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Posts posted by Ameera05

  1. I was wondering since I am financially supported by my father. He owns my car, house, and pays for my living expenses while I'm in school that means he needs to do an 1-134 for me and my fiance or does he do one for me and I do one for her? Or does he do one just for her? I'm not quite sure how that works. Can someone clairfy?

    Also my father is not comfortable on showing my fiance his tax returns and yearly income. And I wont be there for the interview. Is there a way around that somehow?

    Thanks you guys are golden!

  2. I agree with pushbrk in that you should be safe (though there's a little bit of risk).

    How about calling it an "engagement celebration" rather than a "wedding ceremony"?

    thats actually exactly what were doing. And im only there one week after the ceremony before i have to come back to the US. I'm more concerned about us traveling together than the ceremony part. Many of my friends have had the religious ceremonies in advance before receiving their K-1.

  3. Hey Everyone,

    Im so happy I found this site because this process can be such a hassle. Heres my situation:

    Filed for K-1 on January 17, 2008...Recieved NOA1. Still waiting for NOA2 (looks like July/Aug) from processing times. Now here is my problem I am having a religious wedding ceremony this June in her country NOT a legal marriage of any sort in order to keep her K-1 eligible. This is because all of her family and my family live in Syria and after this July I cant go back to Syria for 3 years due to dental school. She wanted to have a "honeymoon" after the non-legal marriage and go to Turkey. I was wondering if an engaged couple can travel together and not have problems when she comes in to the US later on. I dont want to create any issues or have the POE suspect that were married because we wont be married until she gets here to the US, where we will have a LEGAL marriage.

    Your advice please!


    An unmarried man and woman traveling together will have no impact on the visa process. However, you do not want to mention the ceremony or any honeymoon or show pictures of a ceremony at the interview. You don't want to give any reason to think you are married.

    Now if there are travel issues related to religion or otherwise, that's another matter.

    What do you mean travel issues related to religion?

  4. Hey Everyone,

    Im so happy I found this site because this process can be such a hassle. Heres my situation:

    Filed for K-1 on January 17, 2008...Recieved NOA1. Still waiting for NOA2 (looks like July/Aug) from processing times. Now here is my problem I am having a religious wedding ceremony this June in her country NOT a legal marriage of any sort in order to keep her K-1 eligible. This is because all of her family and my family live in Syria and after this July I cant go back to Syria for 3 years due to dental school. She wanted to have a "honeymoon" after the non-legal marriage and go to Turkey. I was wondering if an engaged couple can travel together and not have problems when she comes in to the US later on. I dont want to create any issues or have the POE suspect that were married because we wont be married until she gets here to the US, where we will have a LEGAL marriage.

    Your advice please!


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