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Posts posted by twizzledede

  1. I am putting together my packet and have several questions.

    1. I have a lease agreement for a flat in Egypt (I live in the states but traveled to Egypt to visit him before marriage) with my husband and I signing it but it was signed in Oct before we were married in the following May. Should I include this paper? I can see where it will cause problems as well as help.

    2. Should I include pictures of us together

    3. Should I include chat or phone records or email communication

    4. Should I include pictures of gifts that we have sent to each other

    I was told to include the least amount of information possible and to still be complete. If the above information is not needed I can see where it just might give the reviewer of the packet added fuel to ask for more information.

    I have known my husbad for 2 1/2 yrs. I went to marry him last year only to discover I was about 11 days late. We did an orfi marriage in Aug and sent it through the courts only to have it stopped by the MOJ because the US embassy and the MOJ were working together again. We were told to go back to the MOJ and marry that way. That means my first marriage does not count and can not be mentioned. But I did make 4 trips to Egypt within a year. And we were married in the MOJ in May of this year.

    We also have another stumbling block because one year ago he tried for a B1 visa but was denied and then in Jan he tried again. Should I just mention this and his business (my name is on a lot of paperwork and the web page is mine too)?

    I guess I just need help! We have a very large age gap so I want to make sure I cover the bases to show this is a true marriage and not just convenience.

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