is actually abusing her. If you trully love your husband, you cannot leave him just right away. some even took many many years before they finally decide to leave and call the cops. In my case i did love him so much, and i was thinking he was just on stress because of all the fees and stress on my immigration process. and i was thinking that when i finally got my greencard and immigration process is over then it iwll be less stress and everything will be good already and that he will change. But thats not the case, because even after the whole immigration process, he is still treating me bad. And yes, i decide to forget about my greencard and just leave and go back to my own country. Maybe this is my fate, and im not meant to be in the USA after all. I go back home with nothing, not a single dollar...basically right now i am just depending on my relatives and parents who are helping me cope up with life. So to those people who was thinking about a scam just because i never call the cops right away, you are all wrong. and if i hear the same thing happen where the wife took so long to file a complaint against their abusive husband, i wouldnt doubt them because i know if you love a person you are willing to suffer as long as you can. So right now, im healing and hopefully will be over this pain soon. i dont think i will be able to keep checking on replies here since i dont have a computer here. So goodluck to everyone and have a nice life.

  3. Why don't you have a job? It not only gives you some cash in your pocket so he can't use that over your head, but it can show you what life in the US is suppose to be like, and give you some independence.

    Is there any way you can go to visit family for a long time? This could give him some time to think about it for awhile. Although personally I would never expect an abuser to change.

    I dont have a job because we just got my greencard though its permanent already, we never applied for ead or ap. So we just recently applied for ssn after i got my greencard. I really want to work, i could find a job since i also graduated BS Computer Technology but my husband seem to think that this is all what im waiting for, to be able to work because after all he said im a gold digger. My god, i only want to work because i been stuck in this house for almost 2 years now and its not wrong to want to work especially when he keeps blaming me for a not financially stable life. Thats why even if he dont give me any money, i never really complain to him because i believe what he said that this is all my fault. Because he pay all his money to the uscis. Oh by the way, it still keep on going, him calling me names, just a minute ago before he go to work, him calling me dumb and that's one reason i totally lose confidence of myself. I dont believe i have courage to really face the world alone because he took all the confidence i had before. I should hate him but i still love him. He thinks he is the victim here and i am not and that i should just be grateful for what he did to me. It seems to him, i should repay everything he did for me even if it means i have to just believe in everything he said or any names he calls me. That i dont have any right to complain on the way he treated me just because he brought me here. Thanks for all the advises, im really scared to leave him. Im scared that people will be laughing at me because of a failed marriage, im scared about a lot of things. But i really appreciate all the advises. thank you

  4. This is clear cut abuse, emotionally and physically. Do not allow him to continue with this behavior. i was a victim of this same type of behavior with my former spouse, and i allowed it for 10 long years because i made excuses for the behavior. I am not certain what part of the states that you live, but often times in most cities there are places that help immigrants and refugees with things that they need, you should look in your phone book under social service organizations, for the listing domestic violence and call them. Even if you dont get the right place on the first try, im sure someone can point you in the right direction. Also if your husband is making you sleep outside, you can also look for womens domestic violence shelters. Most of the time these types of shelters can be found at your local YMCA. Most cities have a Y. These organizations can assist you with getting your own housing, providing you with food, clothing and all types of resources to get on your feet. I am a social worker and have worked closely with victims of domestic abuse in the past. DO not feel that you have no where to turn, i know it is scary, but do what is best for you. I wish you luck and will be praying for you. :innocent:

    thank you, i always wish i dont have to end up asking help from someone but i guess i dont have choice now. If i want to get back my self respect then i should probably start it by leaving him. thanks for all the advises. really appreciate it so much. now im right that he is actually abusing me, though he dont want to admit it.

  5. Oh, and, once you have been married two years, and the conditions are removed, he cannot get you deported. He, in point of fact, is still financially responsible for you for YEARS, after your entry, whether you are married to him or not.

    You do need to report the abuse.

    Thank you for the reply and for the number. I wish i have the courage to call this number, its so hard to be alone in a foreign country trying to face problems alone. I honestly still in the hope, there is still a chance he will realize he is abusing me. What he is trying to do to me so i can't leave him is threaten me of deportation and that i enter on marriage fraud. How could you consider almost 3 years of living with him and still loving him being a fraud? Obviously, he just dont have a heart and he don't care what will happen to me, all he cares is he wants to make my life miserable. Thank you for the advise and the number, i really appreciate it.

  6. I recently got my 10 years greencard. Now my problem is this, me and my husband been married for more than 2 years already but since i been here in the US, my husband has some kind of temper problem. I do love him so much but i guess he is abusive but i really dont know because he always tells me his not abusive. Is it normal that a husband will call his wife different kinds of names such as a #######, a ######...etc...whenever you are fighting? He always calls me different names whenever his mad, he also gets mad when i just cry instead of saying something while he runs his mouth and yells at me. When i make a simple mistake or say some thing that he dont like, it starts the whole fight. i know i can speak english a little better but the fact is im not american, im an asian and i dont expect my english to be perfect but then sometimes on a conversation, i have hard time to explain to him something then he gets mad at me. He also don't give me any money, and since im not working i dont have a single penny on my purse. He do send money to my family overseas every now and then before like the biggest he sent was $90. and he always makes me feel guilty about that, that i should be grateful to him that he send money and he bring me here. he always makes me feel useless...he always blame me for everything. he always say he is always right. There was one time before he pull my hair because we was fighting and he wants to throw me out on the street. and i dont want to go out because i dont have family here, i have nowhere to go. So what he do is he grab my hair and pull it so i would go. he do it a couple of times but i stay in even if im hurt. because im scared to go anywhere outside. he let me sleep outside the house, like on the steps although he wake me up to come up upstairs to bed like 3 am in the morning. My family dont know whats going on with me here, i dont want them to worry about me so i pretend everything is ok. my husband always insult me, like saying i come from a third world country. that im a gold digger, but if i am why is it that i dont have a single penny on my purse? if i want to buy something, i have to ask him but if he dont like what i want to buy then i cant get it because i dont have my own money.he always tells me to leave him but he also always tells me that after i leave him he will call uscis and report me because its a fraud. I honestly dont know what to do, thats the only time he hurt me physically the pulling of my hair. but my problem is he hurts me verbally and emotionally and he thinks its not an abuse. he dont see calling me names, insulting me, yelling at me, screaming on my face, screaming at the top of his lungs so neighbors hear when he calls me a ####### , he dont see that as an abuse. I dont have a job, i dont have money, i have no family here, i feel so alone. My husband is the only man i trusted here but right now, i dont think i could still trust him. And i really dont know what to do. Please someone clear my mind up, am i in an abusive relationship or not? and if i am, will i be deported if i leave him because i feel like im going to die here soon because of all the hurtful things he do and say. Is it my fault that we are financially having a hard time because he has to pay all his money for the uscis process for me? am i being ungrateful because i feel he is abusive? dont i have the right to feel hurt and complain the way he treat me just because he pay everything for my papers? i still love him, thats actually one of the reason i dont have the courage to go away when he tells me to go out of his house coz he dont need me. He said he loves me too, when the fight is over but the thing is it happens over and again, whenever he is not in the mood or we argue, he do the same thing again, calling me names, yelling at me, insulting me and my country just because its a third world country. Its been almost 3 years now but he is still the same way. never change the way he treat me, never give me any money even just 5 bucks for an allowance. He always calls it, its his money, its his car, its his house. sometimes i feel like im just a trash to him. Why he never see he is abusing me verbally? are they going to revoke my greencard if we get divorce. he always tells me that he wants a divorce but he always say after we got our divorce he will make sure my ### got deported to my 3rd world country because of fraud. we been married for almost 3 years and hes the one who wanted the divorce. i dont want a divorce because i dont have a job and any money to start my life over. im scared to start my life over but i also can't take the way he treats me anymore. What should i do?

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