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April and Mohamed

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Status Updates posted by April and Mohamed

  1. hey when you arrive here give me your e-mail address so we can exchange phone numbers in a more secure manner, have a good flight (or flights!)

  2. great! you'll have to come over for tea one day, and my BIL and his wife will be here and they both speak English too! you're in luck! lots of English speakers here this summer

  3. We could all go to the beach at Saidia or Cabuyawa one day, it's sooooo gorgeous out there when it's hot. Btw my husband asked if your husband went to college in Oujda because mine did and it's possible that he knows him, if he did what's his major and how old is he. My husband majored in French and is 28

  4. Great, we can talk about the details before you get here, how long will you be in the countryside? And which countryside, close to Oujda?

  5. Yeah it's like a half hour away! I go to Oujda all the time when I want to do some good shopping, especially dresses and jabadorat are so cheap out there than here. We can totally visit each other when you come!

  6. Why do you go to Oujda, don't tell me your husband lives there?? I live in Ahfir! You know where that is?

  7. No, I have my mom receiving my mail for me. That way I don't have to worry about the faulty mail system out here. Keep me updated on your progress!

  8. Thanks. They approved you pretty quick huh? And what documents are they sending in Morocco? I thought everything would be in the States...

  9. Hey what's your timeline, like when you got your first and second NOAs and anything after that, I'm trying to track the average progress, I got my first NOA back in February and I've been waiting since then...thanks!

  10. Hey what's your timeline, when you got your first and second NOA and anything after that? I got my first NOA back in February and I'm just waiting...thanks!

  11. Hey I wanted to know what your timeline is, when you got the first and second NOA etc. because I got my first NOA back in February...and I'm just waiting...

  12. Hey so how long are you gonna be here for and what part of Morocco?

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