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Posts posted by babe140385

  1. Im in the process of I-751 (removal of conditions) after a divorce. based on my research and experience so far I could tell you this evidence you have is not enough for smooth no-interview approval. (may be obvious but wanted to mention). before i go any further, even its not sought here i feel compelled to write a bit about the marriage that hasnt ended yet. It seems like your husband is not taking the change well, getting out of the army and germany etc. maybe its just me, i feel like there is a good chance that things could work for you and your husband if you guys are patient and give it time.

    anyways having said all of the above, i think there is a good chance of getting conditions removed atleast by the time you reach the board of immigration appeals (i dint say IJ). its difficult to prove that you entered in to marriage in good faith just with the stuff you have now, but if USCIS denies your case, they have to prove that you entered in to the marriage with sole purpose of immigration in mind. (i stress sole purpose, there are previous cases where judges have ruled considering immigration as a benefit out of marriage is not fraud). at the first round burden of proof is on you, the second round (appeal process) its on USCIS.

    so unless you have criminal history, or you entered in to US on a non-immigrant visa and then married some one its tough to show the motive. having a nortarized statement from your inlaws would be helpfull to successfully fight out USCIS along with the other things you have. but hey i'm not saying its easy, Im still with USCIS but i can tell you its no nice ride. specially if you go on the trials you may have to spend some serious money.

    another thing to note is that, immigration court system is running with strict scrutiny and low budget, so you want to make sure you do every thing right.

    what ever you decide, good luck!

    my husband wanted to get out of the Army and back to the Staates. He got out of medical conditions but he's doing nothing since past August!!!

    The statement i have from my In-laws is not notarized. I just wanted to have it so i can show why we don't have any rent or utility bills!!!

    It really hurts me to heare from other people who don't know me, that i enterd the marriage just to go to the staates.

    I had a good job, friends and family. I left everything behind for him and he is treading me like #######. I liked my live back in germany and i gave everything up just to be with him.

    I don't know how they would feel if there partner tells them every day there are fat (i'm 5'5 and 140 pounds) and u have to loose weight. U have bad breath (he never said something before) nothing they are doing is right and totaly ignore theme all day long. Plus he can do what he wants but if they do it it is not ok. Plus theyr partner always says they going to cheat on them anyways and don't belive u if u say something. To be not there nummber one insted maybe being the nummber four or five. Have to handle mood swings from there partner and getting threadend u getting slaped in the face or get hit with the fist or the phone book.

    I wanna see how this people see the marriage!!!!

    As i was at USCIS for my interview to get the Green Card at the embassy there were all nice and helpefull and they didn't ask me one single question about how i meet my husband or to show some evidance of our relationship. I had to sign the paper and he welcomed me to the staates!!!

  2. No, my husband never beat me (at least not yet)

    He has just changed so much from what i know before. Back in germany he was carring and always wanted to do something. Over here all he does is watching TV and playing on the computer (he is unemployed since September last year and don't make any efford to change it).

    He also calls me hore and ###### and tells me i'm fat (i've lost 10 pounds since i'm here). He don't trust me (he expect me to cheat on him) and he don't belive me if i tell him something.

    He discrespects me and told me he don't change for anybody.

    Plus i just found out after we got married that he don't have to pay child support (he is not on the birth certificate from his son) but he does 250 Dollars a month. So everytime i ask him if we going to do something he says "We don't have money" but i should pay the rent and utilitys after we moving out.

    Plus he has to pay off old bills but he is talking about getting a house. He also promised me i will be always his nummber one but i feel like i'm nummber four or five!!!

    It would take to long to tell the whole story but this is a little part of it.

  3. Hello everybody,

    i know this is topic nummber 2,225,025 about the same question but i have to ask this.

    Me and my husband got married last year in july in Germany and he got to the staates in August and i in Oktober.

    We living with my parents-in-law (don't pay rent or utilities) he don't have a job (still) and we wanted to move out on july 1 but i'm not going with him because this marriage is at the end!!

    Now my question:

    The evidance i have is:

    - Joint Tax return for 2007 (America and Germany)

    - some pictures

    - E-mail's (while we i was in germany and he over here)

    - 2 letters with our names on together (a lot just with the others name on)

    - ID-Cards showing him as my sponser (he got out of the military)

    - a conformation from my parents-in-law that we living together with them and don't pay rent

    - my application for my job showing him as my case in emergency nummber

    - car loan with both of our name on

    -car insurance with both of our name on

    We don't have any accounts together, no life- or health insurance, no credit cards or phone bills.

    Would this be enough or does anybody has and idea for more evidance??

    (No i'm not going to have a baby with him)

    Thank you very much


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