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Posts posted by couple0426

  1. THANK YOU @Girl from Celebes Subaru4Me AnotherLostSoul kool for taking you'lls time to read and reply my post. If I would have known and think better that this would be a great a mess then I could just have use the money for divorce. But my sister was helping to get this citizenship so I can get full medicaid for my OB-gyne visit and hospital bills and other benefits. I lost my job and out of work for 7 mos and I just started my new job. I tried to apply medicaid but they said I have to be a citizen or I have to be a PR for 5yrs to get the full medicaid benefits, that's why I went ahed and apply for citizenship coz I thought there would be no problem.

    BTW, the reaon why I still didnt get divorced because I cant afford for the lawyer, I just started my new job. @ kool I tried to went to the family court and filed my own divorced for cheaper but they didnt take it coz they said I have to get a lawyer since he is in prison and if he wants to appel on hearing it will be my responsibility on how to transport him from prison to the court and all the paper works that need to be done is my responsibility.

    I guess I have to say goodbye to hte $680 :crying:

  2. Hi everyone,

    I just had my interview today at 3pm in South Carolina and the officer checked the box THE DECISION CANNOT YET BE MADE. I am really worried right now if I get denied on my N400 application.

    What happened was, my husband is in prison since 2011 for Child Molestation and Sexual Abuse and other charges and found guilty last year. But before he went to jail I left him May 2010 because I was abused by him and since then I considered we were separated but I didn't know I can get legal separation here in SC. And still trying to file for divorce and until now is not done yet I cannot afford for lawyers fee. But when I filed N400 I still put married since we're not divorce yet and submitted supporting documents about our marriage.

    And now I am pregnant with my BF that I met 2012 and we've been together/lived together since then. So, I told the officer about the truth that I have a bf. I got nervous so bad that I couldn't think much what I'm gonna say. So, the Officer asked me about my husband and I told her the truth that we've been separated since 2010 and then she started asking me if I have legal separation papers. She made a sworn statement that my husband abused me and he is in prison now for different

    sexual charges. Then she asked about my boyfriend's name, when did we met, and we lived together, and when she asked me all this question about my bf I was so shaking and scared of what she gonna say. So I lied to her that me and my bf not living together. After the sworn statement signed she then told me that they're gonna review everything if I 'm eligible for citizenship and the decision will be send through mail. It was so heartbreaking because the rest of the applicant that's been interviewed same time as me they already get their Oath taking scheduled for next week.

    I know in the eyes of God is wrong for me to have a bf and lived with him knowing that I am still legally married. But I've been abused and my husband is sick in his mind molesting children!!.. I will accept any negative or positive comments. But if anyone here have the same experience with the officer, any advices will be appreciated.

    You guys think I'll get denied???? If so, can they revoke my 10 yrs greencard??? Thank for for your time reading my story. God bless everyone

  3. Hello everyone. We're going to send our I-751 next month and we're confuse about the tax. I just wanna know if we can file our tax return as MARRIED, BUT FILE SEPERATELY...or do we really need to file it jointly? This is our 2nd time to file tax..and the 1st year we filed, we filed it seperate. The reason why we want to file seperate cause hubby owes money and i don't want them to take all my refunds too.

    Any advice please??? Thank you so much.

  4. Hello everyone. I really need advice please.....Ok, and here's my story. I got here in US last 2009 as a CR1 visa holder. I am going to remove my 2yrs. green card condition next month. I have documents and other evidence of our bonafide relationship. But, I have a big problem cause my hubby is in jail since last week for some reason. Can we still file I-751 jointly? OR Do I need to request for a waiver? I don't really know what to do. I wonder if they're going to approve my 10yrs. greencard if my husband is guilty of the said charge.

    ANyone here got the same experience? All advice will be appreciated...Thank you'll.

  5. Hello MAS, I'm not a K1 holder but all I know is if you got married and adjust your status you can get 2yrs greencard in married name. I'm not 100% sure but that's what I heard from other friends. Try to call USCIS hotline and asked them why.

    Have a bless day







  6. Hi to all kababayan,

    Good day to all!. To give a short info about me, I'm a CR1 holder and just arrived here in US last month. I got my permanent card already. Now, I am confused about vaccines. I still need 2 vaccines here in US, my question is how soon it's needed? And when are we going to submitt it together with our medical CD in philippines?

    Anyone here who are done their vaccine in US? COuld you tell me when is the right to get vaccine and when to submitt it? Thanks in advance. God bless to all

    were on the same boat i dont get any vaccines yet since i got here may 5 about your questions:

    And when are we going to submitt it together with our medical CD in philippines? -submit where?? only K1 needs to complete their vaccinations for their AOS

    Anyone here who are done their vaccine in US? COuld you tell me when is the right to get vaccine and when to submitt it?-just give your vaccination records to the doctor nka indicate nman dun ung mga vaccines na kailangan mo pa

    Hi thanks for your quick reply. So u mean we are not going to submitt our vaccine result in USCIS? WE just only keep it for our records or what? Thanks so much

  7. Hi to all kababayan,

    Good day to all!. To give a short info about me, I'm a CR1 holder and just arrived here in US last month. I got my permanent card already. Now, I am confused about vaccines. I still need 2 vaccines here in US, my question is how soon it's needed? And when are we going to submitt it together with our medical CD in philippines?

    Anyone here who are done their vaccine in US? COuld you tell me when is the right to get vaccine and when to submitt it? Thanks in advance. God bless to all

  8. Ate toni,

    I tried to detox my hair using the vitamin c powder and vinegar and hot water...ang ginawa ko pa after mgrinse ng shampoo nilgay ko ung lhat ng png detox then rinse well tpos conditioner after tpos nrinse ko dn ung conditioner..TAma po ba ako???? sorry po ha ang kulit ko hehehe

    Natumbok mo sis:)walang problema sa pagiging makulit..pero yung sa pangdetox i hope you leave it on for a little while?

    Thanks ate, But after ko nilagay ung png detox cgro 2-3 minutes binanlawan ko na then i applied conditioner after..ilng minutes po bah ibabad ung detox s hair bago mg conditioner?

  9. Ate toni,

    I tried to detox my hair using the vitamin c powder and vinegar and hot water...ang ginawa ko pa after mgrinse ng shampoo nilgay ko ung lhat ng png detox then rinse well tpos conditioner after tpos nrinse ko dn ung conditioner..TAma po ba ako???? sorry po ha ang kulit ko hehehe

  10. Hi ate maritoni,

    Im following this thread and I really enjoy this. ANyway, I already tried the mayonaise and it's very nice ang lambot ng hair ko kaso ang bantot!.. I want to try the Vitamin-C powder with Cider Vinegar. San ba ako makakabili ng Cider Vinegar d2 s manila? KC I tried to look sa supermarket pro wla akng makita. Tpos yung Vit-C, dudurogin ko lng ung Ascorbic acid pra mging powder right??..ANyone here na may alam kng san makakabili ng cider vinegar?

    Thanks a lot. God bless

  11. always put an answer even if its N/A Yes put paytro whatever it was name as other name used and its ok to put what it is.... sorry I didnt look hard just wanted to give my advice. Good luck Thank God I have a smart wife cause for some reason I felt really stupid when it came to all this paper work. Not a normal condition but I was just lost. She did a wonderful job and did not let me hire a laywer as I wanted to do. We are completed our journey as of yesterday... now I am just trying to get the extra money for a plane ticket and we are set

    good luck to you and all others that are here for real and true love be blessed. Women submit to your own husband. Men be good with honor and respect to your own wives.

  12. Hello sa lahat,

    Me and Marphee got pink sleep yesterday!..very thankful to God. Goodluck to all who have itnerview today at s mga darating png iinterviewhin. Just trust God and keep praying. God bless to all

  13. HI ariesgirl!,

    SOrry to know about your case. I hope u will get your visa soon.

    By the way, after yur interview did they let you paid the Air 21 delivery or they just told u right after interview that your case will undergo FPU? Just wondering cause I was interviewed yesterday and the american consul is very rude to me cause I am nervous and he really asked me so hard, and after interview her didnt tell me I am approve. But i paid AIr 21, is it mean I am approve? Or he will put my case to FPU because the way he interviewed me?

    ANyone here can give me clarrification?

  14. When Mel and I were taking the train from London, ON to Montreal, I looked at the map of where VIA Rail goes, and noticed....... That it has service to Churchill, Manitoba. Despite my better judgement, I had to point it out to Mel. Her reaction was priceless.

    "Jesus, you do realize that you can't ride a polar bear right? You can't feed them, you can't pet them. They kill people. I'm not going to Churchill with you. You can go yourself".

    I just added that one to the list of things i'm never allowed to have. Never allowed to have a rascal, or a midget bodyguard either. :rofl:

    Haaaa OMG I really needed a Good laugh like this. My wife is on here sometimes and I seldom go but lately we have had alot of things going on. Nothing bad between us just other issues. It was nice to have a nice laugh. I'm so excited she will be here in MAY mmmmm cant wait to feel her arms around me. Thanks for the laugh... something you can pass along is .... NO JOKE when playing in the ocean with my new little brother we would pick up the little star fish and throw them at each other like NINJA STARS hahaha was fun. I thought star fish are only for like covering up body parts?? like a filipino bikini??? hahahah ;)

  15. hello guys, count me......

    my interview will be on may 6 and im planning to have my medical on april 20 and 21.

    Hi R&R!!

    Nice to know that we have same interview and I'm also planning to have medical April 20 & 21..same with u. Hope to meet u there. Just pm me if u dont mind

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